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1、腊八节: 腊月初八吃“杂米粥”的习俗。

2、冬至节 :冬至经过数千年发展,形成了独特的节令食文化。诸如馄饨、饺子、汤圆、赤豆粥、黍米糕等都可作为年节食品。曾较为时兴的“冬至亚岁宴”的名目也很多,如吃冬至肉、献冬至盘、供冬至团、馄饨拜冬等。  


4、中秋节: 中秋节有悠久的历史,和其它传统节日一样,也是慢慢发展形成的,在中秋时节,对着天上又亮又圆一轮皓月,观赏祭拜,寄托情怀,这种习俗就这样传到民间,形成一个传统的活动,中秋节吃月饼想必大家都知道。

5、清明节插柳: 清明插柳戴柳,这是古代的习俗,现代人有清明扫墓,踏青郊游,打马球,放风筝,荡秋千,斗鸡,拔河等活动。

6、端午 :据统计端午节的名称在我国所有传统节日中叫法最多,达二十多个,堪称节日别名之最。如有端午节、端五节、端阳节、重五节、重午节、天中节、夏节、五月节、菖节、蒲节、龙舟节、浴兰节、粽子节等等。

7、除夕守岁 :除夕守岁是中国人民春节时早就有的一种饶有风趣的习俗,最早是为了驱赶“百鬼”,而随着历史的发展和社会的进步,驱赶百鬼的含意早已荡然无存,而今已成为人们除旧迎新、合家共享天伦之乐的家庭年会了。


















  每年吸引百万游客,被称“华北第一古庙会”  据《大伾山志》记载,浚县庙会的历史最早可以溯源到大伾山石佛雕刻的后赵时期,据今有1600多年历史。  浚县庙会始于每年的正月初一,结束于二月初二,每年的庙会有三个高潮,初一、初九、十五十六。初一有“登高祈福”、“散百病”习俗;初九传说是玉皇大帝的生日,有民间社火表演、祭祀老天爷的习俗;十五十六是元宵节。从初一到十五,庙会一波接一波,逐渐达到高潮。  浚县庙会规模大,至今保持着明清特色,每年吸引周边5省40多个市县300万游客,高峰期每天客流量50万人,被称为“华北第一古庙会”。  160余个非物质文化遗产亮相浚县  在(鹤壁)民俗文化节上,山东的绢花、山西的绒绣、河北的大名草编、开封的木版年画、濮阳的麦秆画、淮阳的泥泥狗、浚县的泥咕咕和根雕等160余个项目将在浚县亮相,参加中原非物质文化遗产展演。  据介绍,展演将按照参展种类分为“别样墨香、传统技艺、绝活绝技”3个单元,其中,“别样墨香”单元展演的项目包括泥猴张书画、刘畅书画、葫芦画、麦秆画、刀书、木版年画、梅花字等;“传统技艺”单元展演的项目有糖葫芦、糖人、江米人、面人、泥玩、陶艺、根雕、柳编等;“绝活绝技”展演的项目包括汴绣、绒绣、绢艺、皮影、变脸人、布老虎等。  “饸饹面”、“豆腐脑“等民间小吃应有尽有  第五届中国(鹤壁)民俗文化节还将举办中原春节灯会,呈现火树银花不夜天的胜景;举办中原美食文化节和商贸一条街活动,集中展示中原地区优秀民俗文化、名优风味小吃、旅游商品、土特产品、民间工艺品等。  此外,令人垂涎欲滴的民间小吃堪称中国(鹤壁)民俗文化节的“绝活”,无论是香气扑鼻的饸饹面、质白细嫩的豆腐脑、香焦酥脆的吴记花生米,还是醇香利口的梨膏糖以及王记铺牛肉、角场营元宵,都是流传上百年历史的传统名吃








One, connotation of culture of Chinese place folk-custom?

Folk-custom culture, be a series of material that form in the manufacturing lifecycle of ordinary people, culture phenomenon of spirit.

