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生活中的安全常识? 生活中的数学常识?英文双语对照


生活中的安全常识? 生活中的数学常识?英文双语对照


























一、如果上下班途中发生交通事故,有权向所在单位要求享受工伤待遇,包括下班时顺道买菜的情况。上下班的途中包括四中情况:  1、在合理时间内往返于工作地与住所地、经常居住地、单位宿舍的合理路线的上下班途中;  2、在合理时间内往返于工作地与配偶、父母、子女居住地的合理路线的上下班途中;  3、从事属于日常工作生活所需要的活动,且在合理时间和合理路线的上下班途中;  4、在合理时间内其他合理路线的上下班途中。  



















1. 紧急情况应该怎么处理,例如如何拨打急救电话,如何逃生等。

2. 如何掌握基本的急救知识,如心肺复苏术、止血等。

3. 处理家庭常见的事故,如怎样进行消防安全、电器使用安全、自然气体使用安全等。

4. 饮食健康知识,如营养搭配、饮食安全、烹调技巧等。

5. 日常保健知识,如防晒、牙齿清洁、睡眠质量等。

6. 消费者知识,如维权、合理消费等。

7. 如何掌握基本的财务管理知识,如存款、理财、投资等。

8. 基本的语言和交流技巧,如礼仪、沟通技巧等。

9. 具备基本的维修技能,如自行修理自行车、家电维修等。

10. 如何实现环保,如怎样垃圾分类、节约用水等。




1. 火灾安全:确保家庭安装烟雾报警器,并经常检查电线和电器,避免过载使用插座。在离开房间或睡觉前务必熄灭所有明火和烟草制品。

2. 食品安全:储存食物时要注意卫生,避免交叉污染。定期检查食品保质期,并避免食用已过期的食品。彻底煮熟肉类和蛋类,避免食用生或未完全加热的食物。

3. 室内安全:确保居住环境通风良好,定期清洁空调和通风设备。避免长时间暴露在有害化学物质或毒气的环境中,使用合适的防护措施。

4. 交通安全:遵守交通规则,包括行人、自行车和汽车。穿戴安全带、头盔等个人防护用具,不酒后驾驶或使用手机时开车。

5. 网络安全:保护个人信息,谨慎处理个人账户和密码。不打开来自陌生人或可疑源的电子邮件或链接,注意防范网络诈骗和恶意软件。

6. 急救知识:学习急救知识,包括心肺复苏、止血和处理常见伤病等。掌握紧急求助电话号码,并保持急救箱和药品齐全。

7. 孩童安全:在家中和公共场所监护儿童,确保其远离危险物品和区域。教育孩子有关火灾、水安全、自我防护等基本知识。





The safe common sense in the life?

1, cannot throw lever of stub, match inside wastebasket to perhaps can be lighted at will sundry on, do not lie on the bed or smoke on sofa;

2, not illicit receive chaos to pull electrical wiring, not excess load uses phone, the overmuch device that use phone is not used on socket, need not the copper, iron, aluminous silk fuse that replaces knife brake switch to go up;

 3, before leave home or falling asleep, answer the appliance that use phone, switch burning gas and bequeath kindling to undertake checking, when the equipment that use phone is not used for a long time, should dump or unplug next outlet;

 4, use liquid gas, want to open rekindle of gas a powerful person first. Use end, close gas a powerful person to close furnace to provide again first;

 5, when encountering fire ad cool-headed, sober, rapid and correct flee for one's life, not cling to property, do not take jump not elevator, blindly building.

The mathematical common sense in the life?

The most commonly used maths knowledge in the life

One, simple beauty of maths

Number cannot leave in daily life, our all the time is absent with digital contact with, the number with complex numerous and complicated is form by 10 special and simple numbers, namely 0 to these 10 9 numbers, build remove infinite true the kingdom with the United States. This simply too magical. Maths, it is an artifical universe.

2, the semmetry of geometrical graph is beautiful

Tectonic and special choiceness, applicable and apian beehive is economic material. Apiary is comprised by the room hole with countless same size, fang Kongdou is hexagonal, every Fang Kongdou is surrounded by other room aperture, there is the wall that a candle makes only between two Fang Kongzhi. Surprising is, the bottom both neither of room aperture is smooth, also not be round, however pointed. This bottom is by 3 identical lozenge is comprised. Somebody has measured rhombic point of view, two obtuse angle are 28 ′ of 109 ° and two acute angle are 70 ° 32 ′ . Your person cries absolutely is, a honeycomb-like thing of all bees on the world is made according to this unified angle and mode.

The structure of apiary aroused the great interest of scientists. Through the thorough research to apiary, scientists discover amazedly, the room Kong Gong of photograph adjacent uses a wall and a hole bottom, aperture of room of; of very economic housing materials is hexagon, apian body basically is cylindrical, bee won't have surplus space not to feel crowded again already inside room aperture.

