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2015年2月,美国权威商业杂志《快公司》评选出2015年十大消费类电子产品创新型公司,大疆创新科技有限公司是唯一一家中国本土企业,在谷歌、特斯拉之后位列第三 。2015年12月,推出一款智能农业喷洒防治无人机——大疆MG-1农业植保机,正式进入农业无人机领域。


2017年6月,入选《麻省理工科技评论》2017 年度全球 50 大最聪明公司”榜单。2017年6月30日,深圳市大疆创新科技有限公司荣获中国商标金奖的商标创新奖。2017年11月8日,大疆无人机入选时代影响力·中国商业案例TOP30。


 2021 年,深圳大疆的营业收入将达到 530 亿元,净利润将超过 60 亿元。







2015年2月,美国权威商业杂志《快公司》评选出2015年十大消费类电子产品创新型公司,大疆创新科技有限公司是唯一一家中国本土企业,在谷歌、特斯拉之后位列第三 。2015年12月,推出一款智能农业喷洒防治无人机——大疆MG-1农业植保机,正式进入农业无人机领域。


2017年6月,入选《麻省理工科技评论》2017 年度全球 50 大最聪明公司”榜单。2017年6月30日,深圳市大疆创新科技有限公司荣获中国商标金奖的商标创新奖。2017年11月8日,大疆无人机入选时代影响力·中国商业案例TOP30。












法定代表人:袁书建 成立时间:2015-06-09 注册资本:0万人民币 工商注册号:440301506690482 企业类型:非公司台、港、澳投资企业分支机构 公司地址:深圳市南山区粤海街道高新南九道9号威新软件科技园7号楼6楼





东 湖 518021 田 贝 518020太 白 518019 莲 塘 518004爱国路 518003 春风路 518002建设路 518001


深南中 518031 福 华 518033梅 林 518049 沙 咀 518048竹子林 518040 香 蜜 518034岗 厦 518026 八卦岭 518029彩 田 518035 红 荔 518028


南 头 518052 西 丽 518055南 油 518054 科技园 518057工业路 518066 沙 河 518053


沙 盐 518081 盐 田 518083


新 安 518101 龙 华 518109固 戍 518126 新 桥 518125观 澜 518110 光 明 518107石 岩 518108 松 岗 518105公 明 518106 福 永 518103裕 安 518133 西 乡 518102机 场 518128 沙 井 518104民 治 518013 田 寮 518013


坪 地 518117 葵 冲 518119南 澳 518121 大 鹏 518120坑 梓 518122 龙 岗 518116坪 山 518118 横 岗 518115龙 城 518172 坂 田 518129六 约 518173 平 湖 518111沙 湾 518114 布 吉 518112


大疆与大疆创新是一家。大疆创新是深圳市大疆创新科技有限公司旗下的无人机品牌。2018年8月23日,大疆发布“御”Mavic 2系列无人机。2019年6月11日,大疆创新入选“2019福布斯中国最具创新力企业榜”。2019年12月,大疆入选2019中国品牌强国盛典榜样100品牌。2020年8月,大疆以1000亿元人民币市值位列《苏州高新区·2020胡润全球独角兽榜》第14。


One, is Shenzhen big border limited company of innovation science and technology how?

I know only big border the unmanned aircraft of innovation is before home a few, it is very well-known company. Should pay is not poor

2, is Shenzhen city big border did limited company of innovation science and technology appear on the market?

Big border be in now the manufacturer that unmanned aircraft domain has been top domain, this brand is in domestic and international exceedingly resonant, big border the 70% above that innovation guards estimation to occupy the whole world not to have man-machine market share, appraise value achieves above of 8 billion dollar, it is this industry is medium undoubtedly alone horny animal, at present big border had undertaken financing of A, B, C3 annulus, return the way that appears on the market without demand, if be to be in China to appear on the market, it is the welfare that gives China the shareholder undoubtedly, support is increasing such Chinese enterprise chooses Chinese stock market.

3, is Shenzhen city big border the introduction of limited company of innovation science and technology?

Shenzhen city is big border limited company of innovation science and technology (DJ-Innovations, abbreviation DJI) , by graduate of college of Hong Kong science and technology the person such as Wang Tao founded 2006, it is the system of unmanned aircraft control with banner whole world and unmanned aircraft the research and development of the solution and manufacturing business, the client spreads all over the whole world 100 many countries. Pass persistent innovation, big border devote oneself to to be user of unmanned machinist job, industry and professional boat to pat application to provide performance revolutionary intelligence flies to first-rate of the strongest, experience accuse product and solution.