It has catholicity and inheritance sex and variability. Folk-custom culture because folk-custom of its core element is collective comply with, demonstrate repeatedly, execute ceaselessly, have so have the self-identity that enhances a nation, aggrandizement ethos, model the function of ethical character and morals.

2, shallow analyse of culture of Chinese traditional folk-custom?

Culture of folk-custom of Chinese ancient time is shallow talk

In serving as traditional culture important one annulus, folk-custom culture is among them most active the component that also has life most, having extremely close connection with the life of daily common people. Folklore home Zhong Jingwen says, folk-custom culture is a country or ethical place creation and enjoy the life culture with inheritance. According to legend of these outstanding fire of ethical culture firewood, unripe be born not to cease, it is the wisdom crystallization that long-term society carries out working people, to promoting China culture travel external, deepen ethical self-identity to feel with stimulative the Chinese nation grow expand having distinct effect.

1, the type of culture of Chinese traditional folk-custom

Chinese land domain is vast, geographical and complex, together with is humanitarian and geographical environmental element (wait like politics area, economy, nation, population) influence, the district culture that in this foundation this innovation goes also is 1000 appearance 100 condition, rich and colorful, the folk-custom culture between the area is differ in thousands ways, extraordinary more.

From in all in light of the angle when, its difference basically is reflected go up in district difference, if northward culture is straightforward bold and unconstrained, changjiang Delta culture is exquisite and euphemistic; It is dragon boat festival together, northward zhongzi smell is sweet be bored with is given priority to; Unlike the Gong Zaodou of north sanded stuffing expects, southern stuffing material is more rich, sweetened bean taste, fresh pork, ham, yoke... flavour with salty give priority to. Besides, south likes to surpass dragon boat, insert Ai Xie, north often can step Liu Yin poem, to dot poisonous abdomen wraps up Dai Wu with exorcise evil spirits...

Look from the angle of last a period of time, this differentia different basically reflects the difference in different history period or the four seasons of same history phase, like dragon boat festival people surpasses dragon boat, eat a zhongzi; People has the Mid-autumn Festival moon cake, enjoy the glorious full moon; People uprise visits the red-letter day that weigh this world far, admire chrysanthemum, insert the fruit of medicinal cornal to wait. People place uses different congratulatory kind is its different and consuetudinary expression. In Zhou Dai, whenever night wants to hold mid-autumn,greet cold with month of hold a memorial ceremony for, and arrived Tang Song, enjoy the glorious full moon very popular, after bright Qing Dynasty, a few areas arisen burn the special custom such as a bottle of sweet, lamp that nod a tower, lamp that put a day. Be like again, had been the Spring Festival together, as the progress that economic culture lives, before long, spring Festival evening party also becomes people already shine together in memory beautiful scenery line, the in regarding folk-custom as culture indispensable one part of lieutenant general of exert a subtle influence on. Probably as social development this is planted consuetudinary also can be replaced, perhaps be washed out.

2, the characteristic of culture of Chinese traditional folk-custom

In the narration in front, discover not hard, culture of Chinese traditional folk-custom has sex of bright district sex, diversity, times and continuity. In addition, because China is affected thousands of years by Confucianism, confucianist culture is perforative at social history all the level, behave even if emphasize what its go up in traditional folk-custom culture " person " main effect, highlight main body sex of the person, pay attention to " it is with the person this " .

3, culture of what traditional folk-custom does China have?

Culture of Chinese traditional folk-custom

1, dried meat 8: At the beginning of the twelfth month of the lunar year 8 eat " miscellaneous rice congee " consuetudinary.

2, solstitial section: Chiliad of solstitial classics count develops, formed individual climate and other natural phenomena of a season to feed culture. Cake of congee of such as wonton, dumpling, stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup, red bean, milled glutinous broomcorn millet can regard year of section as food. Ever relatively of fashionable " solstitial inferior year old banquet " items is very much also, if eat solstitial meat, display solstitial dish, wait for Bai Dong of solstitial group, wonton.  

