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城市有哪些主要特征? 植物有哪些主要特征?英文双语对照


城市有哪些主要特征? 植物有哪些主要特征?英文双语对照


世界城市化的主要特征 发展速度快;大城市发展速度明显超过中小城市 ;近年来发展中国家城市化的速度超过了发达国家;发达国家和发展中国家城市化进程各具特点,发达国家大都已进入逆城市化进程,而发展中国家大都处在初级城市化阶段,人口明显向城市集中;形成了众多的城市群体.如美国波士华城市带,日本东海道城市带,德国鲁尔区,英国的英格兰南部城市群体













UG(Unigraphics NX)是Siemens PLM Software公司出品的一个产品工程解决方案,它为用户的产品设计及加工过程提供了数字化造型和验证手段。

Unigraphics NX针对用户的虚拟产品设计和工艺设计的需求,提供了经过实践验证的解决方案。UG同时也是用户指南(user guide)和普遍语法(Universal Grammar)的缩写。



NX 为那些培养创造性和产品技术革新的工业设计和风格提供了强有力的解决方案。利用 NX建模,工业设计师能够迅速地建立和改进复杂的产品形状, 并且使用先进的渲染和可视化工具来最大限度地满足设计概念的审美要求。


NX 包括了世界上最强大、最广泛的产品设计应用模块。 NX 具有高性能的机械设计和制图功能,为制造设计提供了高性能和灵活性,以满足客户设计任何复杂产品的需要。


NX 允许制造商以数字化的方式仿真、确认和优化产品及其开发过程。通过在开发周期中较早地运用数字化仿真性能,制造商可以改善产品质量,同时减少或消除对于物理样机的昂贵耗时的设计、构建,以及对变更周期的依赖。


UG NX加工基础模块提供联接UG所有加工模块的基础框架,它为UG NX所有加工模块提供一个相同的、界面友好的图形化窗口环境,用户可以在图形方式下观测刀具沿轨迹运动的情况并可对其进行图形化修改:如对刀具轨迹进行延伸、缩短或修改等。












机械是用来传递运动或动力的能完成有用机械功的装置,用来变换或传递能量、物料与信息。其特点如下: 1)机械首先必须是执行机械运动的装置。










1. 明确性:算法必须具备明确的步骤和指令,使得人能够理解和执行。每个步骤都应该是清晰、无歧义且可操作的。

2. 有限性:算法必须能够在有限的时间内执行完毕。即使是涉及大量数据或复杂操作,算法也应该有明确的终止条件。

3. 输入:算法应该具备输入数据的能力,它可以接受特定形式或格式的数据作为输入,用于进行计算和处理。

4. 输出:算法应该能够生成所需的输出,这可以是计算结果、处理后的数据,或者是对输入的某种转换或操作。

5. 可行性:算法应该是可行的,具备实现的可能性。这意味着算法的步骤和操作在实际条件下能够被执行,并且在合理的资源限制下能够达到预期的目标。

6. 有效性:算法应该是有效的,即在给定的时间和资源限制下,能够以合理的速度和效率完成所需的计算或处理任务。

7. 独立性:算法应该是独立的,不依赖特定的硬件或软件平台。它应该是通用的,并且能够在不同环境和条件下运行。












One, what main feature does the city have?

The rate of main feature development that world city changes is rapid; Speed of big city progress exceeds apparently in small town; The rate that in recent years developing country city changes exceeded a developed country; Developed country and developing country city change a process to provide a characteristic each, the developed country already was entered mostly go against a city to change a course, and the developing country changes level at primary city mostly, population is centered to the city apparently; Formed numerous urban group. Like the United States the city takes Boshihua, city of path of Japanese the East China Sea is taken, area of German Lu Er, group of England south city

2, what main feature does the plant have?

Main feature includes vegetable:

1. cell wall: Plant cell has cellular wall, form by cellulose, provide structural support and protection.

2. chlorophyll: Plant cell contains chlorophyll, can undertake photosynthesis, chemical energy of light energy translate into.

Structure of 3. much cell: The plant is comprised by many cells, form organization and organ, be like root, bine and leaf.

4. grows and development: The plant is had grow indefinitely ability, through segmentation and constituent dilate implementation grows and development.

5. zoogamy: The plant undertakes zoogamy through flower and spore, produce seed and fructification.

6. acclimatization: The plant can get used to different ambient conditions, be like illumination, temperature and water classify. These features make the plant can undertake photosynthesis, supply oxygen, offer food and offer a habitat.

3, what main feature does La Zao have?

Blue green alga does not provide the cell such as net of body of bead of chloroplast, line, golgiosome, centrosome, endoplasm and vacuole implement, cell implement it is ribosome. Contain chlorophyll A, without chlorophyll B, contain several kinds of lutein and carotene, still contain alga bravery element (the floorboard that is blue element of phycoerythrobilin, alga and Bie Zao blue element) .

Chlorophyll A and optical system Ⅱ are had in its photosynthesis system, supply system for the electron with water, give off O2, and the electron that other light adds up to a bacterium is H2, H2S and S commonly for body, do not produce oxygen.

4, what main feature does Ug software have?

UG (Unigraphics NX) it is the solution of project of a product that company of Siemens PLM Software makes, it provided digitlization modelling and measure of test and verify for the products plan of the user and treatment process.

