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01. 就是你了 神奇宝贝!(小智、小茂登场,小智得到皮卡丘并看到凤王)   02. 在神奇宝贝中心的决斗(小霞加入,火箭队登场)   03. 终于捉到神奇宝贝了(小智收服绿毛虫并进化成铁甲蛹, 收服比比鸟)   04. 少年武士的挑战(小智的铁甲蛹进化成巴大蝴)   05. 皮卡丘要进行特训!(小刚加入,小智得到灰色徽章)   06. 很多皮皮在这里(小刚收服超音蝠)   07. 美女四人组(小智得到蓝色徽章)   08. 百战百胜的小明   09. 深山里的贵族学校   10. 猜不到有意外收获(小智收服妙蛙种子)   11. 失去主人的小火龙(小智得到小火龙)   12. 杰尼龟军团登场(小智收服杰尼龟)   13. 正辉的灯塔(小智收服大钳蟹)   14. 电击大对决(小智得到橙色徽章)   15. 超级油轮的战斗   16. 海上漂流记   17. 荒岛历险记   18. 清保高的假期   19. 巨大的神奇宝贝,都市大袭击(小霞收服墨海马)   20. 在夏天出现的鬼神奇宝贝   21. 巴大蝴再见(小智的巴大蝴离队)   22. 凯西,超能力大决斗   23. 在神奇宝贝塔收服幽灵   24. 鬼斯通对抗超能力(小智得到黄金徽章)   25. 火爆猴,别生气哦!(小智收服火爆猴)   26. 艾莉嘉和臭臭花(小智得到彩虹徽章)   27. 索利柏与神奇宝贝催眠 (小霞得到可达鸭)   28. 美容街,饲育家大决斗(小刚得六尾)   29. 格斗神奇宝贝大决斗(小智的火爆猴离队)   30. 小磁怪的电气老鼠之梦(小智收服臭臭泥)   31. 好多地鼠(武藏的阿柏蛇进化成阿柏怪,小次郎的瓦斯弹进化成双弹瓦斯)   32. 浅红道馆的忍者决斗 (小智得到粉红徽章)   33. 火焰的神奇宝贝大赛跑   34. 袋龙的摇篮曲   35. 迷你龙的传说(小智收服肯泰罗)   36. 暴风雨的单车路   37. 百变怪跟模仿少女   38. 皮卡丘的森林(原本是电脑战士3D龙)   39. 伊布四兄弟   40. 醒来吧!卡比兽!   41. 神奇宝贝道馆的决斗   42. 椰蛋树军团大前进(小智的小火龙进化成火恐龙)   43. 派拉斯跟派拉斯特   44. 胖丁唱歌吧   45. 复活?化石神奇宝贝(小智的火恐龙进化成喷火龙,得到蛋)   46. 吉利蛋的病历簿   47. 卡蒂狗跟小次郎   48. 大葱鸭的鸭   49. 波克比是谁的呢(蛋孵化成波可比,小霞得到)   50. 妙蛙种子的不思议花园(小智的妙蛙种子学会阳光烈焰)   51. 激斗!神奇宝贝娃娃节(武藏收服大舌头)   52. 儿童节全员大集合   53. 警犬卡蒂狗   54. 按快门的机会是皮卡丘   55. 神奇宝贝鉴定考   56. 抚养家的秘密(亚马多、小三郎登场)   57. 燃烧吧!红莲道馆   58. 决战红莲道馆 (小智得到深红徽章)   59. 克美波美岛   60. 华蓝道馆,水中战斗(小霞把墨海马和宝石海星存在道馆)   61. 皮皮对抗胖丁   62. 常磐道馆,最后的徽章(小智得到绿色徽章)   63. 神奇宝贝马戏团的吸盘魔偶 (小智的妈妈得到吸盘魔偶)   64. 迷唇姐的圣诞节   65. 用大岩蛇露营   66. 宿敌大决斗,大木研究所   67. 当呆呆兽变成呆河马的时候   68. 踏浪皮卡丘的传说   69. 植物园的臭臭花   70. 神奇宝贝电影   71. 喵喵之歌   72. 四天王希巴登场   73. 激烈冲突 超古代神奇宝贝   74. 嘎啦嘎啦的骨头棒   75. 开火!神奇宝贝联盟开幕式   76. 神奇宝贝联盟开幕!水之场地(小智的大钳蟹归队并进化成巨钳蟹)   77. 冰之场地 火炎之战   78. 草之场地 意外的强敌   79. 劲敌登场(阿弘登场)   80. 石英运动场VS阿弘(小智止步石英大会前16强)   81. 石英联盟 最后战斗


01.It is you mystical good-for-nothing or queer character! (small wisdom, small luxuriant come on stage, small wisdom get Pikaqiu and see phoenix king)     02. The duel that is in center of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character (small glow is joined, rocket team comes on stage)     03. Held magical baby eventually (small wisdom close take green caterpillar and evolution becomes armour aurelian, close take frequently bird)     04. The challenge of junior palace guard (small wisdom armour aurelian evolution is become cling to big Hu)     05. Pi Kaqiu should undertake special example! (small just joined, small wisdom receive gray badge)     06. Skin of a lot of skins is here (small just closed take supersonic bat)     07. 4 people of belle group (small wisdom receive blue badge)     08. The Xiaoming     that emerge victorious in every battle 09. The   of aristocratic school   in remote mountains 10. Guess less than having to be harvested accidentally (small wisdom close take clever frog seed)     11. The small firedrake that loses host (small wisdom get small firedrake)     12. Outstanding Buddhist nun chelonian army group comes on stage (small wisdom close take outstanding Buddhist nun chelonian)     13. brightness beacon (small wisdom close take tongs crab)     14. Pairs electrical shock is big definitely (small wisdom receive orange badge)     15. The battle     of super tanker 16. Maritime float writes down     17. Barren island adventure writes down     18. Qing Dynasty protects tall holiday     19. Immense magical treasured object, city makes a surprise attack greatly (small glow stops the sea horse that take ink stick)     20. The   of   of strange baby of ghosts and gods that appears in summer 21. Cling to big Hu good-bye (small wisdom cling to big Hu drop out)     22. Kathy, exceed   of   of ability big decisive struggle 23. Close in tower of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character take ghostliness     24. Ghost Stone defies exceed capacity (small wisdom receive gold badge)     25. Hot monkey, fasten life! (small wisdom close take hot clever boy)     26. Ai Li fine with smelly smelly flower (small wisdom receive rainbow badge)     27. Suo Libai and mystical good-for-nothing or queer character are hypnotic (small glow gets can amounting to duck)     28. Hairdressing