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苏幕遮 中秋 桂花糕,琼玉酿。月色莹莹,湖上清波漾。山映冰盘白雾荡。风又徐徐,竟似瑶台上。 酒一壶,花间逛,醉眼朦朦,交错觥筹让。明月楼高余独傍。抬望婵娟,默把相思唱。






【介绍】莹莹,影视女演员,毕业于上海戏剧学院05级表演系本科班。2011年,因在电视剧《新还珠格格》中饰演明月而走红。演出经历《刁蛮娇妻苏小妹》冰冰在校期间:话剧片断《人生》饰演:巧珍《小井胡同》饰演:九嫂《动什么别动感情》饰演:贺佳期电视剧:全国网络连续剧《迷狂》饰演:凌云(女一号)《伤情》饰演:王珍倪《天职》饰演:李云 (11集)《刁蛮娇妻苏小妹》饰演:冰冰2011年《新还珠格格》饰演:明月 (合作演员:李晟、海陆)

2011年《划拳》饰演:罗玲 导演:英壮 (合作演员:黄小蕾、沈晓海、李琦、韩国演员李承铉)

2011年《长白山下我的家》饰演:陈晶2013年《隋唐英雄4》 饰演:武媚娘 导演:李翰韬(合作演员:张卫健、刘晓庆、孙耀琦)

2013年《铁血兄弟》饰演:丁香 导演: 何群 郑桦    电影:《燃烧的生命》《笑功震武林》饰演:卿卿 导演:王晶(合作演员:洪金宝、梁小龙、曾志伟、吴君如、元华、郑中基)数字电视电影:周末王刚讲故事:《邵冲探案》系列之《炼狱玫瑰》饰演:(沈)乔洁(合作演员:于清斌、何杜娟、何李宁、吴兰馨紫)



2002年,因出演古装历史情感剧《孝庄秘史》开始崭露头角。2004年,凭借青春校园喜剧片《女生日记》提名第12届中国电影童牛奖优秀儿童演员奖;随后,因主演情景喜剧《家有儿女》被观众熟知。2012年,凭借惊悚悬疑片《守株人》获得第14届中国电影表演艺术学会金凤凰奖新人奖。2013年,加盟青春励志偶像剧《花非花雾非雾》。2014年,主演近代革命史诗剧 《战长沙》。











陈莹莹(Cee Yioe yiun)1990年2月25日出生,延阳学院杂志模特系11年新生。2010,FW Starling Casting System 选拔。模特。另外参加拍摄《新春特辑偶像》等综艺节目。

2011年 开始为《90后》等杂志拍摄封面

2011年 成为平面广告模特

2011年 签约经纪公司 FW Entertainment



莹 (瑩) yíng 光洁像玉的石头。 光洁,透明:晶莹。









莹莹Name: Yingying身 高: 180cm Height:180cm三 围:84/59/88 Bust/waist/Hips:84/59/88鞋码:39 Shoes:39兴趣爱好:唱歌、跳舞、游泳、球类运动、看书   祖籍 山东淄博


莹莹近义词: 莹澈、莹浄、莹然、莹泽、莹石、莹莹、莹镜、莹润、莹白、莹目


莹莹的拼音:[ yíng yíng ]















Jade-like stone jade-like stone meaning and concern jade-like stone word of jade-like stone poem?

Revive act block mid-autumn sweet-scented osmanthus cake, jade fining jade is brewed. Moonlight jade-like stone, overflow of the Qing Bo on the lake. Pan Bai mist swings Shan Yingbing. Wind slowly, be like unexpectedly precious jade on the stage. Wine one crock, ramble between the flower, eyes showing the effects of drink dim, crisscross an ancient wine vessel made of horn prepares let. Bright moon Lou Gaoyu draws near alone. Carry Wang Chanjuan, silent sings lovesickness.

Qiu Yingying husband?

Ying Qin: Make the broken bits that girls are duped the most easily male, it is this pair of about

Passed " happy eulogy " the Qiu Yingying with the first experienced all previous, matured in the 2nd begin a lot of, understand all wanting thing on this world wants to rely on his to go hard, can ponder over the problem that oneself encounter seriously.

Be in at this moment, she encountered the good man in everybody eye, IT male Ying Qin. This man is Shanghai native, the room has a car, honest and tolerant simple minded, very pretty good also to Qiu Yingying, see he sends a meal to Qiu Yingying especially, because be afraid of cool when taking packet of move with eider down so, I feel happy for Qiu Yingying sincerely.

Jade-like stone jade-like stone who be?

