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3000元人民币左右。乘坐动车前往老挝,经磨憨口岸办理入境手续后继续乘坐火车前往老挝首都--万象 。万象是老挝人民民主共和国的首都,全国的政治、经济、文 化中心和大城市,也是老挝的直辖市。据说,万象这个地方曾经生长着许多 珍贵的檀木,其名称由此而来。在此之前,万象还曾有过一些其它的名称。如“永珍”,“永”是城市的意思,“珍”是庙宇的意思,合起来为“庙宇林立的城市”,再如“月亮之城”,这是因为古代的万象,是一座半圆型城市,建筑物多呈白色或 黄色,周围是翠竹林,远望如一弯新月。














1. 交通:  

从长沙到顺德,距离约为 320 公里。您可以选择乘坐火车、高铁或飞机前往。乘坐高铁是最方便的方式,车程约为 2 小时。如果乘坐飞机,需要先飞往广州,然后从广州再到顺德,总行程约为 3 小时。

2. 住宿:  


3. 美食:   

- 双皮奶:顺德双皮奶口感浓郁,奶香十足,是顺德最有名的小吃之一。  

- 伦教糕:伦教糕甜而不腻,口感韧性,是顺德的特产。

- 大良双皮奶:吃过这里的双皮奶,才知道原来双皮奶的奶味可以那么浓。

4. 旅游景点:  

- 清晖园:这是一处始建于明代的古代园林建筑,全园构筑精巧,布局紧凑。  

- 伦教 678 文化街:这是一条百年老街,散发着独有的气息,在这里可以感受到顺德的文化。  

- 逢简水乡:逢简水乡是顺德的一个古老水乡小镇,保留着传统的建筑风格和生活方式。  

- 长鹿农庄:长鹿农庄是一个集岭南历史、顺德水乡风情、农家生活情趣为一体的综合性景区。

5. 购物:  














Peaceful should travel of peaceful yellow mulberry buy entrance ticket?

Peaceful travel of peaceful yellow mulberry should buy entrance ticket, peaceful scenery of peaceful yellow mulberry is picturesque the environment is beautiful, travel tourist attraction is numerous, air is fresh content of negative oxygen ion is high, climbing here is right choice on foot.

How feral Sang Huang is cleaned?

How does processing come feral Sang Huang completely bubble water

Sang Huang's water is not hard, enter the mouth easily, but with direct and drinkable, can boil congee in order to use, the milk that tick off add. Mulberry also somebody becomes Sang Huang mushroom pulverous, turn into taking capsule, taste as health care eat. Because feral Sang Huang is likely,put in insect pest.

To feral Sang Huang, should boil with boiling water more, it is for better extraction not only, also for better kill bug egg. Feral mulberry fizzles out and cultivate Sang Huang to be compared, the face contains bug egg in feral Sang Huang, light relies on the sun to be killed at all not dead, be like

If why is feral mulberry Sang Huang, poplar Sang Huang, pine Sang Huang, birch Sanghuang distinguished?

Concerned research says. Their Dna is different, not be same kind bacterium is planted. Effect is very different also. Mulberry Sang Huangcai is the fungus with the best effect fighting cancer with accepted international, collecting those who take detailed outline of a book on Chinese medicine also is mulberry Sang Huang

Does Changsha go Laos travel price?

3000 yuan of RMBs are controlled. Take motor-car to head for Laos, enter a country via grinding foolish port to deal with formalities succeed add takes the train to head for Laos capital- - every phenomenon. Every phenomenon is the capital of republic of Laos people democracy, center of countrywide politics, economy, culture and big city, also be the municipality directly under the Central Government of Laos. Allegedly, every phenomenon this place once was growing a lot of rare wingceltis wood, its name from this and come. Before this, every phenomenon ever still had had the name of a few other. Be like " always precious " , "Always " the meaning that is a city, "Precious " the meaning that is temple, close to be " the city with bristly temple " , be like again " lunar city " , this is the every phenomenon because of ancient time, it is a semicircle city, the building shows white or yellow more, green banboos forest is all round, yuan Wangru bends new moon.

 Dinner samples traditional Laos dish, enter a hotel late to rest

Go does Changsha travel say?

Be worth to go. Because Changsha is famous city of Chinese history culture, have long history and substantial culture inside information, can go the tourist attraction such as town of head of Yue Lu hill, orange continent, lotus is visited; Changsha is returned with cate famed, can taste the local characteristic cate such as savor chili, ground rice, strong-smelling preserved bean curd; In addition, the climate warmth of Changsha is wet, the four seasons if spring, suit travel very much. If have time, still can go to circumjacent phoenix Gu Cheng and park of forest of state of Home Zhang group to visit.

Does Changsha go by the side of city travel strategy?

It is Changsha goes by the side of below the strategy that the city travels:

Optimal travel time: Border town the four seasons all appropriate, every season has different view, but first-rate travel time is to arrived to was mixed in June in April arrived in September in October, because this is the year season of border town, weather is delightful, the scenery is beautiful.

Traffic means: From Changsha to border town a variety of traffic means can offer an alternative, can choose Gao Tie, plane long-distance perhaps car. The proposal books good vehicle ahead of schedule, arrange good route, lest waste time and money.

Accommodation choice: Border town has a variety of accommodation choices, can choose hotel, hotel or civilian constellation. The proposal books good room ahead of schedule, know the price of accommodation and place.

The tourist attraction recommends: Border town has a lot of famous tourist attractions, for example dragon phoenix island, 18 holes and harships bridge. The proposal knows the open time of the tourist attraction and entrance ticket value ahead of schedule, the tourist attraction that chooses to suit oneself undertakes excursion.

