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月瑰与玖瑰怎样区别? 瑰字组词?英文双语对照


月瑰与玖瑰怎样区别? 瑰字组词?英文双语对照









玫瑰、 瑰宝、 瑰丽





玮瑰 [ wěi guī ]1.珍奇,美好。

伟瑰 [ wěi guī ]奇伟特异。

珍瑰 [ zhēn guī ]珍宝。

瑰琼 [ guī qióng ]美石,美玉。

瑰木 [ guī mù ]巨大的木头。

瑰壮 [ guī zhuàng ]1.奇伟;壮丽。 2.专指人体雄健、健美。

瑰瓒 [ guī zàn ]美玉与质地不纯的玉。比喻优劣不同的两种事物。

珻瑰 [ méi guī ]玫瑰。落叶灌木名,亦以称其花。










☆瑰 <名> ☆(形声。从玉, 鬼声。本义: 美玉; 美石) 瑰 〈形〉 ☆珍贵;珍奇 ☆奇特;杰出 ☆瑰丽,华丽,美丽 ☆伟,大。通“傀” 








【午集上】【玉字部】康熙笔画:15 部外笔画:10




[méi gui]

玟瑰(学名:Rosa rugosa Thunb.):原产地中国。属蔷薇目,蔷薇科落叶灌木,枝杆多针刺,奇数羽状复叶,小叶5-9片,椭圆形,有边刺。花瓣倒卵形,重瓣至半重瓣,花有紫红色、白色,果期8-9月,扁球形。枝条较为柔弱软垂且多密刺,每年花期只有一次,因此较少用于育种,近来其主要被重视的特性为抗病性与耐寒性。




选地整地 选择向阳、肥沃疏松、排水良好的壤土或砂壤土为宜。耕前每亩施入堆肥2500~3000kg,深翻20~25cm,耙细整平,作成高畦,宽1.5m,高15cm左右,两边挖30cm的排水沟。

 栽植 在整好的畦面上,按行距1.3m,株距1m,挖穴深40~50cm,穴径50~60cm。挖松下层硬土,施入适量厩肥和饼肥作基肥,再盖土5~10cm。然后将苗株栽入穴中,把根系向四周理开平放,使其舒展,覆盖干松碎土,当填到一半时,用脚踏实。加满土后,再压实一次,栽植深度略深于原来土痕。穴面不要耙平,要留有浅坑,以便蓄水,最后浇透定根水,盖一层薄细土即可。









槐花 5克、珍贵米或者贵潮米 300克、生石灰 3.4克、水 适量、黄糖 适量
















 15、煮好黄糖水。 16加入黄糖水,好吃的槐花粉就做好了,放入冰箱会更加美味。


How does the month rare be distinguished with Jiu Gui?

"Do rose and month rare " ? Be rose and Chinese rose.

Part a lot of, the most typical:

1, rose leaf is uneven, level off of Chinese rose leaf is smooth.

2, rose bine dry thorn is small and close, do not have a tool to be able to be picked far from; Dry thorn of Chinese rose bine is big and scanty, can take go up in the hand.

Actually brim of leaf bud color, lamina, calyx appearance, petaline brim has distinction, but very delicate, in a few words says not clear, only oneself were experienced.

Anyhow, the rose that cut a flower is Chinese rose completely. Chinese rose is not as sweet as rose comparing sweet, the rose is not as beautiful as Chinese rose.

Marvellous block word?

Rose, gem, magnificent

"Marvellous " , standard of contemporary Chinese language one class word (commonly used word) , mandarin pronunciation is Gu ī , see the earliest at " say civil " in. "Marvellous " basic meaning is rare, be like marvellous different, magnificent; Meaning of extend the meaning is the stone of second Yu Yu.

In be used daily, "Marvellous " often also do an adjective, express strange Wei, rare, be like gem.

Marvellous how group statement?

Marvellous group statement, for example:

Valuable marvellous [ī of W ě I Gu] 1. Rare, good.

Wei rares [ī of W ě I Gu] strange Wei is distinctive.

Precious rares [ī of Zh ē N Gu] jewellery.

The marvellous fines jade [beautiful stone of Ng] of ó of Gu ī Qi, beautiful jade.

Marvellous wood [ù of Gu ī M] tremendous wood.

The marvellous is strong [Ng]1 of à of Gu ī Zhu. Strange Wei; Gallant. 2. Show human body is powerful, strong and handsome only.

Marvellous Zan [the jade with beautiful jade of N] of à of Gu ī Z and impure quality of a material. Compare two kinds of things with actor different bad.

rares [ī of M é I Gu] rose. Name of deciduous leaf bush, also spend in order to weigh its.