[introduce] jade-like stone, actress of movie and TV, be graduated from Shanghai Thespian institute 05 class performance is undergraduate course class. 2011, because be in teleplay " return Zhugege newly " in personate bright moon and have one's moment. Is the show experienced " sly pretty charming wife Su Xiaomei " is glacial ice during school: ? Jin of fat nest of the rare  that spend a pine breathes out the  that boil Jin the damask that burn Huan [ of clique of fosse of Jin of fat nest of    shakes  to cut a Luo of Qu  star into parts Li of dumb closely question of Chinese Piao of fat nest Jin swim Shu drinks Yun of  of  of Si of    to see key Chi: Ice puts on the ice 2011 " return Zhugege newly " personate: The bright moon (cooperative actor: Land of Li Cheng, sea)

2011 " finger-guessing game-a drinking game at feasts " personate: Luo Ling directs: Flower strong (cooperative actor: Li Chengxuan of actor of Huang Xiaolei, Shen Xiaohai, Li Qi, Korea)

2011 " my home below long Bai Shan " personate: Chen Jing 2013 " Sui Tangying is male 4 " personate: Woman of fierce fawn on directs: Li Hantao (cooperative actor: Zhang Weijian, Liu Xiaoqing, Sun Yaoqi)

2013 " iron blood brother " personate: Lilac director: Film of   of birch of He Qun Zheng: " flaming life " " laugh at result shake Wu Lin " personate: Qing Qing directs: Wang Jing (cooperative actor: Hong Jinbao, Liang Xiaolong, Ceng Zhiwei, Mr Wu if, yuan China, Zheng Zhongji) digital telecine: King is firm on the weekend taletelling: " case of Shao Chong explore " of series " purgatorial rose " personate: (Shenyang) Qiao Jie (cooperative actor: Yu Qingbin, He Dujuan, He Lining, Wu Lanxin is violet)

Qiu Yingying's actor?

Qiu Yingying is the name of a part in teleplay joy eulogy, the person that act is Yang Zi, was born in Beijing on November 6, 1992, be graduated from Beijing film institute 2010 class performance is undergraduate course class, actress of Chinese inland movie and TV.

2002, because go out,perform theatrical work of affection of ancient costume history " secret history of filial piety bank " begin to cut a figure. 2004, depend on green campus comedy piece " schoolgirl diary " nomination award of actor of outstanding children of award of Tong Niu of film of the 12nd China; Subsequently, because main actor scene is comedic " the home has children " by the audience hep. 2012, by right of Jing Song suspense piece " the person that defend individual plant " obtain film of the 14th China to perform art to learn award of new personality of Jin Fenghuang award. 2013, join in play of idol of green encourage annals " the flower is not Hua Wu to be not mist " . 2014, the main actor is latter-day revolutionary history drama in verse " battle Changsha " .

2016, the play of woman of city office field that depends on a main actor " happy eulogy " nomination award of white yulan magnolia of division of TV of the 23rd the actress award that audience of award of Jin Ying of TV of the 29th China loves, Shanghai is optimal female costar award; Of the same age, by south recreational weekly is judged for " 90 hind 4 floret dawn " one of. 2017, legend Qing Dynasty of the main actor holds theatrical work " the path of very close to each other of Long Zhu legend " broadcast. 2018, modern drama of ancient costume god " ashes of sweet sweet heavy is like frost " obtained the whole nation to close with teleplay of period of time inspect champion. 2019, drama of feeling of talk of green encourage annals " dear, have deep love for " gain quite tall attention, obtain the 26th Hua Ding by right of this drama teleplay of award China contemporary subject matter is optimal actress award; Of the same age, enter the motion picture of fire control subject matter that act " blaze hero " show in the whole nation, obtain film festival of undergraduate of the 16th Guangzhou by right of this most suffer an undergraduate to welcome female costar award, nomination film of the 35th masses 100 beautiful award are optimal film festival of international of the 11st female costar award, Macao is optimal female costar award.

Guan Yingying work?

70 charming bestow favor on small salty fish, author: Guan Yingying

Love shows off a cousin: I have new clothes! How to recall feeling: I have 4 elder brothers!

Plastic flower boudoir is close: I have new car! How to recall feeling: I have 4 elder brothers!

Outfit force young associate: I have new building! How to recall feeling: I have 4 elder brothers!

Young associate of close & of cousin & boudoir is no good acerbitily: The elder brother is much more marvelous.

