其实这些枪战类游戏的内容和现实生活还是有较多差异的,所以你千万不能把这些游戏和现实划等号- -,我和你一样,都很喜欢枪战类游戏,下面是我的一些心得:1.在每一类枪械中选一把最适合自己的武器,反复练习,慢慢地适应它们(推荐先练习突击步枪,然后狙击枪)。2:在对战要学会换位思考,想想如果你是对手,你会藏在哪里,选哪条路走等。3:时常看看游戏的雷达,有的游戏在友军遭遇敌人的时候会把敌人的位置标识在雷达上,此外你还可以通过友军的阵亡来判断敌军的位置。。。。大概就这些了,主要还是靠自己慢慢琢磨,祝你早日成为FPS高手!
注:如果你想体验极致真实的枪战游戏的话,建议试试 武装突袭2 (不过相对来说对电脑要求较高。)
战争网游的话就玩使命召唤online。它是一款 现代战争系列,剧情连贯,是个完整的故事。很好玩。现代的战争类网游,飞机,坦克,大炮应有尽有.现在已经公测了,不限号。挺刺激的。就像回到二站时期的中国战场。画面跟电影是的,火爆的战斗场面,丰富的地图、武器可以供你选择。还可以连机,和自己的朋友一起玩。
1.CF也就是我们经常说的穿越火线。《穿越火线》是韩国Smile Gate公司在2008年推出的次时代网络枪战游戏大作,是一款以两大国际佣兵组织为背景,分析了包括《反恐精英》在内的多款人气FPS的缺点,并吸取了国内玩家所喜爱的各项枪战游戏内容后,所提供的一款第一人称射击游戏。
2.CSOL,也叫反恐精英OL。《反恐精英Online》是以游戏《反恐精英》为基础, 该游戏在完全继承原作精髓的基础上添加了新的模式、地图和角色,使玩家能够更好地体验网络化后带来的便利与快乐。
3.反恐行动。《反恐行动》,是一款由金山软件自主研发和运营的3D主视角射击(FPS)时尚浪漫枪战网游。 是国内第一款中国制造的枪战射击网游
那枪战游戏真的是太多了,比较主流的有CF,CS GO.绝地求生,和平精英,逆战。荒野求生。使命召唤,战地之王等等一些游戏。
Can play play mission call Online, I and friends are playing, and the person is very much inside game, be by move inspect blizzard research and development, perspective of the first person shoots play network to swim, no matter be a picture, still be acoustical effect is very great, on the nervous and exciting foundation that continuance FPS net swims, gave us freer play room, and the subjective activity that more of this kind of play is support player, is not to borrow what mechanism of certain and special game causes " congenital difference " , young associate people join come in, fight together
Gunfight of the whole people, one
Killer 2 shadow are conspiratorial
Corpse front
Very glad to can solve for you: Mad wild western, mad wild western life and death is affined, violent wild western big poison fierces and ambitious.
Still have a wild big armed escort: Save atone for, do not have PC edition nevertheless, can buy family expenses machine only, namely PS3 and X360If you say is game of FPS of the first person, resemble doing not have a few good, kill region employs mercenary, mission call 9, resistance burns, 13 maniple are waited a moment, if be,the 3rd person and gunfight are concerned, that mystery maritime space, alloy equips, biochemistry is apocalyptic 2 etc
1, headquarters of return De Jun
2, the road that seek to live on
3, mission call series
4, snipe elite series
5, series of Gu island crisis
This is 3d vertigo, play FPS commonly (the first person shoots play) the symptom is the most apparent. Some people play time long can suit, some people won't suit forever. I am from the back the sort of, do not have a predestined relationship with this kind of game.
My Cs5 minute, 2 meals from the back can be saved.
Appear the illusion that this reason is cerebrum, the picture in screen is in mobile, the player's body is actual it is place is quiet, vision and movables of actual oneself carry give birth to an error, cerebrum wants to amended this error how to also to amend the feeling that produces dizziness so however.
General motorial the person that develop appears easily such phenomenon.
Can download in applying treasure, also can steward so that Tecent hand swims through computer assistant plays on computer, it is OK to should apply for king of a Tecent to get stuck only avoid discharge to download this kind of game, on the mobile phone download applies treasure, click administrative pushbutton next, click upper part to log onto individual center again, it is OK to apply for according to clew again, the hope can help you.
Actually these gunfight kind the content of game and reality live or have more difference, so your ten million cannot delimit these game and reality equal-sign - - , I and you are same, like gunfight very much kind game, my a few results are below: 1. Be chosen in each kinds of firearms a weapon that suits oneself most, practice repeatedly, get used to them slowly (recommend practice assault musket first, next snipe gun) . 2: Wanting to learn conversion to think to battle, if you are adversary,think, you can hide where, choose which road to go etc. 3: See the radar of game constantly, the positional label that some game meet an enemy when friendly forces encounters the enemy is on radar, in addition the position that you still can judge enemy through the be killed in battle of friendly forces. . . . Probably with respect to these, still basically rely on oneself to consider slowly, wish you become FPS past master at an early date!
Note: If you want to experience the gunfight play with real acme, the proposal tries armed assault 2 (opposite nevertheless for taller to computer requirement. )
Mission call Online plays if warlike net swims. It is series of a modern war, gut is coherent, it is a whole story. Very amused. Modern war kind the net swims, plane, tank, cannon have everything that one expects to find. Already fair now measured, do not be restricted date. Quite exciting. Resemble returning the Chinese battlefield of 2 stations period. The picture follows the film yes, hot battle scene, rich map, weapon can choose for you. Still can connect machine, play together with oneself friend.
1.CF namely we often say pass through live wire. " pass through live wire " it is the your work of game of gunfight of second times network that company of Korea Smile Gate rolled out 2008, it is with mercenary of two big international the organization is setting one, analysed include " fear elite instead " inside the defect of FPS of energy of life of much money person, after absorbing the content of each gunfight game that domestic player place loves, a when offer the first person shoots play.
2.CSOL, also make fear elite OL instead. " fear elite Online instead " be with game " fear elite instead " for the foundation, this game added new pattern, map and part on the foundation of marrow of completely successive original work, make the player can experience the advantage that brings after network and joy better.
3. fears the move instead. " fear the move instead " , it is by golden hill software own research and development is mixed one the 3D of operation advocate the perspective shoots (FPS) net of fashionable and romantic gunfight swims. It is the gunfight fire network that the first China of domestic creates swims
The king of 4. battleground. Game setting set is " the mainland that flames of war flies violently " , cent is the country inside game like similar World War II two a group of people of same interest: Mix federally allied forces. According to battlefield environment different, the player can choose to investigate arms, assault arms, sharp-shooter 3 kinds of arm of services, help group is occupied in antagonism advantage.
5. war front. Conflict of military affairs of up to future is setting, use make from some CryENGINE engine.
That gunfight game is too much really, those who compare the main trend have CF, CS GO. Seek to live on absolutely, peaceful elite, go against battle. Wild seek to live on. Mission call, the king of battleground waits a few game a moment.