Pronunciation of the marvellous in the Guo Rugui of big decisive battle?


Simplified Chinese characters: Marvellous (Gu ī )

The original complex form of a simplified Chinese character: Marvellous

Radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries:

The five elements: Wood

Simplified strokes: 13

Traditional strokes: 15

Good or ill luck: Auspicious

Chinese character explanation

Name of ☆ marvellous < > ☆ (echoism. From jade, ghost sound. Original meaning: Beautiful stone of beautiful jade; ) marvellous < form > magnificent of crackajack ☆ of peculiar; of rare ☆ of ☆ precious; , luxuriant, beautiful ☆ Wei, big. Connect " Gui "

The Huai-Hai Campaign, laojiang takes seriously very much, full day is in fight mix in hall one numerous brain truster is consultative stratagem, as lie the Guo Rugui of the bottom wants naturally the balance that method lets win tilts toward my party, so he puts forward to be in military strength deploy the ferry riverside road between Xuzhou and mussel port two side, do " offensive defence " . Guo Rugui raises this opinion, because old Jiang heart thinks is,be " defend Jiang Bishou the Huaihe River " , if Xuzhou country army carried out Laojiang " defend Jiang Bishou the Huaihe River " plan, sufferring great losing circumstance to fall to recall entirely bank of Henan of the Huaihe River, so certainly will of my army future cannot prevent a large number of states army go back the Yangtse River with south, this will liberate a career to produce tremendous adverse effect to the whole nation.

The group statement of the marvellous?

Try to answer this problem: Rose, gem, magnificent

The order of strokes of the marvellous?

Marvellous word order of strokes:

Horizontal, horizontal, perpendicular, carry, cast aside, perpendicular, horizontal stroke is folded, horizontal, horizontal, cast aside, hook setting upright a turn, cast aside fold, dot

Marvellous (read Gu ī )

[on midday collect] [jade word ministry] Kang Xi strokes: The 15 strokes outside the ministry: 10

" Tang Yun " fair time cut. " collect charm " " charm is met " " charm " aunt is answered cut. ? Phonic Gui. " say civil " : Rose also. Say the circle is good bead also. " learned " : Rose, bead name. " left pass · to become seventeen years " : Huan of experience of acoustical uncle dream, or with what already fined jade the marvellous is fed. Note: Marvellous fining jade, bead also. " before Sima Xiangru passes Chinese · " : Yu Mei of its Shi Zechi rares. Note: Jin Zhuo says: Rose, igneous Qi Zhu also. Division Gu Yue: Igneous Qi Zhu, give igneous bead southernly today.

Fine jade again marvellous, shi Ciyu. " poetic · Qin Feng " : Admire of jade of marvellous fining jade. Pass: Marvellous fining jade, stone and second jade.

The pronunciation that Min rares?

[M é I Gui]

Min rares (formal name: Rosa Rugosa Thunb. ) : China of country of origin. Belong to rose eye, bush of rose family fallen leaves, branch lever much pinprick, odd a shape compound leaf, flocculus 5-9 piece, elliptic, have edge thorn. Leaf pours egg form, heavy valve comes to weigh valve partly, the flower has amaranth, white, month of fruit period 8-9, flat globose. Branch is relatively effeminate soft hang down and much closer thorn, annual florescence once, because this is used lesser at breeding, latter the character that its basically are taken seriously is disease resistance and cold-resistant sex.

Does marvellous Mei cultivate a method?

Cent individual plant is progenitive

Before dividing individual plant 1 year, sufficient fertilizer should be applied around border of maternal plant root and water, maintain soil at the same time loose and wet, stimulative root ministry is many bud Nie. Because rose tillering capability is very strong, after smoking unripe new branch every time, mu Zhiyi wither, reason must transplant the burgeon near root border in time to go somewhere else, make Mu Zhi still can exuberant grow. Accordingly, annual 11 ~ in December, after plant fallen leaves, or immediately following in time when bud just stirred year in Feburary, can dig from inside big beautiful mound take hale new individual plant grows by maternal plant, every clump provides a bine to do 2 ~ 3, the cent that take a root is grown. After growing from earthy surface above section of department of 20 ~ 25cm works, breed 2 ~ 3 years to be able to become Cong Kaihua.