How to recall feeling: Right, elder brother brother makes money to buy the pork to me, buy new clothes, buy old car, buy big house, buy high buildings and large mansions!

Chen Yingying height?

Height: 161CM

Chen Yingying (Cee Yioe Yiun) was born on Feburary 25, 1990, model of notes of the college that delay this world fastens 11 years of new students. 2010, choose of FW Starling Casting System. Model. Attend additionally film " God of special number of a eriodical of the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day " wait for program of put together art.

Began to be 2011 " 90 hind " wait for a magazine to film cover

Made planar advertisement model 2011

The autograph made an appointment with broker company FW Entertainment 2011

Jade-like stone implied meaning of jade-like stone name?

Answer: ? Is ㄓ   worth cerebral ⒁ dainty to invade  of answer beat Bo to see Tiao  pardon?

Jade-like stone ( ) Y í Ng is bright and clean the stone that resembles jade. Bright and clean, transparent: Glittering and translucent.

Illustrative sentence:

1, the eye of her tear Guang Yingying, shedding Yun Li's moon as setting off one another.

2, this is not a common scallop, scallop the reverse side is showing La Yingying's light like the ground like pearl, the front resembles the peacock tail that spread out. Whole scallop is clean and smooth, it is the stroke that passed 100 thousand times and wipe off apparently.

3, after rain, shui Yingying's drip-drop was bespread on the leaf of corn, of the sunshine below after rain flickering, resemble the pearl that appear is in a glittering and translucent get rid of glisten, the leaf in those days is green very fresh, let a person look at divine Qing Dynasty to enrage bright, relaxed and happy.

4, in this heaven and earth, that fine grass of green downy, na Biying jade-like stone fine grass, na Biying jade-like stone moss, also send out it seems that a faint scent.

5, jade-like stone jade-like stone bow, one stretch one's legs, shuttlecock resembles by magnet grip same, firm quietly falls on her instep

Xing Kai lake jade-like stone jade-like stone height?

Xing Kai lake jade-like stone jade-like stone height is 180cm

Jade-like stone jade-like stone Name: Yingying height: 180cm Height:180cm 3 surround: 84/59/88 Bust/waist/Hips: 84/59/88 shoe piles up: 39 Shoes:39 interest like: Sing, dance, swim, ball games, read a book Rich of Zi of ancestral home Shandong

Jade-like stone jade-like stone close justice word?

Jade-like stone jade-like stone close justice word: Jade-like stone clear, jade-like stone , jade-like stone like that, jade-like stone lustre, jade-like stone stone, jade-like stone jade-like stone, jade-like stone lens, jade-like stone embellish, jade-like stone white, jade-like stone eye

Jade-like stone jade-like stone meaning: Shenzhen closes hire remember li of lovely little girl

Jade-like stone jade-like stone phoneticize: [Ng of í of Y í Ng Y]

Close the meaning of justice word:

1, jade-like stone white: Jade-like stone white, I of á of Ngb of pronunciation Y í , chinese term, point to glittering and translucent whiteness.

2, jade-like stone like that: Describe bright and clean and bright look.

3, jade-like stone clean: Jade-like stone clean, chinese vocabulary. Phoneticize: é of Y í Ngji, paraphrase: Have glittering and translucent whiteness, the meaning of moral integrity nobleness.

4, jade-like stone lens: Jade-like stone lens (jade-like stone lens) Yu Jing. Day of Liu of the Northern Qi Dynasty " talk · clear mind newly " : "The person that the person is not illuminated at bright gold and illuminate at jade-like stone lens, with jade-like stone can bright also. " refer to " Yu Jing " .

Jade-like stone jade-like stone phrasal?

Did not contain jade-like stone jade-like stone phrasal, contain only jade-like stone phrasal.

Contain jade-like stone idiom has 4 only, one is light thorough of jade-like stone show, additionally 3 are Qing Yingxiu thorough, Qing Yingxiu clear and 8 jade-like stone clear.

Phrasal explanation:

Light thorough of jade-like stone show: Jade-like stone: Bright and clean and bright; Beautiful: Beautiful; Thorough: Lucid. The artistic conception that compares Shi Wen essence of new, affix, statement handsome elegant.

Qing Yingxiu thorough: Jade-like stone: Bright and clean and bright; Thorough: Connect fully. Beautiful and clean brightness, lucid. Artistic conception of appearance poem article is pure and fresh, affix is colorful.

Qing Yingxiu clear: Clean brightness, beautiful settleclear clear.

8 jade-like stone clear: Compare astute experienced and worldly-wise, have an insight into everything.
