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交联度(crosslinking degree)是评估某些材料中分子间交联程度的指标,通常用于聚合物、橡胶和凝胶等材料的质量控制和研究。以下介绍一些常见的交联度测试方法:

1. 热重分析法(Thermogravimetric Analysis, TGA):将待测样品加热至高温,通过监测样品随着升温而失重的情况来计算交联度。原理是,交联度较高的样品在高温下脱附水分和挥发性成份的速率较低。

2. 水浸法(Swelling Test):将待测样品在一定时间内浸泡在水或其他适当溶液中,然后测量样品的吸水量或体积变化,从而进行交联度的计算。原理是,交联度较高的样品吸水能力较差。

3. 差示扫描量热法(Differential Scanning Calorimeter, DSC):通过测量待测样品在变温过程中的热容变化,来反推交联度。原理是,交联度大的样品因为更加致密,热容值会相对偏小。

4. 核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR) 法:通过核磁共振技术分析样品分子的结构和交联程度。原理是固态核磁共振技术中使用13C或1H核实现相应区域不同化学环境的差异来表征交联度。



试验目的 通过测定骨料最大粒径不大于37.5mm、坍落度值不小于10mm的塑性混凝土拌合物坍落度,同时评定混凝土拌合物的粘聚性和保水性,为混凝土配合比设计、混凝土拌合物质量评定提供依据;掌握GB/T50080—2002《普通混凝土拌和物性能试验方法标准》的测试方法,正确使用所用仪器与设备,并熟悉其性能。









可以用Agilent 8714ET这款仪器测试。





One, what does symptom of postpartum and depressed test have?

The semiotic majority expression of postpartum and depressed disease is a mood low, downhearted, easy sadness and cry, the patient often feels the mood is somber, do not coordinate with family friend relation, lack confidence to the life, it is difficult to fall asleep, the family member should give company more, undertake communicating communication more, accompany her to do the business that her likes, the case is severe person also can do psychological dredge to the hospital.

2, how does test of peaceful mental health log onto aid?

The entry way that peaceful mental health tests aid is as follows: Above all, open benefit website of government of test of peaceful mental health, find on home page " login " pushbutton, click enter entry page. Next, input the user name that already registered and password, click " login " pushbutton can enter test interface. If had been not registered, can click " register " pushbutton, fill in individual information finishs the reentry after registering to login all right. After entry success, can choose corresponding test project to have a test according to testing a type. In checking a process, want to read a title seriously, undertake replying according to actual condition, in order to assure the accuracy of test result. After the test ends, can examine test result and explanation, also can be saved at the same time or share test result.

3, is the depressed test measuring a watch that the hospital does accurate?

Accurate, and very accurate, the depressed test measuring a watch of the hospital is the various symptoms that pass patient of a lot of depressed disease summary is Baconian come out, be authoritative sex, professional.

4, university mental health checks a problem, seek the solution urgently?

Essential with respect to answer of it doesn't matter.

. . Want yourself psychology to be no problem only, that serious answering question went, perhaps choose you to think every time a the most healthy that. Had better not answer in disorder, his title is around echo, if answering in disorder, the meeting is apparent, if the word of the answering question on the net, can have not connected, the word of questionnaire, be indifferent to

5, shake the test on sound depressed be false still really?

Partly true, depressed disease should go professional psychological medical establishment goes checking, on the net can not believe completely. Believe oneself, depressed disease also is not treated completely without method, can rely on oneself, be treated with time slowly, cooperate the doctor's cure, take medicine on time, move on time, whats had been met, also need not fear, depressed not terrible, terrible is him to him self-distrust, believe oneself are OK conquer everything, cheer, need not fear, the way that still has a lot of is in waiting for you, good thing also can run quickly to you, cannot because of a depressed go no further not before, cheer, the meeting is better tomorrow

6, does cross-linking spend test method?