3, section of 99 heavy this world: Namely the traditional Chinese calendar on September 9, for the traditional part that weigh this world. Folk-custom has on Si " go for a walk in the country in spring " , heavy this world " demit is green " . The section that weigh this world calls an old person the section again, this day of meeting is celebrated for old people.

4, the Mid-autumn Festival: The Mid-autumn Festival has long history, with other convention red-letter day, also be to develop slowly form, mid-autumn season, shine again to the sky round month of round of bright, view and admire hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to, place feelings, this kind consuetudinary pass folk so, form a traditional activity, the Mid-autumn Festival eats moon cake most propbably everybody knows.

5, tomb-sweeping day inserts willow: Pure Brightness inserts Liu Dailiu, this is ancient time is consuetudinary, modern has Pure Brightness pay respects to sb at his tomb, outing of go for a walk in the country in spring, hit polo, fly a kite, swing swing, cockfighting, the activity such as tug-of-war.

6, upright midday: The name that occupies statistical dragon boat festival is in our country the way makes in all traditional festivals most, amount to more than 20, can calls a festival alias most. If have dragon boat festival, end the section of 5 section, the Dragon Boat Festival, section in weighing section of 5 section, heavy midday, day, Xia Jie, section of section, Chang section, Pu Jie, dragon boat, bath orchid section, zhongzi section was waited a moment in May.

7, stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve of the New Year's Eve: Stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve of the New Year's Eve is Chinese people Spring Festival when early with respect to a kind of some forgive zestful is consuetudinary, the earliest it is to drive " 100 ghost " , and the progress of the development as the history and society, drive the implication of 100 ghost alls gone already, already became people to divide now old see the New Year in, close a domestic annual meeting that shares family happiness.

4, Great Master of Chinese folk-custom culture?

Chinese folk-custom culture, be in ordinary people (opposite at the government) of a series of material that in producing lifecycle, form, culture phenomenon of spirit. It has catholicity and inheritance sex and variability. Folk-custom culture, call traditional culture again, it is a general designation of the custom life culture that points to civilian people. Also the people place of the yard up in a nation, area creates be used in a general sense, share, the custom habits and customs of inheritance. It is a series of immaterial things that in producing lifecycle, form in ordinary people, folk-custom reachs daily life of the people.

Because this folk-custom Great Master is very much,be like Ji Xianlin, li Hanxiang of shadow photograph Great Master, craft Great Master -- Zhang Tiecheng, the father Zhong Jingwen of Chinese folklore, liu chief advantage lifts folk-custom Great Master deeply etc.

5, what does folk-custom culture of China have?

China tradition culture includes thought, character, language, it is later 6 art, namely, ceremony, happy, shoot, drive, book, number, again hind it is the calligraphy that derives after the life is rich, music, wushu, quyi, chess kind, festival, folk-custom. Traditional culture is the be closely bound up in our life, blend in us to live, the thing that we enjoy it and does not know oneself. Traditional festival also is a kind of China tradition culture, include the one Spring Festival at the beginning of the first month of the lunar year, the first month of the lunar year 15 festival of lanternses, on April 5 of around of tomb-sweeping day, tomb-sweeping day cold eat a red-letter day, on May 5 dragon boat festival, on July 7 section of the seventh evening of the seventh moon, in August 15 the Mid-autumn Festival, the twelfth month of the lunar year 30 the New Year's Eve and all sorts of folk-custom activities. China tradition culture, it is the creativity with China civilization ultimate positive result, be configuration of idea of all sorts of inheritance of the morality on ethical history, culture thoughts, spirit is overall. China tradition culture is with father morality culture is main body of melt into of article of the noumenon, thought with the Confucianist, village, Mo Zi, Taoist school to wait multivariate the substance that culture be in harmony connects harmony to include is. China tradition culture is all of outstanding 5000 culture gets China. And circulate time is ages ago, distributing capacious, culture is the description of cosmic the order of nature, culture is moral extension; Culture is the phenomenon with human peculiar society, culture is life, life is culture; Culture is soft actual strength, it is the internal driving force that affects everything; Culture is the company knows pattern knowingly, it is spirit of mind of the Chinese nation, be social politics and economy is essential.

