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门牙是 Door Tooth 吗?50个有关牙齿的英语词汇


门牙是 Door Tooth 吗?50个有关牙齿的英语词汇

  • 在学习英语的过程中,掌握与牙齿相关的词汇对于日常交流和专业表达都非常重要。从简单的门牙、虎牙到更复杂的牙齿结构和问题,每一种牙齿类型和问题都有其对应的英文表达。


    1. 门牙 (Incisor)

      • 例句: "The incisors are the front teeth used for cutting food."
      • 翻译: “门牙是前面的牙齿,用于切割食物。”


    2. 虎牙 (Canine Tooth)

      • 例句: "Canine teeth are pointed and are used for tearing food."
      • 翻译: “虎牙是尖锐的,用于撕裂食物。”


    3. 臼齿 (Molar)

      • 例句: "Molars are flat-topped teeth at the back of the mouth used for grinding food."
      • 翻译: “臼齿是位于口腔后部的平顶牙齿,用于磨碎食物。”


    4. 前磨牙 (Premolar)

      • 例句: "Premolars are located between the canine teeth and molars and are used for tearing and grinding food."
      • 翻译: “前磨牙位于虎牙和臼齿之间,用于撕裂和磨碎食物。”


    5. 牙釉质 (Enamel)

      • 例句: "Enamel is the hard, outer layer of the tooth that protects it from decay."
      • 翻译: “牙釉质是牙齿的硬外层,保护牙齿免受腐烂。”


    6. 牙本质 (Dentin)

      • 例句: "Dentin is the layer of the tooth beneath the enamel and is less hard than enamel."
      • 翻译: “牙本质是牙釉质下的牙齿层,比牙釉质软。”


    7. 牙髓 (Pulp)

      • 例句: "The dental pulp contains nerves and blood vessels and is located in the center of the tooth."
      • 翻译: “牙髓包含神经和血管,位于牙齿的中心。”


    8. 牙龈 (Gum)

      • 例句: "The gums are the soft tissues that surround and support the teeth."
      • 翻译: “牙龈是包围并支撑牙齿的软组织。”


    9. 牙结石 (Tartar)

      • 例句: "Tartar is a hard deposit that forms on teeth and can lead to gum disease if not removed."
      • 翻译: “牙结石是形成在牙齿上的硬性沉积物,如果不去除,可能导致牙龈疾病。”


    10. 牙菌斑 (Plaque)

      • 例句: "Plaque is a soft, sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and can lead to cavities if not cleaned regularly."
      • 翻译: “牙菌斑是附着在牙齿上的软性、粘性细菌膜,如果不定期清洁,可能导致蛀牙。”


    11. 蛀牙 (Cavity)

      • 例句: "A cavity is a damaged area of a tooth caused by decay."
      • 翻译: “蛀牙是由于腐烂造成的牙齿损坏区域。”


    12. 牙齿矫正 (Braces)

      • 例句: "Braces are used to correct misaligned teeth and improve dental alignment."
      • 翻译: “牙齿矫正器用于纠正牙齿不齐,改善牙齿排列。”


    13. 牙齿清洁 (Teeth Cleaning)

      • 例句: "Teeth cleaning is a professional procedure to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth."
      • 翻译: “牙齿清洁是一种专业程序,用于去除牙齿上的牙菌斑和牙结石。”


    14. 牙周炎 (Periodontitis)

      • 例句: "Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and destroys the bone that supports the teeth."
      • 翻译: “牙周炎是一种严重的牙龈感染,会损害软组织并破坏支持牙齿的骨骼。”


    15. 牙周病 (Gum Disease)

      • 例句: "Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support the teeth."
      • 翻译: “牙周病是感染了牙齿周围支撑组织的疾病。”


    16. 牙齿脱落 (Tooth Loss)

      • 例句: "Tooth loss can occur due to decay, injury, or gum disease."
      • 翻译: “牙齿脱落可能由于蛀牙、受伤或牙周病。”



    1. Tooth (牙齿)
    2. Dentist (牙医)
    3. Dental Hygienist (牙科卫生师)
    4. Dental Assistant (牙科助理)
    5. Orthodontist (正畸医生)
    6. Endodontist (牙髓病医生)
    7. Periodontist (牙周病医生)
    8. Prosthodontist (修复牙医学专家)
    9. Pediatric Dentist (儿童牙医)
    10. Dental Implant (牙齿植入物)
    11. Dental X-ray (牙科X光)
    12. Dental Crown (牙冠)
    13. Dental Bridge (牙桥)
    14. Dental Fillings (牙填充物)
    15. Dental Braces (牙套)
    16. Dental Veneers (牙贴面)
    17. Dentures (假牙)
    18. Tooth Extraction (拔牙)
    19. Tooth Decay (蛀牙)
    20. Toothache (牙痛)
    21. Gum Disease (牙龈疾病)
    22. Plaque (牙菌斑)
    23. Tartar (牙石)
    24. Fluoride (氟化物)
    25. Dental Floss (牙线)
    26. Toothbrush (牙刷)
    27. Toothpaste (牙膏)
    28. Mouthwash (漱口水)
    29. Oral Cancer (口腔癌)
    30. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (颞下颌关节紊乱症)
    31. Malocclusion (错牙合)
    32. Cavity (龋洞)
    33. Root Canal (根管治疗)
    34. Dental Sealant (牙面密封剂)
    35. Oral Surgery (口腔外科手术)
    36. Wisdom Tooth (智齿)
    37. Incisor (门牙)
    38. Canine (尖牙)
    39. Premolar (前磨牙)
    40. Molar (磨牙)
    41. Primary Tooth (乳牙)
    42. Permanent Tooth (恒牙)
    43. Dental Trauma (牙外伤)
    44. Bruxism (磨牙症)
    45. Dental Anxiety (牙科焦虑症)
    46. Halitosis (口臭)
    47. Orthodontic Treatment (正畸治疗)
    48. Dental Malpractice (牙科医疗事故)
    49. Dental Insurance (牙科保险)
    50. Dental Anxiety (牙科焦虑)

