Regard Chinese recreation as the industry get army one of enterprises, le Hua recreation devotes oneself to to search for and foster fine actor all the time, in order to satisfy an audience the demand to diversity recreation content. 2018, le Hua recreation faces the potential youth Caijun inside countrywide limits and talented woman to develop activity of invite applications for a job again, the person that encircles to want to step recreation offers an opportunity.
The personage need that shares invite applications for a job of actor of Le Hua recreational of purpose sends resume, work of art and near future photo with email form to Recruitment@leohw.com. Group of invite applications for a job will undertake according to the data of applicant preliminary choose, inform interview.
Interview link will include individual figure to reveal, talent is revealed and have brief communication communication with the commissioner. Le Hua recreation hopes to pass interview process and applicant development to understand each other, groom to have the candidate of latent capacity to offer and expand a scope.
Le Hua recreation holds to fair, just, open principle, the information of all applicant will be kept secret strictly, the individual data that did not obtain the person that choose will not be made public or outside discharge. To successful and selected actor, le Hua recreation will be offerred for its groom all-aroundly and professional guidance, help them disentomb latent capacity, perfect craft, promote the development that its encircle in recreation.
Activity of invite applications for a job of actor of Le Hua recreational offerred an arena that shows him ability to have dreamy young people, also encircle infuse for recreation new vitality and creativity. If you have deep love for art, the hope can realize his dream in recreational industry, should not hesitate so, share invite applications for a job of actor of Le Hua recreational rapidly! Thank you to read the article, the hope can provide valuable information for you.