Unigraphics NX is aimed at the fictitious products plan of the user and the demand that craft designs, offerred a course to carry out the solution of test and verify. UG also is user guideline at the same time (User Guide) with general grammar (Universal Grammar) abbreviate.

This is a seesaw pattern CAD/CAM(CAD and CAM) system, its function is powerful, can realize all sorts of complex substance and formative easily to propose form. Main function

1, industrial design

The industrial design that NX develops creativity and product technology innovation for those and style offerred strong solution. Use NX to build a model, industrial stylist can be built quickly and improve complex product figure, and use the aesthetic requirement that advanced apply colours to a drawing and visible tool come to utmost ground satisfy design concept.

2, products plan

NX included the module of the the most powerful, most extensive products plan application on the world. NX has high-powered mechanical design and n/arc drafting function, offerred to produce a design high-powered with flexibility, in order to satisfy the need that the client designs any complex products.

3, emulate, affirm and optimize

NX allows manufacturer to be emulated with the means of digitlization, affirm and optimize a product to reach its to develop a process. Emulate function through applying digitlization early, manufacturer can improve product quality, decrease at the same time or eliminate the costly and time-consuming design to physical prototype, compose to build, and periodic to change dependence.

4, CNC treatment

Module of foundation of UG NX treatment provides the fundamental framework of module of connection UG all treatment, it offers for module of UG NX all treatment identical, the graph with friendly interface changes window environment, the case that the user can leave contrail of edge of observation cutting tool to move in graphical means can undertake to its the graph changes revise: If undertake to cutting tool contrail outspread, shorten or revise etc.

5, what does main feature of crime have?

Main feature of crime has tripartite side, namely serious social harm sex, criminal illegal sex and sex of penalty of merit criminal law.

1, crime is the behavior that jeopardizes a society badly, have serious society to endanger a gender.

2, crime is to offend the behavior of criminal law, have criminal to violate a gender namely.

The action that has a society to endanger a gender is not criminality certainly, offend only the jeopardizes a society badly behavior of criminal law, just be the crime on present-day meaning.

3, crime is the behaviour that merit penalty penalizes, have merit penalty to punish a gender namely.

Crime is penal premise, penalty is legal consequence of crime.

Guilty concept includes penal requirement.

6, what does the main feature of entrance ticket have?

Theme, introduce probably, the price, beautiful

7, what does mechanical main feature have?

Machinery is to use the device that delivers motion or dynamic to be able to complete useful and mechanical work, use commutation or pass energy, stock and information. Its characteristic is as follows: 1) the device that machinery must be executive mechanical movement above all.

2) the shift that machinery must have stock or news and deliver, complete useful mechanical work.

3) the changeover that must want to achieve energy in machinery.

8, what does the main feature of entrance ticket have?

It is the price should be made clear above all, entrance ticket has price label.

The 2nd, there should be famous tourist attraction on entrance ticket, convenient amuse oneself.

The 3rd should have a line, convenient everybody identifies.

The 4th, should have prevent pseudo code, the specification is true.

9, what does algorithmic main feature have?

Algorithmic main feature includes the following fields:

1.Make clear a gender: Algorithm must have specific measure and statement, make the person can understand and carry out. Every measure should be clear, without different meanings and exercisable.

2.Finite sex: Algorithmic must can carry out inside limited time end. Even if involve mass data or complex operation, algorithm also should have clear termination condition.

3.Input: Algorithm should have the capacity of data-in, it can accept specific form or the data of the format serves as an input, use at undertaking computation and processing.

4.Output: Algorithmic should the output that can generate place to need, this can be the data after computational result, processing, right perhaps some kind of changeover of the input or operation.

5.Feasibility: Algorithm should be feasible, have the possibility of implementation. This means algorithmic measure and operation to be able to be carried out below actual condition, and be below reasonable resource limitation can achieve expectant goal.

6.Effectiveness: Algorithm should be effective, be in namely given below time and resource limitation, can finish requires calculation or processing job with reasonable rate and efficiency.

7.Independent character: Algorithm should be independent, do not depend on specific hardware or software platform. It should be general, and can be below different environment and condition move.

These features are the crucial essential factor of design and consideration of the need when the description is algorithmic, in order to ensure algorithmic validity, feasibility and dependability.

10, what does the main feature of the supermarket have?

1. safe facilities is all ready

The supermarket wants safe and convenient, must want to have rich and perfect safe establishment, for example, should enough security flees for his life passageway, establishment of enough put out a fire, enough lash-up light, appear sudden incident, enough reaction time does lash-up to prepare, let consumer feel safe, be at ease.

Type of merchandise abounds 2.

Supermarket type of merchandise is rich, can invite customer, need not take much further route, spend a lot of time, can take you to go to a supermarket, buy all goods that oneself need, have the room that more chooses, let consumer shop more convenient and quick Shu Xin.

3. service consciousness is strong

The supermarket should establish good service consciousness, serve for supermarket shopper hard, shop for client supermarket provide necessary help, when the client is immersed in choice difficulty, supermarket employee can provide close guidance and help, let consumer feel sweet, also shop in your supermarket for consumer at the same time offerred convenient.

Traffic is convenient near 4.

The supermarket wants to let consumer shop feel safe and convenient, the place that can go to the lavatory supermarket optional location in traffic, for example, the consumer of far needs 5 minutes only by subway, with respect to the supermarket that can arrive directly at you, so can he still choose other supermarkets? Convenient traffic, can save the time of consumer, consumer is more happy shop.

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