6, China's interesting folk-custom culture?

Culture of Chinese traditional folk-custom has: Guess riddles written on lanterns, stick lantern of spring festival scrolls, picture, Beijing opera, festive lantern to sign up for yuan of night, step on lion of dragon of stilt, dance, dance to wait. Folk-custom culture, call traditional culture again, it is a general designation of the custom life culture that points to civilian people. Also the people place of the yard up in a country, nation, area creates be used in a general sense, share, the custom habits and customs of inheritance.

1, guess riddles written on lanterns

Guess riddles written on lanterns to say to hit riddles written on lanterns again, the form of activity of entertainment of a kind of traditional folk-custom that is China's particular rich people style, it is the activity of characteristic of festival of lanterns that begins to circulate from ancient time. Whenever the first month of the lunar year of the traditional Chinese calendar 15, chinese folk should hang colored lantern, set off fireworks, the person that there is a good work later writes riddle on scrip, stick in multicoloured colored lantern to offer up a sacrifice the person is guessed.

2, stick spring festival scrolls

Whenever the Spring Festival, no matter the city still is a country, every family should carry beautiful red spring festival scrolls to be stuck on the door, demit is old see the New Year in, add festive festal atmosphere. The another origin of spring festival scrolls is spring stick, the ancients is stuck more in day of the Beginning of Spring " appropriate spring " 2 words, develop gradually after for spring festival scrolls, conveyed Chinese working people a kind of exorcise evil spirits divides the calamity, good will that receives auspicious enjoy a life of comfort.

3, Beijing opera

Beijing opera, ever said to make the same score drama, one of 5 big opera type of drama of Chinese, setting is decorated pay attention to freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, accent is given priority to with xipi, one of the two chief types of music in traditional Chinese operas, wait with Hu Qin and gong and drum accompany, be regarded as Chinese the quintessence of a country,

Beijing opera visits world each district, it is a center distributingingly with Beijing, pervade China, the main vehicle that makes culture of traditional art of China of the introduction, transmission. On November 16, 2010, beijing opera is included " directory of masterpiece of bequest of world immaterial culture " .

7, what is Chinese folk-custom culture to learn?

Folk-custom article is chemical, the course of a brim that is folklore and article chemistry across and union. It is Chinese folk-custom scholar Professor Zhong Fulan (Shanghai folk-custom culture learns chairman) at last centuries in July 1986, the idea of a course that advances first, aim to break traditional folklore to animal farm the narrow, narrow field at folk literature, return write for this author of 550 thousand word " introduction of chemistry of Chinese folk-custom article " , by Zhejiang people press 1990 publish. China tradition culture includes: Music of ancient prose, poem, word, music, ode, folk, nation Thespian, quyi, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, couplet, riddles written on lanterns, shoot Fu, drinker's wager game, a two part allegorical saying to wait; China traditional culture includes: Music of ancient prose, poem, word, music, ode, folk, nation Thespian, quyi, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, couplet, riddles written on lanterns, shoot Fu, drinker's wager game, a two part allegorical saying to wait;

8, what does Cultural Festival of folk-custom of Chinese crane wall have?

