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1) 从起点向正西方向出发,沿广场大道行驶80米,左前方转弯进入惠山南路

2) 沿惠山南路行驶220米,右转进入龙城大道

3) 沿龙城大道行驶1.1公里,直行进入外环高架

4) 沿外环高架行驶2.8公里,朝外环高架/龙江路高架/沪宁高速/汉江西路方向,稍向右转进入龙城大道高架

5) 沿龙城大道高架行驶240米,过晨光桥,朝沪宁高速/汉江西路方向,稍向右转进入龙城大道高架

6) 沿龙城大道高架行驶970米,过大兴桥,在入口,进入龙江路高架

7) 沿龙江路高架行驶3.0公里,直行进入龙江北路

8) 沿龙江北路行驶410米,朝G42/上海/南京/沪宁高速方向,稍向右转上匝道

9) 沿匝道行驶970米,朝南京方向,稍向右转上匝道

10) 沿匝道行驶240米,过高家塘约170米后,在入口,进入沪蓉高速公路

11) 沿沪蓉高速公路行驶4.7公里,朝武进/泰州大桥/泰州/S39方向,稍向右转进入罗溪枢纽

12) 沿罗溪枢纽行驶360米,朝泰州大桥/泰州/扬中方向,稍向右转进入罗溪枢纽
















1) 沿胶南枢纽立交行驶790米,在入口,进入济青高速公路南线

2) 沿济青高速公路南线行驶12.2公里,朝胶州湾大桥/青岛方向,稍向左转进入黄岛枢纽立交

3) 沿黄岛枢纽立交行驶1.3公里,直行进入海湾大桥

4) 沿海湾大桥行驶19.2公里,稍向左转进入红岛互通

5) 沿红岛互通行驶1.7公里,直行进入海湾大桥

6) 沿海湾大桥行驶4.1公里,在城阳/机场/太原路/瑞昌路出口,进入李村河互通

7) 沿李村河互通行驶330米,朝环湾大道/瑞昌路/市南区方向,稍向右转进入李村河互通

8) 沿李村河互通行驶1.3公里,直行进入李村河互通

9) 沿李村河互通行驶60米,直行进入环湾路

10) 沿环湾路行驶4.6公里,朝杭鞍高架路/辽阳西路/山东路/五四广场方向,稍向左转进入杭鞍高架路

11) 沿杭鞍高架路行驶4.7公里,朝鞍山路/山东路/市政府方向,稍向右转上匝道

12) 沿匝道行驶340米,直行进入鞍山路

13) 沿鞍山路行驶100米,稍向右转进入山东路

14) 沿山东路行驶60米,右前方转弯进入山东路

15) 沿山东路行驶300米,过右侧的必胜客新兴餐厅,直行进入山东路

16) 沿山东路行驶790米,过右侧的华宇大厦约170米后,直行进入澳柯玛立交桥

17) 沿澳柯玛立交桥行驶330米,过澳柯玛立交桥约120米后,直行进入山东路

18) 沿山东路行驶1.9公里,过右侧的华仁国际大厦约120米后,左前方转弯

19) 行驶10米,左后方转弯

20) 行驶10米,直行进入山东路

21) 沿山东路行驶280米,过左侧的中铁·青岛中心,右转进入香港中路

22) 沿香港中路行驶110米,过右侧的匡家沙岭村约220米后,调头进入香港中路

23) 沿香港中路行驶70米,到达终点(在道路右侧)



This data originates map, final result with the map newest data is accurate.

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 616.3 kilometers

Start: Changzhou city

Plan drives inside 1. Changzhou city

1) sets out from direction of start Xiang Zhengxi, travel of edge square highway 80 meters, left ahead turns enter the grade austral Huishan

Travel of the road austral hill of 2) edge benefit 220 meters, right-hand rotation enters dragon city highway

Travel of highway of city of 3) edge dragon 1.1 kilometers, straight travel enters outer shroud to be worn high

4) edge outer shroud wears travel high 2.8 kilometers, face outer shroud is worn high / dragon river road is worn high / Shanghai peaceful high speed / Chinese Jiangxi way way, enter Long Cheng highway to be worn high sunwise a bit

Highway of city of 5) edge dragon wears travel high 240 meters, cross dawn bridge, face Shanghai peaceful high speed / Chinese Jiangxi way way, enter Long Cheng highway to be worn high sunwise a bit

Highway of city of 6) edge dragon wears travel high 970 meters, go in for sth in a large scale too the bridge, in the entrance, enter Long Jiang road to be worn high

Road of river of 7) edge dragon wears travel high 3 kilometers, straight travel enters grade of dragon river north

Travel of road of north of river of 8) edge dragon 410 meters, face G42/ Shanghai / Nanjing / direction of Shanghai peaceful high speed, go up sunwise a bit full line

Travel of 9) edge full line 970 meters, toward Nanjing direction, go up sunwise a bit full line

Travel of 10) edge full line 240 meters, exorbitant home pond makes an appointment with 170 rice hind, in the entrance, enter Shanghai Chengdu freeway

Travel of freeway of Chengdu of 11) edge Shanghai 4.7 kilometers, chao Wu is entered / peaceful city big bridge / peaceful city / S39 direction, enter collect brook key position sunwise a bit

Travel of hub of brook of 12) edge collect 360 meters, big bridge of face peaceful city / peaceful city / the direction in raise, enter collect brook key position sunwise a bit