The structure of beehive gives spacecraft stylist people very big enlightenment, when they are being developed, used beehive structure: Make a honeycomb-like thing with the metal first, next reoccupy two plate rose its clip to become beehive structure. Intensity of structure of this kind of beehive is very high, weight very light, still be beneficial to sound insulation and heat insolation. Accordingly, interiorly of present space shuttle, orbiter, spacecraft uses beehive structure in great quantities, satellitic crust also is beehive structure entirely almost. Accordingly, these spacecraft a general designation is " beehive type spacecraft " . A honeycomb-like thing that the bee makes is of hexagon.

Additional, the uncanny workmanship of nature makes the symmetrical beauty of geometrical graph became the plastic arts, base that builds aesthetic. The symmetry of snowflake is the classic of nature, its appearance, also be hexagonal. Much more beautiful structure, beautiful and fluent, easy and line is firm strong. The planar semmetry of crystal is very exquisite, and from this the physical property of embedded profundity. The life that in the mankind Lai Yisheng lives is real in, small to clothings adornment, headgear, articles for daily use, arrive greatly housing (for instance the) such as bridge of case of housetop, window, ground, carve, picture ridgepole, have beautiful symmetrical graph adornment everywhere almost, sunk panel of the edging of the mural in archaic palace, Xiang Guanghe, contain very gallant symmetrical beauty.

Now, we found wholesome city, civilized town, appropriate to reside a city to wait a moment. Outside the door head of room of appearance of street both sides, building bright change establishment, it is unified rectangle entirely, is this why? Because of rectangle already simple symmetrical, so very beautiful.

Common sense of the danger in the life?

The dangerous common sense in studying the life is very important. 1. Master dangerous common sense to be able to be helped we prevent and avoid dangerous accident to happen, the person that guarantees us is safe. 2. Dangerous common sense still can let us raise safe consciousness, enhance ego to protect consciousness. When encountering hazardous condition, can make judgement quickly and adopt answer measure correctly. 3. Mastering dangerous common sense also is a kind of responsibility takes on, when patronizing another person especially, understand a few dangerous common sense to prevent the happening of contingency effectively. 1. The cause that knows fire, harm and answer measure; 2. Master the relevant knowledge of the natural disaster such as earthquake, typhoon; 3. Understand human body structure and vitals feature, avoid to take the contingency such as medicaments by accident; 4. Master regulation of road transportation safety, understand the traffic safety establishment beside; 5. Understanding network fraud and how be on guard the network is con etc.

The life common sense related 6 physics?

Heat bilges cold shrink

Ice-lolly is taken from freezer can risk Bai Yan

The meeting on winter window is frozen flower

Snowman is met when day heated sublimate

The legal common sense in the life?

Following law common sense should have in the life:

One, if commute,traffic accident produces in road, authority asks to enjoy inductrial injury treatment to place unit, when including to come off work, suitable path buys the situation of dish. Include in commuted road 4 in circumstance: 1, go there and back at the working ground and abode ground, reasonable line that often resides dwelling place, unit dormitory inside reasonable time commute   of   of the; in road 2, go there and back at working ground and spouse, parents, children to occupy a dwelling place inside reasonable time, and in reasonable time and reasonable line commute   of   of the; in road 4, of other inside reasonable time reasonable line commute in road.   

2, if not full child night of 18 years old not a home to return to, must have education to the child, be about to assume corresponding legal responsibility otherwise.   

3, if others lends you money, you must he gives receipt for a loan, and loan amount must great. (Note: Litigant effectiveness for a given period of time is 2 years)  

4, if want to protect oneself home or other property, scarcely wants illicit set electrified wire netting or install poison to wait, may offend otherwise endanger communal and safe blame.

" management of public security of People's Republic of China sanctions a method " the 37th the first section provision: Without approval, of installation, use electrified wire netting, or installation, use electrified wire netting does not accord with safe provision, place be detained 5 days below or fine; clue 500 yuan below serious, be in 5 days of above 10 days to be detained below, can be in 500 yuan of the following amerce.   

5, the citizen is compensated for in country of lawsuit of provide for, inductrial injury, criminal, request and request to send the respect such as pension to need to obtain lawyer help lawfully, but of charge of financial insolvency lawyer, can obtain law to help according to national regulation.   

6, if want to write a will, must make clear date, sign personally. Let person allograph, must two above witness is attendant testimony, person of allograph person, eyewitness, will wants sign one's name, had better entrust a lawyer to witness and carry out a will.   

7, cost of pension, extra allowance for living expanses is to be after the dead's death, send the dead the relative's fare by the country, give special care to disabled servicemen and to family members of martyrs and servicemen of in order to relieves the minor in the dead's family member and the relative that lose labor ability, do not reside the dead's heritage, cannot accede as bequest commonly.   