Local characteristic cate: Border town has cate of characteristic of a lot of place, for example dish of an abundant place, evaporate and earthy home dish. The proposal tries local cate, the cafeteria that can reach place or the market samples.

Anyhow, changsha goes by the side of the situation that city travel strategy needs to understand cate of good weather, traffic, accommodation, tourist attraction and local characteristic to wait for a respect ahead of schedule, had made detailed scheduling and preparation, ability enjoys the fun of travel better.

Does Changsha go arranging heart travel strategy?

The strategy is as follows:


Arrive from Changsha suitable heart, the distance is 320 kilometers about. You can choose to take the train, Gao Tie or plane to head for. Taking Gao Tie is the most convenient way, car Cheng is 2 hours about. If take a plane, need flies to Guangzhou first, arrive again from Guangzhou next suitable heart, head office Cheng is 3 hours about.


Suitable heart area has a lot of the hotel offers you to choose with civilian constellation, the price and easy have each moderately different. You can choose appropriate accommodation according to your budget and demand.


- double skin grandma: Mouthfeel of grandma of suitable heart double skin is full-bodied, the grandma is sweet dye-in-the-wood, it is suitable heart the famousest fastfood one of.  

- human relations teach cake: Human relations teach cake sweet and not be bored with, mouthfeel tenacity, it is the special local product of suitable heart.

- grandma of double skin of old good people: Had eaten the double skin milk here, the grandma ingredient that just knows double before skin is suckled is OK so thick.

4.Travel tourist attraction:  

- Qing Hui garden: This is one place only then the archaic gardens structure that builds Yu Ming to take the place of, complete garden builds choiceness, layout is compact.  

- human relations teach 678 culture the market: This is a hundred years old street, sending out particular breath, can experience the culture of suitable heart here.  

- Feng Jian a region of rivers and lakes: Meet brief a region of rivers and lakes is small town of a of suitable heart old a region of rivers and lakes, preserving traditional structure style and way of life.  

- long deer grange: Long deer grange is amorous feelings of a region of rivers and lakes of the history austral mountain range of a volume, suitable heart, farmhouse the omnibus scene area that life interest is an organic whole.


Suitable heart has commodity of a lot of characteristic and special local product, you can buy a few souvenirs and special local product in travel process, be like human relations teach cake, suitable heart double skin the grandma.

Does Changsha go Guangxi travel strategy?

Drive oneself from Hunan Changsha swim Guangxi, it is pass through the territory of a country of foregone high speed of course toward recent Guangxi direction of entire administrative division goes. First amuse oneself Guilin, go to the Guilin of the landscape armour the world with the famousest Guangxi just 510 much kilometers. This is basic well-known Guangxi is famous tourist attraction, after the dragon backbone terraced field that has played the He Longsheng such as hill of cliff of Li river, reed, silver cliff, proboscis well here, next, the Guangxi other tourist attraction that goes finding those not to calculate well known to be worth to swim again just is the tourist attraction that my cicada elder brother should introduce. My proposal is from Guangxi mid cross, arrive directly at a seaside, answer Hunan from Guangxi the eastpart part again, the course recommends as follows:

One, Liuzhou the red of 3 rivers county continent Gu Cheng. Red continent ancient city is closer from Long Sheng, the isle becomes independent to go up in the river that is in river of all sides annulus, only then build Yu Mingchao. It is one has 1000 much people only the ancient town of many 300 other peoples, gu Cheng is very halcyon, have 4 port city, the historic site such as academy of classical learning of ancient city a tower over a city gate, red continent is saved very well, have very much small endowment emotional appeal, very appropriate slow in lane pace, look for history feels.

2, amorous feelings of the Yao nationality of water of Liuzhou be in harmony is grumous. If can catch the section fighting a horse here and reed Pi red-letter day, the meeting is more lively, more attractive.

3, Liuzhou city. Park of river of willow of the willow Hou park of Liu Zongyuan of well-known eminent writer, a hunderd li and Liuzhou Long Tan is worth commemorative Tang Dynasty to look.

4, Nanning. Nanning also Guangxi thes prefecture where the provincial capital is located, night fair of Qing Xiushan, Zhongshan and the business street with the busiest Nanning around and night fair of farming courtyard road and be setting.

5, silver-colored beach of the North sea. Hunan person is common and scarce the sea, go silver-colored beach of the North sea plays, the sand here is very fine soft, seascape is open, beach train in excess specified length, develop surf, big archives inside city of the North sea searchs to eat later eat seafood, experience to old street of the North sea again, very pretty good also. Old street of the North sea only then built 1883, edge street is spread all over flower, the arcade-house type construction of match well of a lot of Chinese and Western such as site of consulate of law, heart, have historical sense very much.

Does Changsha go which travel is cheap?

The tourist attraction inside the the Changsha City is free entirely, cabinet of heart of day of museum of museum of museum of area of area of scene of hill of high mountain the foot of mountain, orange continent scene, martyr park, province, the Changsha City, paddy museum, brief wooden tablets or slips for writing, white sanded Gu Jing, ancient city wall, ancient capital street, Guchao.

Go where does Changsha travel stay in?

The room natural resources of Changsha is very substantial, and civilian constellation is very much. The room that nonlocal tourist goes to choosing to Changsha is main with 51 square, Tian Xinge is a center, to all around diffuse. Toward north concentration is in two sides of delta of boreal celestial bodies, basically be in centrally southward in near university of science and technology of Na Lin industry, westerly is in division of college of hill of high mountain the foot of mountain, toward east around the railway station.