Travel of hub of brook of 2. edge collect 810 meters, cross collect brook hub, in the entrance, enter Jiang Yi freeway

Travel of freeway of 3. edge Jiang Yi 33.4 kilometers, straight travel enters peaceful to press down a freeway

4. edge peaceful presses down freeway travel 27.4 kilometers, face peaceful city / Yangzhou direction, enter announce fort key position sunwise a bit

Travel of hub of fort of 5. edge announce 1.3 kilometers, cross announce fort hub, in the entrance, enter Shanghai short for Shaanxi Province freeway

Short for Shaanxi Province of 6. edge Shanghai freeway travel 30.2 kilometers, chao Huaian / Beijing / embellish Yang Daqiao / G2 direction, enter Beijing Shanghai sunwise a bit freeway

Freeway travel of Shanghai of 7. edge Beijing 152.5 kilometers, face Nanjing / direction of harbor of G25/ Lian Yun, enter sunwise a bit king start a hub

8. edge king allows hub travel 930 meters, cross C full line to cross bridge of Ning Liangong road, chaohuai brings the airport / the harbor that connect the cloud / noisy water direction, enter sunwise a bit king start a hub

9. edge king allows hub travel 420 meters, in the entrance, enter long difficult highway

10. edge grows difficult highway travel 84.9 kilometers, face Qingdao / Nantong / G15 direction, enter key position of fill cloud north sunwise a bit

Travel of hub of north of cloud of 11. edge fill 1.4 kilometers, toward Qingdao direction, enter key position of fill cloud north sunwise a bit

Travel of hub of north of cloud of 12. edge fill 1.1 kilometers, cross big bridge of ancient berth river, in the entrance, enter Shen Hai freeway

Travel of freeway of 13. edge Shen Hai 91.3 kilometers, advance to be the same as 3 freeways continuously

14. edge is the same as 3 freeways travel 120 kilometers, face Qingdao / Jinan / G22 direction, enter the hub austral glue to stand sunwise a bit hand in

The hub austral 15. edge glue stands hand in travel 220 meters, face Qingdao / yellow island direction, enter the hub austral glue to stand sunwise a bit hand in

Plan drives inside 16. Qingdao city

The hub austral 1) edge glue stands hand in travel 790 meters, in the entrance, enter aid blueness the line austral the freeway

2) edge aid is green travel of the line austral the freeway 12.2 kilometers, big bridge of bay of face rubber administrative division / Qingdao direction, enter yellow island key position to stand to left-hand rotation a bit hand in

3) stands along yellow island key position hand in travel 1.3 kilometers, straight travel enters bay big bridge

Travel of big bridge of 4) edge bay 19.2 kilometers, enter red island each other to connect to left-hand rotation a bit

5) connects travel along red island each other 1.7 kilometers, straight travel enters bay big bridge

Travel of big bridge of 6) edge bay 4.1 kilometers, in city this world / the airport / Taiyuan road / exit of lucky prosperous road, enter each other of Li Cun river to connect

7) connects travel along each other of Li Cun river 330 meters, highway of face annulus bay / lucky prosperous road / orientation of the division austral city, enter each other of Li Cun river to connect sunwise a bit

8) connects travel along each other of Li Cun river 1.3 kilometers, straight travel enters each other of Li Cun river to connect

9) connects travel along each other of Li Cun river 60 meters, straight travel enters annulus bay grade

Travel of road of bay of 10) edge annulus 4.6 kilometers, wear a road toward Hang Angao / distant Yang Xilu / Shandong road / 54 square direction, enter Hang Angao to wear a road to left-hand rotation a bit

11) wears road travel along Hang Angao 4.7 kilometers, road of face saddle hill / Shandong road / municipal government direction, go up sunwise a bit full line

Travel of 12) edge full line 340 meters, straight travel enters saddle hill grade

Travel of road of hill of 13) edge saddle 100 meters, enter Shandong grade sunwise a bit

Travel of road of 14) edge Shandong 60 meters, west the front turns enter Shandong grade

Travel of road of 15) edge Shandong 300 meters, over- on the right side of surely win the guest is burgeoning dining-room, straight travel enters Shandong grade

Travel of road of 16) edge Shandong 790 meters, cross the China world large building on the right side of to make an appointment with 170 rice hind, straight travel is entered bay crossroads of Ma stalking or branch

17) edge bay travel of crossroads of Ma stalking or branch 330 meters, over- bay after crossroads of Ma stalking or branch makes an appointment with 120 meters, straight travel enters Shandong grade

Travel of road of 18) edge Shandong 1.9 kilometers, cross the edifice of Hua Renguo border on the right side of to make an appointment with 120 rice hind, left ahead turns

19) travel 10 meters, left rear turn

20) travel 10 meters, straight travel enters Shandong grade

Travel of road of 21) edge Shandong 280 meters, too left in center of iron · Qingdao, right-hand rotation enters the grade in Hong Kong

Travel of the road in 22) edge Hong Kong 110 meters, cross the village of Kuang Jiasha mountain on the right side of to make an appointment with 220 rice hind, tune enters the grade in Hong Kong

Travel of the road in 23) edge Hong Kong 70 meters, arrive at terminus (it is on the right side of road)

Terminal: Qingdao city

上一篇:健身:怎样练三角肌? 健身练肩就是三角肌吗?英文双语对照