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电子科技大学mba如何? 西安电子科技大学mba含金量?英文双语对照


电子科技大学mba如何? 西安电子科技大学mba含金量?英文双语对照





  1. 师资力量强大:该校MBA拥有一支高水平的教师团队,其中不乏国内外知名学者和业界精英,他们的教学经验和实践经历能够为学生提供丰富的知识和实践指导。

  2. 课程设置合理:该校MBA的课程设置涵盖了管理、经济、金融、市场营销等多个领域,能够帮助学生全面了解商业运作和管理理论,并具备实际应用的能力。

  3. 实践教学丰富:该校MBA注重实践教学,通过企业访问、模拟经营等形式,帮助学生将理论知识与实践相结合,提升实际操作能力。

  4. 校友网络广泛:该校MBA拥有广泛的校友网络,校友遍布各行各业,能够为学生提供职业发展机会和资源支持。



电子科技大学mba还不错。如果你是在职人员的话,务实一点呢,就读个美国远程MBA或其他专业学位,不影响工作就能参加学习考试,国内许多外企白领和国企高管为了升职、深造都读这个的,反馈好像都还不错;部分美国大学还有低收入助学金,申请到后学费也不贵。尽量挑选资深点的美国百年名校,例如:Brown University(远程物流专业)University of New Hampshire(远程工程学)Cornell University(远程市场营销专业)Churchman University(中英双语远程MBA)等大学。外企和大中型国企都认可这样的学位的,这些单位的不少高管自己都在读的。学生可以在线下载课程、在线考试、在线递交论文。在自己方便的时间学习课程,完全跨越时空的限制。



1. 全日制班:采用传统的面授教学模式,学生需要在学校内上课,一般是周一至周五的白天时间。

2. 周末班:采用周末集中授课的方式,一般是周六、周日或节假日上课,适合有工作或其他时间限制的学生。

3. 在线班:采用网络教学的方式,学生可以在任何时间、任何地点通过网络进行学习,具有很大的灵活性和便捷性。

4. 混合班:采用面授和网络教学相结合的方式,既可以在学校内上课,也可以通过网络进行学习,既保证了学生的学习效果,又方便了学生的学习。










30多万港币,香港的part-time mba价格要比full-time的低一些,这与内地是正好相反的,港科大的FT MBA价格在55万港币左右,如果想从事金融行业,港科大的mba是值得选择的



(1)管理类联考综合能力,卷面结构:数学、逻辑推理、写作(论证有效性分析、论说文),共三大部分。满分为200分 。分值分布:①数学(问题求解15题、条件充分性判断10题,每题3分)共75分、②逻辑推理(30题,每题2分)共60分、③ 写作(论证有效性分析1题30分+论说文1题35分)共65分。

(2)英语二,卷面结构:语言知识运用(即完形填空)、阅读理解第一部分四篇、阅读理解第二部分一篇、翻译(英译汉 )、小作文、大作文,共六个部分。满分为100分。分值分布:语言知识运用(完形填空)20道题10分、阅读理解(Part A)20道题40分、阅读理解(Part B)5道题10分、翻译(英译汉)15分、小作文10分、大作文15分。





One, Mba of university of electronic science and technology how?

Mba of university of electronic science and technology is quite pretty good, it is the school that underlines independently, school score line is not very tall, do not take an examination of very hard, specific fractional line can go Mba gas station looks, can compare with other school

2, does Mba of university of Xi'an electron science and technology contain Troy?

MBA of university of Xi'an electron science and technology is a famous MBA education orgnaization, quality of its MBA education and contain Troy to enjoy very tall reputation in home. It is a few characteristics of this school MBA and advantage below:

 1. Force of persons qualified to teach is powerful: This school MBA has the pedagogic group of a Gao Shuiping, there is no lack of among them domestic and international famous learned man and industry elite, their teaching experience and practice experience can provide substantial knowledge and practice guidance for the student.

 2. Curricular setting is reasonable: The curricular setting of this school MBA covered the many fields such as sale of management, economy, finance, market, can help a student comprehensive understanding business is run and manage theory, have the capacity that uses actually.

 3. Practice education is rich: This school MBA pays attention to practice education, through the enterprise visit, imitate is managed wait for a form, help student combines academic knowledge and practice, promotion operates ability actually.

 4. Alumnus network is extensive: This school MBA owns extensive alumnus network, alumnus spreads all over all trades and professions, can offer a profession to expand opportunity and resource support for the student.

The place on put together is narrated, of MBA of university of Xi'an electron science and technology contain Troy taller, for the student that to wanting to be in commercial domain admits, it is a right choice.

3, Mba of university of electronic science and technology how?