The loam with fecund and with a sunny exposure of option of the soil preparation that choose the ground, loose, good drainage or sandy loam are advisable. Before ploughing every mus apply compost 2500 ~ 3000kg, turn over 20 ~ 25cm greatly, make smooth with a rake fine whole smooth, consummate tall farmland, wide 1.5m, tall 15cm is controlled, both sides digs the barrel-drain of 30cm.

 Cultivated go up in the farmland range that has made, press row spacing 1.3m, 1m of spacing in the rows, dig hole deep 40 ~ 50cm, acupuncture point diameter 50 ~ 60cm. Dig firm ground of loose lower level, apply right amount barnyard manure and cake to make base fertilizer, cover ground again 5 ~ 10cm. In falling seedling trunk of a tree acupuncture point next, root system to all around sleave is smooth put, make its are extended, cover dry loose broken ground, when writing an in part, be free from anxiety with the foot. After adding full land, again squeezing ramming, cultivated deepness slightly deep Yu Yuan comes earthy mark. Acupuncture point face is not made smooth with a rake smooth, should stay have shallow hole, so that store water, irrigate finally decide a water fully, cover an infertile fine ground can.

 Arrive after bud of early spring new bud between March field planting, seedling individual plant should take earthy round transplant, should not be behindhand too undertake, survive not easily otherwise. If be after deciduous leaf,transplant, seedling individual plant is OK naked root is dug take, can not head earthy group, but lateral root length should not be less than 20cm, survive not easily otherwise

Marvellous and what are concerned?

Marvellous and jade are concerned. The marvellous is the stone that is next to jade, concern with jade.

Inclined jade is by Wang Zi by, much He Meiyu concerns the word that takes this character components.

In the name that is like fair Jin of week gem week gem He Jin, it is the meaning of beautiful jade. Be like a rose again the Mei in one word, also be beautiful jade, the marvellous is the stone that is next to jade, concern with jade. Link the defect word in the defects cannot obscure the virtues, although be stain, but also be the stain in jade, still concern with beautiful jade.

By Wang Zi be called again inside Chinese character structure " jade fills " , the word that a lot of meanings with jade concern is Wang Zi by. Actually from " jade " the form of the word can see, this is very typical " indicate " model Chinese character, "King " the person of the person that represent Wang Zhe, official, that one the dot emphasizes is the thing between this individual waist. And in ancient time king, jade two words are general, and when be being written into character components radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries, because final strokes is compared,become " carry " later, that spaces are too little, do not write on one hand good-looking, write inconvenience on the other hand, omited this one is nodded. Say from the angle of word-formation in fact so, the itself other Wang Zi is jade word do character components, because of leave out nod and be called " jade fills " .

Practice of Guangxi marvellous pink?

With makings

The pagoda tree spends 5 grams, precious rice expensive perhaps wet rice 300 grams, calx 3.4 grams, water is right amount, yellow candy is right amount

The practice measure of pagoda tree pollen

 1, rice uses bleb night ahead of schedule

 2, calx shifts to an earlier date one day with right amount water bubble, I used 1.5 litres bleb probably, the thing that bubble has a white to the surface is OK, draw the water that superstratum clarifies, the lime below does not want.

3, call good pagoda tree the flower, break into pieces together inside the rice with put bubble good.

4, rice and pagoda tree flower join right amount water to be put in broken wall machine, function of vegetables of the fruit that start, it is OK to hit 2 minutes of 40 seconds to control.

 5, the rice paste that has hit is exquisite without grain.

 6, put do not stick boiler, irruptive rice is burnt after limewater is boiled with another boiler in, ceaseless agitate, mix even hind, firing boil.

7, after joining limewater, darken is yellow, be the same as a directional agitate.

 8, after becoming paste, with cap the lid rises.

9, put the smallest fire to be boiled slowly.

10, 6 minutes control agitate, prevent to stick boiler.

 11, rice is burnt by stiff become rare, again by rare become stiff.

 12, boil half hour left and right sides probably, carry distill slowly it is OK to come, time is boiled more for a long time, chew rise to have more chew interest.

 13, good with boiler head outfit cold water, what I use is filtering clean water, be disinclined to boil boiled water to cool.

14, put paste, shovel of boiler of have the aid of is pressed pressure in the boiler below leakage. If want big a bit, can buy aperture to compare the sort of big cool shrimp special leakage dish, I do not like the big this leakage pad that uses a pot for steaming food so. Pressure after going in, water is changed a few times, pollen letting a pagoda tree drops in temperature quickly, chew rise to have very much chew interest.

 15, had boiled yellow syrup. 16 join yellow syrup, delicious pagoda tree pollen has been done, put freezer the meeting is more delicate.