Attract 1 million tourists every year, be weighed " China north the first ancient temple fair "   is occupied " annals of big hill " account, the history of dredge county temple fair can trace to the source the earliest period of the Zhao after carven of big Shan Shifo, according to having 1600 old histories today. Dredge county temple fair only then at the beginning of annual the first month of the lunar year one, end at the beginning of Feburary 2, annual temple fair has 3 climaxes, first one, first 9, 66. Have first " uprise pray blessing " , " medicinal powder 100 disease " consuetudinary; 9 fokelore are the birthday of The Jade Emperor first, those who have performance of civilian company fire, sacred God is consuetudinary; 66 it is the festival of lanterns. From arrive first 15, temple fair receives, reach a climax gradually. Scale of dredge county temple fair is large, retaining trait of bright Qing Dynasty up to now, attract periphery every year 5 provinces county of 40 many city 3 million tourist, fastigium everyday passenger flow measures 500 thousand person, be called " China north the first ancient temple fair " . Bequest of more than 160 immaterial culture appears on dredge county to be in (crane wall) on folk-custom Cultural Festival, the name grass of the floss for embroidery of the silk flower of Shandong, Shanxi, Heibei is made up, the slimy cluck of county of the slimy mud dog of this world of the wheat stalk picture of unsealed wood-block New Year picture, Pu Yang, the Huaihe River, dredge clucks and more than 160 project such as root carve will appear in dredge county, attend Central Plains immaterial culture bequest is exhibited act. According to introducing, exhibit act will according to ginseng exhibit phyletic cent to be " absolutely another Mo Xiang, traditional craft, lively consummate skill " 3 unit, among them, "Another Chinese ink are sweet " unit exhibits the project that act to include slimy clever boy word of book of picture of Zhang Shu picture, Liu Chang painting and calligraphy, calabash, wheat stalk picture, knife, wood-block New Year picture, wintersweet; "Traditional craft " unit exhibits the project that act to person of person of sugarcoated haws on a stick, candy, polished glutinous rice, face person, mud plays, carve of Tao Yi, root, willow is made up etc; "Absolutely lively consummate skill " exhibit the project that act to include tiger of person of embroider of another name for Kaifeng, floss for embroidery, thin silk art, Pi Ying, suddenly turn hostile, cloth to wait. " Zuo Zuo face " , " jellied bean curd " wait for civilian fastfood have everything that one expects to find the 5th China (crane wall) folk-custom Cultural Festival still will run lantern show of Central Plains Spring Festival, present fiery trees and silver flowers not the wonderful scenery of nocturnal day; Conduct Cultural Festival of Central Plains cate and trade activity of a market, area of the place in be being revealed centrally is outstanding commodity of fastfood, travel, local speciality tastes gust of actor of folk-custom culture, name, civilian handicraft. In addition, the civilian fastfood can of lick one's chaps making a person weighs China (crane wall) of folk-custom Cultural Festival " absolutely vivid " , no matter be the Wuji pignut of the Zuo Zuo face with tangy aroma, qualitative white delicate jellied bean curd, sweet anxious crisp, the pear syrup candy of opening of mellow still popular interest and Wang Ji spread Yuanxiao of battalion of field of beef, horn, it is to circulate the traditional name of on hundred years history eats

9, the feeling after is culture of folk-custom of Chinese flowers and trees read?

The production of flowers and trees and people, life and folk-custom connect cheek by jowl, can say to do not have Chinese folk-custom culture without flowers and trees. Compile by Li Chong " culture of folk-custom of Chinese flowers and trees " in combine story of the folk-custom amorous feelings related to flowers and trees, folklore, Hua Xianmu just about god, festival the civilian culture such as slang of consuetudinary, balladry, make connotation of these image of flowers and trees deeper, dash forward the affinity that showed flowers and trees and mankind.

" culture of folk-custom of Chinese flowers and trees " besides the knowledge of flowers and trees that can increase people, also can make people more hot love flowers and trees, have deep love for the life, have deep love for a society, have deep love for nature.

10, Chinese nation and folk-custom culture which kinds?

1, folk-custom culture, it is a general designation of the custom life culture that points to civilian people. Also the people place of the yard up in a country, nation, area creates be used in a general sense, share, the custom habits and customs of inheritance. Be in ordinary people (opposite at the government) of a series of material that in producing lifecycle, form, culture phenomenon of spirit. It has catholicity and inheritance sex and variability.

2, ethical culture is some nation the can reflect this ethical characteristic material that the generation in producing the life for a long time to carry out jointly and creation come out and mental money total. Ethical culture reflects the level that this nation history develops.

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