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性价比最高的数码相机是佳能。佳能800D单反相机搭载2420万像素APS-C画幅CMOS传感器以及Digic 7图像处理器,提供45个全十字对焦点,并支持全像素双核CMOS AF技术。




二、佳能EOS 5D Mark IV。佳能的这款相机和上一代相比,整体的配置更高,视频拍摄的性能得到提升,而且实时取景、视频拍摄的对焦体验得到了很大的提升,是非常值得推荐


富士 Instax Mini 11:这是一款胶片相机,有粉色、蓝色、紫色、灰色等多种颜色可选,能够拍出有趣的即时照片,适合拍摄校园生活中的美好瞬间。价格在 300 左右。


性价比较高的相机,我推荐佳能全画幅专业微单EOS Rp 

这款相机是目前全画幅相机中价格最低的,机身只卖7000-8000元,配佳能为微单新开发的Rf 24-105f 4变焦镜头,售价也不到14000元。

它有全画幅传感器,像素为2600万。机身体积小重量轻,长时间挂在脖子上和举在手里,都不会过度疲劳。最重要的是,它的画质非常好,景物色彩还原准确,画面通透而细腻,只要在对焦点上和景深之内,景物都能拍得非常清晰。即使放大裁剪很小的局部,依然非常清晰,不会糊片。操控性良好,很容易上手。虽然是入门级全画幅机身,比同门而出的佳能全画幅微单EOS R在像素和功能方面有减少或简化,但也足以应付日常拍摄。下面的照片就是用佳能全画幅微单EOS Rp 拍摄的。






二、佳能EOS 5D Mark IV。佳能的这款相机和上一代相比,整体的配置更高,视频拍摄的性能得到提升,而且实时取景、视频拍摄的对焦体验得到了很大的提升,是非常值得推荐









H4D系列革命性的功能是建立在H3D平台上,支持自动色彩、影像质量调节模式、镜头支持防手震功能,可通过IEEE1394接口直接储存在计算机中,且附加Phocus 2.0图像处理软件。

另外,哈苏H4D在机内加入了自动色彩、图像品质等方面等调节模式,并且可以通过IEEE 1394接口直接来存储到电脑中。全新的随机调节软件Phocus 2.0也具备了较好的效率。


One, is sexual price recommended than highest digital camera?

Sexual price compares highest digital camera is beautiful can. Beautiful can 800D sheet turns over camera to carry sensor of CMOS of picture of 24.2 million APS-C resembling element and processor of Digic 7 image, offer 45 complete crosses to the focus, support resemble technology of CMOS AF of element double nucleus completely.

2, recommend sexual price to compare tall digital camera?

Sexual price recommends as follows than tall digital camera:

One, Ni Kang D850. Ni Kang D850 won many photography lover and professional cameraman love, it has freeboard picture to pledge, 45.75 million can say effectively like element very pretty good, and it still supports highest 9 pieces / the high speed of the second is patted repeatedly, will fast picture pledges and high speed spends perfect confluence, so price of sex of this number camera compares freeboard.

2, beautiful can EOS 5D Mark IV. Beautiful can this camera and on generation photograph is compared, integral configuration is taller, the function that video films gets promotion, and pair of anxious experiences that real time find a view, video films got very big promotion, dispute often is worth to recommend

3, 300 digital camera of the left and right sides?

Fuji Instax Mini 11: This is camera of a film, have a variety of color such as pink, blue, purple, gray optional, can take interesting instant picture, suit the good instant in filming campus lives. The price is in 300 the left and right sides.

4, camera of tall a few numbers does sexual price compare?

Sexual price compares tall camera, I recommend fine can EOS Rp of small sheet of full frame major

This camera is current of lowest of the price in full frame camera, airframe sells 7000-8000 only yuan, match beautiful to be able to be the camera lens of scorch of Rf 24-105f 4 of tiny single new development, price also is less than 14000 yuan.

It has full frame sensor, it is like element 26 million. Airframe bulk little weight is light, hang for long on the neck to mix lift in the hand, won't excessive exhaustion. The most important is, its picture is qualitative first-rate, scenery color rendition is accurate, the picture is connected appear and exquisite, should be in only go up to the focus and in depth of field, scenery can be patted very clearly. Although enlarge cuts out very small local, still special clarity, won't burnt piece. Hold charge a sex good, very easy begin. Although be airframe of introductory class full frame, the fine that gives than be the same as the door can small odd EOS R is in full frame to have like element and functional respect decrease or simplify, but also enough is dealt with film daily. The photograph below uses beautiful namely can EOS Rp of full frame small sheet films.

5, did sexual price compare tall digital camera 2009?

Ni Kang D5, top class machine, before new D6 comes out, sexual price is compared highest.

6, the sexual price of which brand compares digital camera highest?

Sexual price is as follows than tall digital camera:

One, Ni Kang D850. Ni Kang D850 won many photography lover and professional cameraman love, it has freeboard picture to pledge, 45.75 million can say effectively like element very pretty good, and it still supports highest 9 pieces / the high speed of the second is patted repeatedly, will fast picture pledges and high speed spends perfect confluence, so price of sex of this number camera compares freeboard.

2, beautiful can EOS 5D Mark IV. Beautiful can this camera and on generation photograph is compared, integral configuration is taller, the function that video films gets promotion, and pair of anxious experiences that real time find a view, video films got very big promotion, dispute often is worth to recommend

7, the price of digital camera sex of which brand is compared tall?

Still be the digital camera of Suo Ni brand, sexual price is compared tall is to be able to let this product have waterproof defend the performance that fall, and can let it 64 million resemble element, the price cheap, first-rate use

8, what sex price compares tall digital camera?

Beautiful can the price of digital camera sex of the brand is compared very tall, beautiful can (Canon) , the production with a lead whole world that is Japan is video the integrated group with information product, since holding water from 1937

9, 300 thousand number camera of the left and right sides?

Company of well-known Ha Su of Swedish camera manufacturer released their newest number sheet to turn over camera -- H3D-II. And the back after the number that uses according to place is different, h3D-II cent is H3D-39II (39 million like element, price 26500 euro) , H3D-31II (31 million price resembling element 21500 euro) with H3D-22II (22 million resemble element, price 17900 euro) . This camera is already at present OK buy on Europe and American market.

10, 250 thousand number camera of the left and right sides?

Haing Su Chan turns over camera H4D60

The function with H4D revolutionary series is to build go up in H3D platform, support is automatic colour, video support of quality adjustment mode, camera lens prevents hand shake function, can store directly through IEEE1394 interface in the computer, and image of add Phocus 2.0 handles software.

Additional, ha Su H4D joined the respect such as quality of automatic colour, picture to wait inside machine adjust mode, and can carry memory of straight fetch of IEEE 1394 interface arrive in computer. Adjust brand-newly randomly software Phocus 2.0 also had better efficiency.