8, folk is leasehold belong to high risk incident, interest rate of the corresponding period of legal provision prep above the folk of 4 times above is leasehold, do not get legal protection. Be like at present a year period loan interest rate is 6% , namely folk is leasehold 1 year period 24%(of interest rate prep above namely above of monthly interest 2%) , tower above part does not get legal protection.  

9, the restricts person of civil action competence to perhaps be treated in bughouse without support of the people of civil action competence spirit patient in nursery school, school study, life, because these units all did not arrive to guard duty and be harmed, these units should offer compensation appropriately. The unit has fault, yi Yingkuo should assume responsibility.

Is the scientific Xiaochang in the life known?


The food with vitamin C rich content cannot eat together with seafood. Because vitamin C has reproducibility, seafood kind have arsenic content taller, because the arsenic in these seafood reacts jointly with vitamin C, dimension C has reproducibility, the 5 oxidation that generate later 2 arsenic have virulent.


The cauline ministry of helianthus contains a kind of wonderful plant to grow element. This kind grows element special be afraid of light. Encounter radial illuminate, it can go to the one side that be in a poor light, at the same time it returns stimulation to be in a poor light the cell of one side breeds quickly, so, what grow what compare Xiang Guang at the same time what be in a poor light at the same time is fast, make helianthus produced phototropism to bend. Because this helianthus always sides with the sun.

The health in the life and common sense?

Health and common sense are very important in the life. Conclusion is health and common sense very important in the life. The reason is healthy it is the base that we live and expands, favorable healthy situation can enhance individual strength, improve the efficiency of the job and life. Common sense is our understanding world and the foundation that answer the life, master common sense to be able to help us understand a thing better, solve a problem, improve oneself quality. In the life, we need to notice to keep healthy, can wait for means to come true through work and rest of scientific food, proper motion, law. In the meantime, we still need continuous study, extend intellectual range, master common sense, can pass read, the means such as study, job will come true. Health and common sense are the foundation in our life, hope everybody can take seriously and effort comes true.

Does institutional general knowledge want in the life?

There is the common sense that a lot of needs master in the life, it is a few common lives below common sense consults for you:

1.How should be emergency handled, how to dial emergency treatment telephone for example, how to flee for his life etc.

2.How to master basic emergency treatment knowledge, if heart lungs anabiosises art, hemostatic wait.

3.Handle the accident with common family, if how undertake fire control safety, electric equipment use safety, natural gas,use safety to wait.

4.Dietary fitness knowledge, wait like skill of safety of nutrient collocation, food, cook.

5.Knowledge of daily health care, if prevent,bask in, quality of dental cleanness, Morpheus.

6.Consumer knowledge, the authority that be like dimension, reasonable consumption.

7.How to master basic financial management knowledge, wait like deposit, conduct financial transactions, investment.

8.Basic language make peace communicates skill, wait like formal, communication skill.

9.Have basic maintenance technical ability, if repair maintenance of bicycle, home appliance by oneself,wait.

10.How to realize environmental protection, like how rubbish classification, managing wait with water.

As a whole, the common sense that the society needs in the life is very extensive, need to we learn ceaselessly and be accumulated, exercise oneself provide for oneself ability and real operation ability.

Is safe Xiaochang known in the life?

It is the safe Xiaochang knowledge in a few lives below:

1.Fire safety: Ensure the family installs aerosol warning apparatus, often check electrical wiring and electric equipment, avoid overload to use electrical outlet. Extinguish all bright fire and nicotian goods without fail before leave a room or sleeping.

2.Food safety: Store sanitation should notice when food, prevent alternate pollution. Check food expiration period regularly, avoid the food that edible already expired. Thoroughly cook the flesh thoroughly kind with the egg kind, avoid the food that edible is born or heats not completely.

3.Indoor and safe: Ensure living environment is drafty, fixed and clean air conditioning and ventilated equipment. Avoid to be exposed for long in harmful and chemical material or mephitical environment, use appropriate preventive measure.

4.Traffic safety: Abide by traffic regulation, include pedestrian, bicycle and car. Apparel the individual such as safety belt, helmet defends appliance, when do not drive after wine or using a mobile phone, drive.

5.Network safety: Protect individual information, discretion processes individual account and code. Do not open the email that comes from stranger or doubtful source or link, the attention is on guard network bilk and baleful software.

6.Emergency treatment knowledge: Learn emergency treatment knowledge, include heart lungs to anabiosis, hemostatic with processing common injury. Palm enclasp is urgent appeal telephone number, carry emergency treatment box and drug all ready.

7.Child child is safe: Public custody children is counteracted in the home, ensure its are far from dangerous article and area. Educational child defends about safety of fire, water, ego wait for basic knowledge.

These are a few common safe little common sense, but notice individual environment and demand may differ somewhat please, understand and taking proper safety precaution is the key that protects oneself and another person.

What does the mathematical common sense in the life have?

Go into the street at ordinary times buy dish to need those who use maths to add subtration, lid house needs draw paper ah etc.

下一篇:论文的作用? 心理健康论文写作结构?英文双语对照