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长治县的水果? 长治县户籍怎么填?英文双语对照


长治县的水果? 长治县户籍怎么填?英文双语对照










早在一万年以前就有人类劳动生息, 是中华民族的发源地之一。炎帝神农氏曾在此尝百谷、制耒耜、兴稼穑。尧舜时期,长治是“冀州之域,属帝都畿内”。商为黎国,韩建别都,秦置上党郡,北周名潞州,明朝时设潞安府,廓置长治县,明嘉靖二年(公元1523年),潞城县小吏陈卿亡命家乡青羊山中,并凭借太行山间险要地形,聚众起事,连陷辽、沁,明廷为之震恐。直到嘉靖七年十月,官军以10万兵力合击青羊山,才将这支农民军剿平。


嘉靖皇帝赐府名为“潞安府”赐县名为“长治县”,以祈望这里长治 久安。这便是“长治”的由来。



更多排行: 旅游景点 景点


具体有几所我不知道,就知道县城里有长治县一中,五中都不错,还有就是长治县职业高中里也有普高班。 从长治客运中心坐201或者202路公交车,两块钱就到长治县县城了









运行时间:夏:首6:00末7:30 冬:首6:30末6:30








Grow the fruit that treats a county?

Jade of Mei Yuangong card shows sweet pear, female parent is library Er Le Xiangli, so-called " go up Dang Wangli " , breed ever was obtained " title of Chinese pear king " . Sweet pear juice is much, crisp, sweet, exquisite without broken bits, juice full, sweet crisp, refreshing, the China that be called " the most delicious pear " , get of consumer love. The product carries a state " green food " attestation.

How is the long census register that control a county filled?

Should fill Shanxi to grow treat on party " , abbreviation " go up party " , see each district be the celebrity native place that contends for the history to go up, condemn both in speech and writing, quote copiously from many sources, expert is proved, it is only it is when tourism is arisen much cup a thick soup, it is native place.

Zhengzhou - long is those who control a county long-distance?

Long-distance center station is in Zhengzhou on the railway station, zhengzhou hair is gone to grow the passenger car that orders city a lot of, by way of grows crossing of the high speed that control a county, growing crossing of the high speed that control a county and Han inn to be able to get off usually.

Oneself tie the long old home that control a county, come Zheng Er more than 10 years.

Grow the origin of the place name that control a county?

Long because be located in,treat too the peak of travel, have since ancient times " it is a party with the day " say, friend says again " on party " .

There was the mankind early to work before 10000 haunt, it is one of birthplace of the Chinese nation. Farming family name ever tasted phlogistic emperor god here Se of the 100 cereal, a spade-shaped farm tool used in ancient China that make Lei, Xing Jia. Period of Yao and Shun, long treating is " Ji Zhou's region, belong to the Supreme Being inside Ji " . Business is Li Guo, han Jian is fastened, the Dang Jun on Qin Zhi, city of Lu of name of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, lu is set to bring seat of government when Ming Dynasty, outline buy is long control a county, ming Jiajing 2 years (the Christian era 1523) , in hill of Qing Yang of home town of desperate of Chen Qing of beadle of Lu city county, depend on too landform of the strategic place between travel hill, gather a crowd start armed struggle, connect defect distant, ooze, ming Tingwei's shake fears. Till Jia Jing 7 years of October, guan Jun with hill of black sheep of make a joint attack on of 100 thousand military strength, just make the same score put down of this farmer army.

After the event, to strengthen pair of ground to be restricted the Lu city of civilian bold executes active management, prevent this kind of incident happening, ming Tingte instructed 8 years in Feburary at Jia Jing city rising Lu is government office, government office city sets a county.

Fine pacify emperor grants government office name to be " Lu brings seat of government " name favor a county is " long control a county " , look at here long period of order and stability with pray. This is " long treat " origin.

Grow tourist attraction of the travel that control a county?

Area of ormosia gorge scene is too the main tourist attraction of travel hill big gorge, because growing inside gorge,become a precious rare cultivate kind of ormosia fir and get a name. Churchyard has abrupt precipice, pictographic hill stone, the running water of Chan Chan, gallant chute, the species with rare precious, peculiar stone forest, it is the natural beauty spot with one peaceful and elegant place.

More seniority: Tourist attraction of travel tourist attraction

Long treat a county to a few high schools there are?

Specific have a few I do not know, know to have in the county long control a county one in, 5 in pretty good, still have even if also is general high class in high school of the long profession that control a county. From long treat passenger transport center to sit 201 or 202 buses, two money reach the long town that control a county

Long treat a county to be restricted date?

Long treat a county to not be restricted date.

But the limits that grows the part that control a county to be close to the city zone is to belong to be restricted of number scope oh.

For instance village of the long faith that control a county is in be restricted inside number scope oh.

Long control a county public transportation 203 circuitry?

Long treat long control a county 201 counties are only public transportation, do not have 202.

Long treat 201

Prefectural border regular bus

Run time: Summer: Head 6: 00 end 7: 30 winters: Head 6: 30 end 6: 30

Fare information: Whole journey 3 yuan

Public transportation company: Long rule one use

Is massage place very long control a county?

Went to a lot of massage place, feel finally long to control a county here have one the home is good. Their gimmick and other home are different, sensory blame often reachs the designated position. Probably the place is nursery school of young doctor of farming business market southward of a bit Lucy.

Long treat a county to which area belong to?

Accurate say to grow treat city to be located in Shanxi to visit southeast department, be located in advance, look forward to, comfort 3 provinces boundary, two provinces are hill of Dong Yitai travel and Heibei, Henan adjacent, xi Bing too Yue Shan and border on of the area that face Fen, the south and advance city border, have a common boundary of the area in north and advance. With Heibei the county that save experience reachs Henan to save Lin Zhou city to receive east consider area, on the west at suddenly state city. An Ze. Ancient county reachs clever stone. Ping Yao. Interpose rests. A surname county is adjacent, north and Zun Quan. Yu company two counties have a common boundary, south with Gao Ping. Hill plain. Ooze water county is linked together.
