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  家庭教育是对孩子健康成长不可缺少的一种教育,有学校教育、社会教育不可代替的作用,孩子成长过程中的大部分时间其实是在家庭中度过的,孩子的全部生活始终与家庭小集体有密切的联系。在家庭中,随着社会进步和社会结构的复杂化,更突现家庭教育的重要。  俗话说,父母是孩子的第一任教师。孩子从一出生下来,父母就和孩子在一起,孩子的语言文字学习、心理思想态度、行为举止习惯的养成都受到父母的熏陶和感染,其影响作用是非常大的。但是,有的家长没有意识到,家庭对孩子教育的影响。因此,做好家庭教育对学生身心健康成长是极其重要的。  第一:家庭环境影响孩子的成长。因为环境因素有广泛性、经常性、自然性、偶然性的特点,所以,孩子会受到种种影响。尤其是自发性的特点,它有与教育相平行的影响,也有与教育相矛盾的影响,这时孩子的身心发展有时可能是有利的、积极的,有时可能是不良的、消极的。所以,不能低估环境因素的作用。有的孩子在家庭影响下,可以较早地显示某些方面的特殊才能。俗话说“近朱者赤,近墨者黑。”在一定意义上说明了环境对人影响的作用。古代曾有“孟母三迁”,从“其舍近墓”到“迁居市旁”, 最后徙居“学官之旁”,终于使孟轲在学官的影响下,成为学者。这说明人们很早就重视环境影响人的作用。  第二:父母对孩子的成长起到了榜样的作用。家庭是社会的细胞,是孩子生活的第一环境,孩子的真正“启蒙教师”是自己的父母!教会孩子做人是孩子成长的首要条件,在孩子们用询问的眼光注视世界,同时,认识着世界的时候,在他的眼中最常见到的,是父母,父母的言行正表达着他们自己的人生态度。父母最先总是被孩子无条件认定的,于是并无意识的,但模仿对象就由此确定了。因此,作为家长事事必须以身作则,给孩子树立起良好的榜样,以堂堂正正的人的形象,留在孩子心目中。 堂堂正正的人应该是一个正直的人、有责任心的人、言行一致的人、守时惜时的人……那种贪婪、自私、斤斤计较、欺善怕恶、吹牛、违犯法纪、缺乏爱心的是最损害形象的,一旦印入孩子心中,不但难以磨灭,而且还是今后和父母产生情感障碍的潜在诱因。同时,又常是导致孩子自悲、自我封闭、自暴自弃等病态心理的原因之一。另外,还要敢于在孩子面前认错,那种认为认错就意味着降低威信,于是强词夺理硬辩,甚至以打驾手段镇住孩子的作法是最愚蠢的,最失诚信的,在孩子心理会刻下失望、伤心和轻视。因此,要塑造好自己的形象,做好孩子的“启蒙教师”。  第三:父母对教育的重视程度影响孩子的成长。现在的父母大多忙于挣钱,为自己的孩子提供一个好的生活学习环境,会忽略了对孩子教育的重视程度。有些父母可能简单的认为让孩子上最好的学校,有最先进的学习工具就是对教育的投资。其实不然,父母对教育的重视程度不仅仅是一些物质的简单投入,而更多的包括对孩子心理的关爱和呵护。首先必须了解孩子的心理,遵循孩子心理发展规律。其次,在生活中要教育孩子正确认识自己,既不自轻自贱,也不自骄自傲,这样才能正确地为人处事,否则孩子就会片面地认识别人,过高地估计自己,遇到事总感觉不顺心,不是嫉妒别人,就是烦恼、愤恨,被一些不健康的情绪所笼罩,也就失去了自己的快乐。要培养孩子的自信,这是一种积极的心理状态,自信的基本点是相信自己有力量完成某项任务,即使这项任务带有挑战性,自信心来源于获得成功的体验和父母的教正方式,欣赏孩子,是每个父母对孩子都应该有的基本态度。最后,要教育孩子正确面对失败与挫折。世界上,没有一条缀满鲜花的路铺在孩子面前,只待他去收获一个又一个的果子,去体会种种成功的欢乐,谁也躲不开那生活中必然会有的失败和挫折。  总之,孩子的教育不是一个人的事情,也不是一个人能够承担的责任。家庭教育对孩子习惯的养成、学习态度以及学习成绩都有着重大的促进作用。孩子的成长,不是只靠学校制度的约束、老师教学的管理来完成的,还有家庭的环境和家长的教育。家庭要配合学校、配合老师,扎扎实实地做好家庭教育工作,是当务之需。为了给孩子创造更好的学习和成长氛围,是国家、社会、学校以及家庭义不容辞的责任。家庭文化是传统文化的堡垒,也是文化冲突的避风港。在人格塑造中,家庭以其血缘的联系产生着潜移默化而又深根蒂固的影响。健全的人格不能缺少家园文化情感的内化及熏陶。家长应该在不断的进行自我学习,更新自己对孩子的教育思想观念,提高自己对孩子的教育水平和能力。同时,家庭教育应该与学校教育更加紧密地结合起来,使孩子更好地养成良好的行为和习惯,提高孩子各方面的素质,只有这样,我们的孩子才能得到真正健康的成长和发展。


Domestic education is to the child health grows a kind of indispensable education, school education, society teachs not replaceable action, child growing process is spent in the family between medium greater part time-sharing actually, whole life of the child has close connection with domestic small collective from beginning to end. In the family, as social progress and social structure complication, more dash forward those who show domestic education is important. Common saying says, parents is a the first teacher of the child. The child is born from, parents is together with the child, the nurturance that behavior of manner of thought of language character study of the child, psychology, conduct is used to gets parental edification and infection, it is very big that its affect action. But, some parents did not realize, the family is affected to what the child teachs. Accordingly, doing good family education to grow to health of student body and mind is all in all. The first: Of child of domestic environment influence grow. Because environmental element has the characteristic of extensive sex, regular, natural sex, chance, so, the child can get a variety of influences. Especially the characteristic of spontaneity, it has as parallel as education effect, also have with education conflicting is affected, at this moment development of body and mind may be advantageous sometimes, active, may be undesirable sometimes, inactive. So, cannot underestimate the action of environmental element. Some children fall in domestic influence, can demonstrate the special ability of certain respect early. Common saying says " one takes on the color of one's company, close Chinese ink person black. " the effect that explained on particular significance the environment is affected to the person. Ancient time ever had " mother of the first month 3 change " , from " its abandon close grave " to " by city of change one's dwelling house " , last move house " learn Guan Zhi by " , make Meng Ke is below the influence that learns an official eventually, become a learned man. This explains people early takes an environment seriously to affect the person's action. The 2nd: Parents is right of the child grow the effect that had model. The family is social cell, it is the first environment that the child lives, of the child true " illuminative teacher " the parents that is oneself! Church child is an upright person is the first requirement that the child grows, the eye that uses an inquiry in children looks attentively at the world, in the meantime, when knowing the world, the commonnest in his eye those who arrive, it is parents, parental words and deeds is expressing the life attitude of themselves. Parents always is first most by the