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  日本企业非常注重“软件”的建设——企业中的文化因素,如企业全体员工共同具有的价值观念、员工对企业的向心力、企业中的人际关系等等,并统称之为“组织风土”。他们认为“组织风土”是在日本企业中经过长期管理实践的产物,是通过企业全体员工的言行举止自觉表现出来的,这种“组织风土”就是企业文化。   在日本、企业文化的表现形式是多种多样的,如“社风”、“社训”、“组织风土”、“经营原则”等等。这种企业文化是在企业内部把全员力量统一于共同目标之下的一种文化观念、历史传统、价值标准、道德规范和生活准则,是增强企业员工凝聚力的意识形态。日本企业文化的主要特点是和魂洋才、家族主义和以人为中心。   

1、 和魂洋才构成日本企业文化的核心   日本民族自称大和民族,“和魂”就是指日本的民族精神。“和魂”实际上是以儒家思想为代表的中国文化的产物,是“汉魂”的变种和东洋化。中国儒家文化的实抽是人伦文化、家族文化,提倡仁、义、礼、智、信、忠、孝、和、爱等思想,归纳起来就是重视思想统治,讲究伦理道德。   “洋才”则是指西洋(欧美)的技术。1886年日本明治维新,开始了资本主义进程。在明治政府的大力支持下,向西洋学习先进技术及管理方法在日本企业中逐渐形成高潮,于是“和魂”和“洋才”才开始结合起来,成为日本近代企业家经营活动的指导思想。以日本化了的中国儒家文化为核心的“和魂”与以欧美的先进技术为内容的“洋才”相结合,构成了日本企业管理文化的重要基础。   

2、家族主义是日本企业文化的显著特色   日本过去一直是以农业为主的国家,因此日本民族具有明显的农耕民族的某些文化物征,它首先表现为集团内部的互助合作,由于农耕作业,从播种到收获,绝非一个人的力量可以完成,家人、族人必须互助合作,这使得日本人养成了团结互助的良好习惯,与个人才能相比,他们更重视协作与技术的作用,即表现为家族主义。这种家族主义观念,在企业中则普遍表现为“团队精神”,一种为群体牺牲个人的意识。在日本,集团是一个广泛含义的概念。日本社会是集团的社会,一个企业可以被看作是集团,企业内部的科室、班组、事业部等也都是大小不一的集团;在企业外部,相互间有密切联系的企业结合成集团,无数个集团最终又构成日本国家和民族这个总的集团。所谓家族主义就是把家庭的伦理道德移到集团中,而企业管理活动的目的和行为又都是为了保持集团的协调、维护集团的利益、充分发挥集团的力量。家族主义精神要求和谐的人际关系,因此“和为贵”的思想是日本企业文化的核心。   

3、以人为中心的思想是日本企业文化的重要内容   无论是终身雇佣制、年功序列制,还是企业工会,日本企业经营模式的这三大支柱都是紧紧团绕着人这个中心的,三者相互联系、密切配合,从不同侧面来调整企业的生产关系,缓和劳资矛盾。正是这些形成了命运共同体的格局,实现了劳资和谐,推动着企业经营管理的改善和提高。   尽管日本文化很多国人不能苟同,但我们应该看到他们文化中的优秀成分,并且要学习和借鉴。如果总是看到别人的短处,那是永远也不能进步的。一个真正优秀的民族要能够吸纳其他各民族的优秀文化。从这一点来看,不得不承认,日本人早就走在我们前面。


Japanese enterprise is paid attention to very much " software " construction -- the culture element in the enterprise, if enterprise faculty has some value senses, stuff jointly,the human relation in the centripetal force to the enterprise, enterprise is waited a moment, and of a general designation for " constituent clime " . They think " constituent clime " it is the production that supervises practice for a long time in the course in Japanese enterprise, it is the consciousness of bearing of words and deeds that passes enterprise faculty expression comes out, this kind " constituent clime " it is company culture. The expressional form in culture of Japan, company is varied, be like " company wind " , " agency standard " , " constituent clime " , " management principle " etc. Culture of this kind of company is in enterprise interior complete a power is centralized standard of tradition of the idea of a kind of culture under common cause, history, value, ethic and living standard, be those who enhance company staff cohesive affinity is ideological. The main characteristic of Japanese company culture is with fetch foreign ability, familial creed is mixed with factitious center.   

1, the nation of core   Japan that just makes Japanese company culture with fetch ocean professes to be mixed greatly nation, "With fetch " the ethos that points to Japan namely. "With fetch " the child that is the Chinese culture that is a delegate with Confucianism actually, be " Chinese fetch " varietal He Dongyang is changed. The fact of Chinese Confucianist culture is smoked is human relations culture, familial culture, advocate benevolence, justice, ceremony, wisdom, letter, faithful, filial piety, and, the thought such as love, baconian rise even if take a thought seriously to dominate, stress ethical ethics. "Foreign ability " it is to point to West (Euramerican) technology. 1886 Japan bright study reform, began capitalist process. In bright those who control a government support energetically below, to western study advanced technique and administrative method are in Japanese enterprise form a climax gradually, then " with fetch " and " foreign ability " just begin union to rise, become Japanese latter-day entrepreneur to manage mobile guiding ideology. With Japanize of core of melt into of Chinese Confucianist article " with fetch " with what be content with Euramerican advanced technique " foreign ability " be united in wedlock, formed the important basis of culture of Japanese business management.   

2, the past of Japan of   of striking distinguishing feature that familial creed is Japanese company culture is the country that gives priority to with agriculture all the time, because this Japan nation is had apparent farming the certain culture content of agrarian nation is asked for, it behaves the coadjutant collaboration for group interior above all, as a result of farming agrarian exercise, from sow results, the force that is by no means a person can be finished, family, clansman must help each other collaboration, this makes Japanese nurturance the good convention that solidarity helps each other, compare with individual ability photograph, they take the action of cooperation and technology seriously more, behave namely for familial creed. Idea of this kind of familial creed, general in the enterprise performance is " group spirit " , one kind is the consciousness of group sacrifice individual. Be in Japan, the group is the concept of an extensive meaning. Japanese society is the society of the group, an enterprise can be regarded to be a group, ministry of the section office of enterprise interior, team and group, career also be the group with differ size; Be in an enterprise exterior, mutual a business ties synthesis that has close tie group, countless groups make Japan home and nation finally again this total group. Alleged and familial creed moves ethical morality of the family in the group namely, and the purpose of business management activity and behavior are to retain the power that produces a group the harmony of the group, interest that maintains a bloc, adequately. Familial creed spirit wants the human relationship of humorous of sue for peace, accordingly " and for expensive " the core that the thought is Japanese company culture.   

3, no matter the serious content   that the thought with factitious center is Japanese company culture is lifelong employ is made, year work series is made, still be company labour union, this 3 big pillar of mode of battalion of already of Japanese look forward to are closely the group is winding a person of this center, 3 person cooperate mutual connection, closely, will adjust the relations of production of the enterprise from different flank, alleviation labour and capital is contradictory. Be these structure that formed destiny community, realized harmony of labour and capital, the improvement that promoting business management of enterprise and rise. Although Japanese culture is very multilateral person cannot agree without giving serious thought, but the excellent part that we should see their culture is medium, and want learn and draw lessons from. If always see the weakness of others, that also cannot progress forever. A truly fine people wants to be able to be inducted other the outstanding culture of each nation. From the point of this, must admit, japanese goes early in front of us.

上一篇:关于泉水的古诗配画? 关于鸟的古诗配画?英文双语对照