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杂志排版格式? 杂志排版尺寸?英文双语对照


杂志排版格式? 杂志排版尺寸?英文双语对照
















1. 网格系统:杂志通常使用网格系统来组织内容和设计元素,保持页面的整洁和统一性。网格可以帮助确定文本和图片的位置、大小和间距,提供页面结构的基础。

2. 页面平衡与对称:杂志页面的整体布局应该是平衡的,左右两侧的内容在视觉上应该具有对称性。这可以通过在页面上对称地放置图片、文本框或其他设计元素来实现。

3. 趋向线与阅读流:趋向线是指在页面上用线条或其他元素引导读者的眼睛流动的路径。通过合理安排趋向线,可以引导读者在阅读过程中顺畅地浏览杂志内容。

4. 字体和字号的选择:选择合适的字体和字号是排版的关键。标题通常使用较大而突出的字体,正文则选择易读且与整体风格相匹配的字体。同时,要注意保持字体的一致性,避免在不同页面或版块使用过多不同的字体。

5. 图片与文字的配合:杂志排版中,图片和文字是紧密结合的。图片应与文字相辅相成,相互补充、呼应或对比,以创造视觉冲击力和吸引读者的注意力。

6. 白空间的运用:白空间是指未被填充内容的空白区域。合理运用白空间可以增加页面的整洁感和可读性,使内容更加突出。

7. 色彩搭配:选择合适的配色方案是营造杂志风格和氛围的重要因素。色彩的运用需要根据杂志的主题和内容进行选择,同时要注意色彩的搭配和平衡,以避免过于混乱或单调。














1. 下载这个软件Adobe InDesign

它具有强大的电子出版和网络出版的制作功能,可制作出令人满意的纸质出版物、电子出版物等。InDesign作为一个优秀的图形图像编辑及排版软件,不仅能够产生专业级的全色彩效果,还可以将文件输出为PDF、HTML等文件格式,是跨媒体出版的领航者。Adobe InDesign是多页面高效排版设计的不二之选,一般的好看的杂志,书籍和画册都是用Adobe InDesign 来设计排版的。性能优异,使用方便,所见即所得,生成PDF文件及导出各类图片文件非常方便。由于InDesign的功能非常强大,想要完全掌握它是有一定难度的,但是对于有PhotoShop基础的人来说,学InDesign是一件很简单的事情呢!

2 在根据文章内容和图片设计版面的美观性。

3 出样刊,看效果,在改进


版面位置 规格(高×宽)㎜ 封面拉页 210×370 内页整版 210×185封二、封底 210×185内页跨页 210×370封 三 210×185 内页末页 210×370封底拉页 210×370内页竖半版 210×92 内页首页 210×185内页横半版 105×185扉页跨页 210×370内页1/4版 105×92 目 录 页 210×90目录页对手页 210×185


One, magazine composing format?

Include the content of the following respects commonly:

1. layout: Layout needs to consider the factor such as collocation of integral style, color, format, in order to achieve beautiful, legible, conspicuous result.

2. font and name: The choice suits the font of magazine style and name, should compare a book commonly or paper is a few bigger, and between the caption that should assure to differ, text and annotate apparent difference.

3. text composition: According to the different type of the article and style, use corresponding text composition form, for example column of section, cent, right neat, retractive etc.

4. matchs graph and format: The magazine uses a picture to attract a reader in great quantities, because this need consideration matchs a plan the position, size, amount, color and lie between with the area between the character wait for a problem. Magazine layout also should carry certain stability and law, because this conduces to a reader,be read and understand magazine content.

5. page structure: The frame of each page needs to had been designed, include foot of the top margin of a page of page number, page, page to wait, also need to consider each page to go up at the same time of main content distributing and arrange.

Anyhow, magazine composing need undertakes according to different style and purpose custom-built change a design, in order to satisfy the reader's demand and expectation.

2, magazine composing dimension?

Dimension of general finished product is: 210 * 285mm; Namely 16 size. Both sides adds the haemorrhage of 3mm each.

General 16 magazines size is: 184mm*260mm or 210mm*285mm32 open book size to be: 1Size of paper of 30mm*184 or 140mm*210mm are small edition is: 2Size of paper of 70mm*390mm is big edition is: 3The dimension of 90mm*540mmA4 is " 210 * 297 " , and our general magazine, make it " 215 * 285 " . No matter you are,by one page one page is discharged, still be two pages are discharged together, finally is to send eduction to come commonly of single page (unless paperboard book the special requirement of what) , black-and-white moment also can be the edition that one page spells one page

3, travel magazine how composing?

Discharge important information in front page, want to accomplish graph Wen Bingmao, attract a reader.

4, magazine composing rule?