child termless those who maintain, then involuntary, but imitate an object to decide from this. Accordingly, regard the parent as at every turn must set oneself an example to others, establish a good example to the child, with the figure of open and aboveboard person, stay in child memory. The person that open and aboveboard person should be an integrity, conscientious person, consistent person, person when time keeping cherish... the sort of greedy, selfishness, haggle over every ounce, what bully be apt to is afraid of love of evil, boast, infringe law and discipline, lack is most damage image, once imprint into child heart, not only efface hard, and the potential inducement that still will produce affection obstacle with parents henceforth. In the meantime, often be to bring about the child to close from Bei, ego, abandonment one of reasons that wait for clammy psychology. Additional, dare to acknowledge a mistake before the child even, the sort of thinking that acknowledge a mistake to be meant reduce authority, chicanery is then hard argue, the course of action that draws a method in order to hit to press down the child even is the most foolish, most those who lose sincere letter, at present is paid attention to in child heart disappointed, sad and despise. Accordingly, want to had shaped oneself image, do good child " illuminative teacher " . The 3rd: Parents spends those who affect the child to grow to heavy visual range of education. Present parents busies mostly earn money, the child that is oneself offers a good life to study an environment, meeting oversight value level to what the child teachs. Some parents' may simple thinking invites the best school on the child, having the most advanced study tool is the investment to education. Actually otherwise, parents spends the simple investment that is a few material not just to heavy visual range of education, and more care that include pair of child psychology and caress. Must understand the child's psychology above all, abide by child psychology to develop the rule. Next, want to teach the child to know his correctly in the life, both neither belittle oneself, also not from arrogant prideful, such ability are a person correctly to play, otherwise the child knows others can one-sidedly, estimate oneself exorbitantly, encounter a thing to always feel not satisfactory, not be envious others, it is trouble, detest, be enveloped by a few insalubrious moods, also lost oneself joy. Want to foster the child's self-confidence, this is a kind of active mentation, self-confident main point is to believe he has force to finish some job, although this task contains challenge sex, self-confident heart originates win successful experience and father and mother teach square style, appreciation child, it is every parents to the child should some basic attitudes. Finally, want to teach the child to face failure and setback correctly. On the world, the road shop of full without a compose flower is before the child, wait for him to harvest an another fruit only, go experiencing a variety of successful joy, everybody does not hide some failure in that life and setback. Anyhow, the child's education is not one the individual's thing, also not be the responsibility that a person can assume. Manner of the nurturance that domestic education is used to to the child, study and study result are having major stimulative effect. Of the child grow, the administration that is not education of the tie that relies on school system only, teacher will finish, still have the education of domestic environment and parent. The family should cooperate the school, cooperate a teacher, do good family solidly to teach the job, be when Wu need. Better to give the child creation study and growing atmosphere, it is the responsibility with country, society, school and obligatory family. Domestic culture is the fort of traditional culture, also be the port that culture conflicts. Model in character in, the family is producing exert a subtle influence on sb's character with its consanguineous connection and the influence that deep root the base of a fruit originallies. Sound moral quality cannot lack home culture change inside affective reach edification. The parent is having ego study ceaselessly, update oneself the educational idea idea to the child, raise oneself the educational level to the child and ability. In the meantime, domestic education should teach union of more close together ground to rise with the school, make the child better the deed with good nurturance and habit, raise the child the quality of each respect, only such, our child ability gets true health grow and develop.