Mba of university of electronic science and technology is pretty good still. If you are on-the-job personnel, deal with concrete matters relating to work a bit, read an American long-range MBA or other and professional degree, do not affect the job to be able to attend study exam, a lot of foreign enterprise white-collars and state-owend enterprise run country high to rise job, take advanced courses to read this, feedback seems to be returned pretty good; University of partial United States still has low income stipend, the tuition after application arrives is not expensive also. Pick hundred years officer of bit seniorer United States as far as possible, for example: Brown University(long-range content sheds major) University Of New Hampshire (long-range engineering) Cornell University (long-distance market sale is professional) Churchman University (Sino-British and bilingual long-range MBA) wait for an university. Foreign enterprise and large and medium-sized the state-owend enterprise approbates such degree, many tall him canals of these units are reading. The student is course of OK and online download, online exam, online submit a paper. In oneself advantageous time learns course, span completely to be restricted spatio-temporally.

4, does Mba of university of Guilin electron science and technology attend class means?

Of MBA of university of Guilin electron science and technology attend class means includes the following kinds:

1.Full-time class: The face that uses a convention gives education pattern, the student needs to attend class inside the school, it is Zhou Yi commonly between the white climate to Zhou Wu.

2.On the weekend class: Use the means that gives lessons centrally on the weekend, it is Saturday commonly, weekday or holiday attend class, suit to have the job or the student that other time restricts.

3.Online class: Use the means of network education, the student can pass a network to undertake study in any any time, places, have very big flexibility and convenient quality.

4.Mixture class: Use the means that the face is awarded and network education photograph combines, can attend class inside the school already, also can undertake study through the network, assured study result of the student already, went to the lavatory again the student's study.

Those who need an attention is, different school and different and professional MBA course are installed and attend class means may differ somewhat, suggest you know relevant news in detail before sign up, so that make right choice.

5, is liberal art unripe suit MBA of university of electronic science and technology?

It doesn't matter does not suit, I am liberal art is born, reading industrial and commercial managing now, although now is undergraduate course only, ah. But later we still should take an examination of MBA drop...

6, is Mba of university of electronic science and technology admitted how much is leading?

The second-round exam of MBA of university of data electron science and technology that announces according to inquiring graduate school of college of electronic science and technology admits scale to be 2:1

7, is Mba of university of Jiangsu science and technology tuitional?

       Tuitional 70 thousand yuan. University of Jiangsu science and technology is an engineering course characteristic the university of omnibus high level with whole system of bright, education. Eductional systme of this school MBA 2 years, tuitional 70 thousand yuan, attend class means is on the weekend class, attracted a lot of outstanding student to enter oneself for an examination, after still partial student is taken an examination of through couplet, want to adjust this school to read grind, student adjusts need to pass school graduate student website, of all kinds one's deceased father grind a variety of channel such as resource of arteries and veins of website, media, person, extensive collect is this professional vacancy information, recruit students condition that regulates institute of requirement, 2 class, relevant the adviser's circumstance regulate information valuably.

Master those who adjust information to be able to be occupied certainly in regulating a process as early as possible first machine.

8, is MBA of university of Hong Kong science and technology tuitional?

30 much Hongkong dollar, what the Part-time Mba price of Hong Kong wants to compare Full-time is a few lower, this and inland are as it happens is contrary, the FT MBA value with harbor great division is controlled in 550 thousand Hongkong dollar, if want to be engaged in financial industry, the Mba with harbor big family is worth a choice

9, course of exam of MBA of university of science and technology of 2021 Chengdu electron?

Course of exam of MBA of university of electronic science and technology included 2021 " manage kind of couplet to check integrated capability " with " English 2 " two divisions, always divide 300 minutes.

(1) manages kind of couplet to check integrated capability, roll area structure: Maths, logistic inference, writing () of argumentation effectiveness analysis, argumentation, in all 3 much. Full marks is 200 minutes. Cent value distributings: ① maths (the problem seeks solution sex of 15 problems, sufficient condition judges 10 problems, every inscribe 3 minutes) in all logistic inference of 75 cent, ② (30 problems, every inscribe 2 minutes) in all 60 cent, ③ are composed (argumentation effectiveness analyses 1 problem 30 minutes + argumentation 1 problem 35 minutes) in all 65 minutes.

(2) English 2, roll area structure: Language knowledge is applied (be over namely form fill a vacancy) , read understanding the first part 4, read understanding the 2nd part, interpreter (Ying Yihan) , article of small composition, your work, in all 6 parts. Full marks is 100 minutes. Cent value distributings: Language knowledge is applied (be over form fill a vacancy) inscribe 10 minutes 20 times, read understanding (Part A)20 path inscribes 40 minutes, read understanding (Part B)5 path inscribes 10 cent, interpreters (Ying Yihan) 15 cent, small compositions article of 10 cent, your work 15 minutes.

10, excuse me the obtain employment circumstance of MBA of university of Chengdu electron science and technology how?

Above all electronic division earth manages B division, it is to be underlined independently, the mark wants low, the second-round exam is easier than Tsinghua Beijing University also.

Next, the school has special obtain employment center, project of exercitation of summer vacation time. The 3rd, the Beijing University of Tsinghua of college no more than of particularly big name, the exam also wants god-given much, because individual water is gentle,working setting balance considers. The 4th, MBA no more than is aureate, individual element still is occupied very big proportional. Finally, MBA is general not problem of anxious obtain employment, the problem depends on his individual locating.

上一篇:城市有哪些主要特征? 植物有哪些主要特征?英文双语对照