Feburary 2015, magazine of American authoritative business " fast company " choose 2015 10 consume kind of electronic product innovation company greatly, big border limited company of innovation science and technology is exclusive indigenous industry of a China, after Gu Ge, tesla row the 3rd. In December 2015, roll out an intelligence agriculture to spray prevention and cure does not have man-machine -- big border machine of MG-1 agriculture plant protection, agriculture of make one's bow does not have man-machine domain.

Up to 2016, big border innovation already referred patent application to exceed 1500 in the whole world, obtain patent authorization many 400, involve a domain to include unmanned plane stability of system of design of each part structure, circuit, flight, wireless communication and control system.

In June 2017, selected " ability of engineering course of hemp province manage is commented on " 2017 year whole world 50 big the cleverest companies " a list of names posted up is odd. On June 30, 2017, shenzhen city is big border the brand innovation award that limited company of innovation science and technology has the honor to win Chinese brand gold prize. On November 8, 2017, big border unmanned aircraft is selected times consequence TOP30 of case of · China trade.

4, is Shenzhen big border limited company of innovation science and technology year turnover?

 2021, shenzhen is big border business income will achieve 53 billion yuan, net profit will exceed 6 billion yuan.

Shenzhen city is big border limited company of innovation science and technology (DJ-Innovations, abbreviation DJI) , by graduate of college of Hong Kong science and technology the person such as Wang Tao founded 2006, it is the system of unmanned aircraft control with banner whole world and unmanned aircraft the research and development of the solution and manufacturing business, the client spreads all over the whole world 100 many countries. Pass persistent innovation, big border devote oneself to to be user of unmanned machinist job, industry and professional boat to pat application to provide performance revolutionary intelligence flies to first-rate of the strongest, experience accuse product and solution.

5, is Shenzhen city big border the development strategy of limited company of innovation science and technology?

In big border prospective 2-3 had been laid in in the lab of research and development of innovation year newest science and technology, blend in oneself creativity and imagination continuously, make the product that the achievement of science and technology of these lead can be gone to to solve all sorts of real industry and commercial problem by application medium.

Big border the concept that innovation holds to to innovate and be achieved formerly from beginning to end, and plan to the research and development of the product very lead and Yan Ke, a when insist to accomplish every to roll out new product has more powerful than type product is the same as on the market, stabler property. Big border while innovation is realizing technology and product quality to precede, in the product promotion and respect of company culture output also retained the concept of its innovation, lead. As if to guide an industry to have revolutionary van namely natively. Big border the product that innovation believes it is better through be being outputted ceaselessly to have only all the time and technology, final the oldest rate serves ability to be mixed at the market client.

6, is Shenzhen city big border where is headquarters of innovation science and technology?

Shenzhen city is big border limited company of innovation science and technology (DJ-Innovations, abbreviation DJI) , by graduate of college of Hong Kong science and technology the person such as Wang Tao founded 2006, it is the system of unmanned aircraft control with banner whole world and unmanned aircraft the research and development of the solution and manufacturing business, the client spreads all over the whole world 100 many countries. Pass persistent innovation, big border devote oneself to to be user of unmanned machinist job, industry and professional boat to pat application to provide performance revolutionary intelligence flies to first-rate of the strongest, experience accuse product and solution.

Feburary 2015, magazine of American authoritative business " fast company " choose 2015 10 consume kind of electronic product innovation company greatly, big border limited company of innovation science and technology is exclusive indigenous industry of a China, after Gu Ge, tesla row the 3rd. In December 2015, roll out an intelligence agriculture to spray prevention and cure does not have man-machine -- big border machine of MG-1 agriculture plant protection, agriculture of make one's bow does not have man-machine domain.

Up to 2016, big border innovation already referred patent application to exceed 1500 in the whole world, obtain patent authorization many 400, involve a domain to include unmanned plane stability of system of design of each part structure, circuit, flight, wireless communication and control system.

In June 2017, selected " ability of engineering course of hemp province manage is commented on " 2017 year whole world 50 big the cleverest companies " a list of names posted up is odd. On June 30, 2017, shenzhen city is big border the brand innovation award that limited company of innovation science and technology has the honor to win Chinese brand gold prize. On November 8, 2017, big border unmanned aircraft is selected times consequence TOP30 of case of · China trade.