   Magazine composing is to point to content, picture and design element organic union, in order to form a kind beautiful, legible with conspicuous layout means. It is a few common magazine composing laws below:

1.Reseau system: The magazine uses reseau system to organize content and design element normally, those who hold a page is neat with oneness. Reseau can help the position of certain text version and picture, size and span, provide the basis of page structure.

2.Page balance and semmetry: The integral layout of magazine page should be a balance, the content that controls two side should have symmetry on the vision. This can pass symmetrical on the page ground to place casing of picture, text or other design element to come true.

3.Trend line and read stream: Trend line is the method that the eye that points to the person that introduction is made with line or other element on the page flows. Pass line of reasonable arrangement trend, the person that can make introduction browses magazine content smoothly in reading a process.

4.The choice of font and name: Choosing appropriate font and name is the key of composing. Caption uses bigger and outstanding style normally, text criterion choice is legible and the style that matchs with integral color photograph. In the meantime, want to notice to maintain the consistency of font, avoid to be in different page or edition piece use the style that differs too much.

5.Of picture and character cooperate: In magazine composing, picture and character are close together union. The picture should supplement each other with the character, mutual complement, echo or contrast, in order to create visual wallop and the attention that draw a reader.

6.Of white space apply: White space is to point to not by the clear area region of fill content. Reasonable the neat sense that uses white space to be able to add a page and readability, make content more outstanding.

7.Colour is tie-in: Choosing appropriate match colors plan is the main factor that builds magazine style and atmosphere. Colorific applies need to undertake choosing according to the theme of the magazine and content, should notice to colorific matchs and be balanced at the same time, in order to avoid too confused or drab.

Above is a few common magazine composing laws, of course, particular composing kind still can be sufferred by the type of the magazine, target numerous the influence that waits for an element with design style. Different magazine may have different composing pattern and originality, the key is to be in what content pays attention to in the design to appear with the reader read an experience.

5, what calls a magazine composing?

Magazine composing is a kind of unusual style and the journal that often changes, have the character of diversification. The design of text content composing of general book is following whole book keep consistent, and periodical magazine wants besides type page norms and complete print is united outside, other the content in each columns can change somewhat on composition of a picture of style picture composing.

6, cate magazine classification?

How does the introduction make food.

Introductory cate is occupational person.

Introduce meal.

7, how does magazine composing company collect fees?

Magazine composing company, by magazine page number collects fees, cover needs to design an element to compare much meeting to collect fees alone.

8, does cate magazine establish setting?

" cate " magazine start publication in January 1989, it is the publication that bound of Jiangsu province meal has international home exclusively to publish print name, be speech of Jiangsu meal course of study advocate position.

" cate " the reform that the magazine is paying close attention to meal bound all the time and development, explore meal bound to reform medium practice and academic problem hard, the mining that devotes oneself to meal culture, research, and transmission. Come 20 years, " cate " the cate of characteristic name dot that the magazine publishs is detailed the introduction that cooks a method, be contended for by numerous name hutch, hotel cite; Jiangsu saves sanitation to supervise place and collaboration of province cooking association, in " cate " sanitation is established to supervise in the magazine board piece the carrier that publicizes as wholesome law laws and regulations, supervise sanitation execute the law with advocate sincere letter to manage, guide health to consume union to rise. Since 2009, " cate " the notes goes monthly magazine permissibly, of information information deliver more at once. Already became Jiangsu to issue the media of industry authority mainstream with the widest, the biggest circulation. Circumstance of bear the palm: Jiangsu was saved 2009 " bright phearl award " .

9, how to undertake press composing?

1.Download this software Adobe InDesign

It has powerful electron to publish what publish with the network to make a function, can make satisfactory paper publication, electron publication wait. InDesign regards an outstanding graphical picture as editor and composing software, can produce the panchromatic colour result of professional class not only, still can be file output the file format such as PDF, HTML, it is the person that cross the navigate that media publishs. Adobe InDesign is much page efficient composing designs not two anthology, general good-looking magazine, book and an album of paintings design composing with Adobe InDesign. Performance is superior, use convenient, be seen namely earning, generate PDF file to reach derive file of of all kinds picture is very convenient. Because the function of InDesign is very powerful, wanting to master it completely have certain difficulty, but to having the person of PhotoShop foundation for, learning InDesign is a very simple thing!

The 2 beautiful sexes that designing space of a whole page according to article content and picture.

3 type print, see the effect, improving

10, the composing scale with dress best magazine?

Layout position norms (tall × is wide) ㎜ cover pulls a page 210 × 370 inside page full page 185 inside front cover of 210 × , back cover 210 × 185 inside the page crosses a page 370 inside back cover of 210 × 210 × 185 inside page 370 back cover of 210 × pull end page page 210 × 370 inside page