street, big decisive struggle of raise Home Yo (small just got 6 remaining part)     29. Fistfight is magical baby big decisive struggle (small wisdom hot monkey drop out)     30. The dream of the electric mice with small strange magnetism (small wisdom close take smelly smelly mashed vegetable or fruit)     31. A lot of shrewmouse (Cheng Abai blames evolution of A Bai snake, small the gas of man plays evolution geminate play gas)     32. The duel of the person that bear of house of easy red way (small wisdom receive pink badge)     33. The   of   of big race of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character of blaze 34. The cradlesong     of bag dragon 35. The fokelore that confuses your dragon (small wisdom close take Kentailuo)     36.   of   of stormy bicycle road 37. 100 become strange to follow imitate girl     38. Pi Kaqiu's forest (it is dragon of computer soldier 3D originally)     39. Yi Bu   of 4 brother   40. Awake! Card compares animal! 41. The duel     of house of path of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 42. Army group of coconut egg tree advances greatly (small wisdom small firedrake evolution becomes igneous dinosaur)     43. The clique is pulled this Lasite following a group     44. Fat man sings     45. Renascent? Fossil is magical baby (small wisdom igneous dinosaur evolution becomes eruptive dragon, get an egg)     46. The   of anamnesis book   of auspicious egg 47. Dog blocking the base of a fruit follows man     small 48. The duck     of duck of green Chinese onion 49. Who Bokebi is (egg hatch becomes Bokebi, small glow gets)     50. Of clever frog seed do not think of discuss a garden (small wisdom blaze of intense of sunshine of society of clever frog seed)     51. Stimulate bottle! Division of child of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character (Wu Cang closes take a thick-tongued person)     52. The Children's Festival is complete a   of big rally   53.   of   of dog of the base of a fruit of police dog card 54. The opportunity that presses shutter is   of Pi Kaqiu   55. Appraisal of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character takes an examination of     56. The secret that brings up the home (Yamaduo, small 3 man come on stage)     57. Combustion!   of   of house of red lotus path 58. House of path of decisive battle red lotus (small wisdom receive scarlet badge)     59.   of   of beautiful island of the wave that overcome the United States 60. House of Hua La path, the battle in water (small glow exists Chinese ink sea horse and lapidary sea star house)     61.   of   of fat man of leather skin antagonism 62. Chang Pandao house, final badge (small wisdom receive green badge)     63. The sucking disk demon with mystical circus wagon good-for-nothing or queer character occasionally (small wisdom mom gets sucking disk evil spirit occasionally)     64. The christmas     of the elder sister that confuse a lip 65. Camp with big rock snake     66. Constellation enemy big decisive struggle, big wood institute     67. When slow-witted slow-witted animal becomes slow-witted hippo     68. The fabulous     of Pikaqiu stepping billow 69. The   of smelly smelly beautiful   of arboretum 70.   of   of movies of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 71. The song     that mew mews 72. 4 days of king Xibadeng field     73. Intense conflict transcends ancient time   of   of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character 74.   of bone marvellous   75. Firing! Mystical good-for-nothing or queer character is allied   of opening ceremony   76. Alliance of mystical good-for-nothing or queer character kicks off! The field of water (small wisdom tongs crab rejoin is developmental into gigantic clamp crab)     77. Glacial field the battle     with phlogistic fire 78. The   of strong opponent   with careless accident field 79. Strong opponent comes on stage (A Hong comes on stage)     80. Quartz playground VS A Hong (small wisdom quartz of go no further before congress 16 strong)     81. Quartz is allied and final battle