Cross-linking is spent (Crosslinking Degree) the index that is degree of the cross-linking between the element in evaluating certain material, the quality that is used at the material such as polymer, balata and gel normally is controlled and study. Introduce a few common cross-linking to spend test method below:

1.Law of hot serious analysis (Thermogravimetric Analysis, TGA) : Will wait for measure sample to heat to high temperature, through monitoring sample as warm up and the case of weightlessness will calculate cross-linking is spent. The principle is, the rate that cross-linking spends taller sample to issue desorption moisture and volatile component in high temperature is inferior.

2.Leach law (Swelling Test) : Will wait for measure sample to immerse inside proper time in water or other and appropriate solution, the water absorption that surveys sample next or bulk change, the consideration that undertakes cross-linking is spent thereby. The principle is, cross-linking spends taller sample bibulous ability is poorer.

3.Difference shows scanning to measure hot way (Differential Scanning Calorimeter, DSC) : Wait for through measuring survey sample becoming lukewarm the thermal capacitance in the process changes, will push cross-linking to spend instead. The principle is, cross-linking is spent because large sample is more compact, thermal capacitance value can slant relatively small.

4.Nuclear magnetic resonance (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, NMR) law: Analyse the structure of sample element and cross-linking degree through technology of nuclear magnetic resonance. The principle is solid state uses 13C in technology of nuclear magnetic resonance or 1H nucleus realizes relevant section the difference of different and chemical environment comes token cross-linking is spent.

Why is the choice planted the method undertakes checking meeting be measured the influence of a variety of elements such as sample type, purpose and budget, need to be decided according to particular case.

7, does mortar collapse fall degree of test?

Experiment purpose the plasticity concrete that through determining aggregate is the biggest diameter is not more than 37.5mm, slump value to not be less than 10mm mixes slump closing matter, at the same time assess concrete mixes close matter stick get together gender and protect ability in swimming, cooperate to mix than design, concrete for concrete assess of quality closing matter provides a basis; Master GB/T50080, 2002 " common concrete blends method standard of content function experiment " test method, use place correctly to use instrument and device, be familiar with its function.

8, does electrostatic feeling spend test standard?

Electrostatic test is spin industry detects commonly usedly one of index, especially taller to electrostatic requirement textile, its take n circumstance to be able to browbeat the manufacturing construction of the industry, the execution with so strict need is electrostatic relative standard, the percent of pass that makes sure textile is electrostatic is manufacturing life must condition.

Textile is electrostatic detect

What the antistatic property of spin product can have report through measuring fabric is easy spend and fabric charge attenuation undertakes assessment. The fiber with good antistatic property and fabric arise not easily or gather case electrostatic, use what do not have report so or the product antistatic property that the fiber with charge fast attenuation and fabric make is close friends.

9, how does the test show calorie of health to spend?

The examination shows calorie of drive to run circumstance and health to spend, use open normally it is OK that this shows calorie of performance support is fluent the method of the large and professional program that run and large stand-alone game, because such ability divisions are separate,the nucleus is shown with the difference that shows moving program alone.

If open ran large order or game, discover run stream free, frame number is higher, the picture does not appear phenomenon blocking screen, the OK and affirmatory drive that show clip moves good.

10, does segregation spend test method?

Can use Agilent 8714ET this instrument checks.

 Radio frequency switch keeps apart spent test method to be: A broadband the 2 radio frequency switch that choose one output, frequency arrives 4G, segregation is spent control in 30dB. The coupling termination switch of a 10 coupler, direct termination outlet of a blind + Cable, 20dBm, the signal of 2G carries an input from coupler input.

When switch all the way ground connection, when another test segregation is spent, discover coupler is direct after the outlet that carry blind controls strong force to move up and down, switch measures the power Level difference that come out very big.

 For example below normal circumstance, take no account of line caustic, switch port measures the power that come out to be controlled in 20dBm-10dB-30dB=-20dBm. But the data that come out is measured to be able to arrive sometimes after strong force is mobile - 8dBm.