7, is Shenzhen big border pay of excellent opinion science and technology?

General worker pay is such:

1. scheduled service: 5every duty, exceed 7.5 hours to calculate work overtime, every months 10 deliver fuel;

: of 2. rising space? Knock Gui sauce calls?00~500 of curtain of    yuan the extent that move firewood;

Is 3. subsidiary kind of: ? ?5 of arch toot Jia yuan every night, full attendence award 100 yuan / month, can enjoy praise of length of service one year completely into duty 100 yuan / month, year after year increases by degrees, highest 300 yuan / month;

: of 4. accommodation repast? Day of?0/ of canister of Zhan of ぷ evil spirit, the dormitory deploys free WIFI, air conditioning; If do not lodge, allowance lodges for the night outside after becoming a full member, can be being enjoyed 300 yuan / month, full a year outside month of old allowance 400/ ;

Is 5. belt firewood off: ? Does  ǘ ń brag does cease bilge does  of  of Ni of covered with clouds of Jiao of  of ┐ of Guo  Mao tell 〖 Ni?

: of 6. insurance material benefits?

: of 7. holiday welfare? Brag  of purplish or white patches on the skin of cease Zhao exhausted だ ?

8, is Shenzhen city big border limited company of innovation science and technology power does new branch introduce?

Brief introduction: Shenzhen city is big border limited company of innovation science and technology power new branch held water on June 9, 2015, main scope of operations is aviation electron equipment, automation equipment, unmanned drive transmission system of data of aerostat, radio, electron yuan the development of software of parts of an apparatus, computer and application, wholesale, imports and exports and business of relevant form a complete set (do not involve goods of state trading management, involve etc of quota, licence management the commodity that special provision manages, by the country concerned regulation handles application) etc.

Legal representative: Yuanshu building establishs time: 2015-06-09 registers capital: 0 RMB is industrial and commercial register name: 440301506690482 enterprises type: Blame company station, harbor, bay address of firm of investment company branch: Sea of a mountainous area another name for Guangdong Province is street and new and high south Shenzhen city Na Jiudao 9 date power are new garden of software science and technology 7 buildings 6 buildings

9, is Shenzhen city big border postcode of limited company of 100 flourishing science and technology?

Shenzhen city zip code: 518000, complete Shenzhen but general. Actually express need not write zip code basically again now.

Each area is detailed zip code is as follows:

Collect lake area

East lake 518021 cropland shellfish 518020 too white 518019 lotus pond 518004 patriotic road road of 518003 spring breeze 518002 construction road 518001

Blessing cropland area

Deep south in 518031 blessing China 518033 Mei Lin 518048 bamboo of 518049 sanded chew forest 518040 sweet honey 518026 the Eight Diagrams of 518034 hillock mansion 518029 colour of mountain cropland 518035 red Li 518028

South a mountainous area

South first 518052 Xi Li 518055 south oily 518057 industry of garden of 518054 science and technology 518066 sand of road river 518053

Saline area

Sanded salt 518081 saline 518083

Baoan area

Install 518101 dragon newly China 518109 solid defend 518126 new bridges 518125 view billows 518110 light 518108 pines of 518107 Shi Yan hillock 518105 fair bright 518106 blessing always 518103 abundant are installed 518133 on the west countryside 518102 airports 518128 Sha Jing 518104 civilian control 518013 cropland small house 518013

Dragon hillock area

518117 certain herbaceous plants with big flowers develop level ground land 518119 south bay 518120 hole of 518121 roc catalpa 518116 level ground of 518122 Long Gang hill 518118 horizontal hillock 518115 dragon city 518172 slope cropland 518129 6 about 518173 smooth lakes 518114 cloth of 518111 Sha Wan auspicious 518112

10, big border and big border innovation distinction?

Big border with big border innovation is. Big border innovation is Shenzhen city big border the unmanned aircraft brand with subordinate limited company of innovation science and technology. On August 23, 2018, big border release " drive " Mavic 2 series does not have man-machine. On June 11, 2019, big border innovation is selected " 2019 China provides Forbes most a list of names posted up of innovation power company " . In December 2019, big border selected example of grand ceremony of powerful nation of 2019 China brand 100 brands. In August 2020, big border with market prise of 100 billion yuan of RMBs row " · of Suzhou high new developed area 2020 Hu Runquan balls alone horny animal a list of names posted up " the 14th.
