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  Dear Linda,

  You asked me what famous snacks there were in my country. Well, in my country, one of the most famous snacks is tanghulu.

  Each different part of China has different tanghulu. It is usually made of haws, which are put together on a stick and covered with ice sugar. But there are more materials for tanghulu today in some places, such as strawberries, grapes, and even little apples.

  It is said that tanghulu ever saved the life of an emperor’s wife in the Song Dynasty. It was so delicious and healthy that many Chinese people like eating it. It is now seen as the bright symbols of happiness and reunion.

  Are you looking forward to eating it? Come to my country, and I’ll treat you to tanghulu.













1. 糖醋里脊Sweet and Sour Pork

这道菜排第一位不奇怪,酸甜混合的味道加上明亮鲜艳的外表,任谁都无法拒绝。有人答案里写着Sweet and Sour Chicken(NO PORK),看来这道菜在国外已经很好的被改良了。

2. 宫保鸡丁Gong Bao Chicken


3. 春卷 Spring Rolls


4. 炒饭 Fried rice with egg


5. 麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Bean Curd


6. 饺子 Dumplings


A good eating habits(一个好的饮食习惯)

(1) three meals a day three meals a reasonable distribution of the food distribution to adapt to physiological conditions and work requirements. The best allocation ratio should be 3:4:3. If l jin of grain a day to eat, then sooner or later, the two eat 3 at noon to eat two more appropriate

(2) meat, prime with an appropriate荤食in protein, calcium, phosphorus and fat-soluble vitamins is superior to vegetarian; and veget


One, the composition that takes a foreigner to eat Chinese cate?

Chaffy dish has becamed famous in home not just now, foreign friend comes to China travel, should eat Chinese cate certainly, and chaffy dish is one of cate with Chinese the largest force. Friend of a lot of foreigners is after the glamour that tastes savor chaffy dish, deep also by it delicate be convinced. Chaffy dish this cate has been fame outer.

A lot of Chinese like to have chaffy dish very much, and the foreigner to coming to China, to chaffy dish loving also is acclaim as the peak of perfection letting a person. Because the foreign country does not have chaffy dish, in the foreign country, have a meal very exquisite and clean sanitation. See chaffy dish for the first time when them such means has a meal, very do not understand, feel very not wholesome.

But when them half believing and half doubting prelibation after the flavour of chaffy dish, send irremediable. They also drill even what won't use a chopstick because of chaffy dish skill ace law. They think such means has a meal, everybody sits together the edge eats an edge to chat, very lively. It is friend family promotional emotive good method.

Eat chaffy dish to need to deserve to go up sauce makings, the sauce makings that the foreigner feels China has chaffy dish is very delicious, often can match rice to eat several bowls with sesame paste. Visible sauce stuff is right of the foreigner attract very big. Additionally more than sauce expects, because bottom of chaffy dish soup mixed all sorts of flesh kind the soup juice of the rinse such as vegetable, the foreigner often is taking boiler to work with respect to one drink, they feel is the world simply by chaffy dish soup delicate.

When a lot of foreigners are having chaffy dish, must want to take a picture, they think to be able to have chaffy dish on one times is a very proud thing.

2, does with line appearance foreigner eat Chinese cate?

Liu grandmother enters grand sight garden,

Smooth survival comes to the home that plant a flower,

3, how many foreigner does Chinese cate confuse?

Chaffy dish, roast duck, thin pancake made of millet flour, hemp is hot very hot, small basket bag is waited a moment

4, does the foreigner like composition of Chinese cate English?

Dear Linda,

You Asked Me What Famous Snacks There Were In My Country. Well, in My Country, one Of The Most Famous Snacks Is Tanghulu.

Each Different Part Of China Has Different Tanghulu. It Is Usually Made Of Haws, which Are Put Together On A Stick And Covered With Ice Sugar. But There Are More Materials For Tanghulu Today In Some Places, such As Strawberries, grapes, and Even Little Apples.

It Is Said That Tanghulu Ever Saved The Life Of An Emperor ' S Wife In The Song Dynasty. It Was So Delicious And Healthy That Many Chinese People Like Eating It. It Is Now Seen As The Bright Symbols Of Happiness And Reunion.

Are You Looking Forward To Eating It? Come To My Country, and I ' Ll Treat You To Tanghulu.

5, does with foreigner introduction Chinese cate scene speak?

Chaffy dish came up, the Indian says how boiling hot of this one boiler starts to catch, the Chinese says to use a chopstick, the Indian says that circle does not stay in boiler how to do, the Chinese says that is a round mass of food of beef make it,

6, the meaning that introduces Chinese cate to the foreigner?

Basically be to let a foreigner understand Chinese cate, have deep love for cate to eat a health to serve for the mankind better!

7, the composition that introduces Chinese cate to the foreigner?

Common saying says well " civilian it is a day in order to feed " , I special to this word hold with. I can seal myself to be " small epicure " , because I have research one time quite to dish. Smooth dish name, I say about a hundred kinds with respect to what can dash along. The knife of the hotpot bubble steamed bun of the small fat sheep of the roast duck of Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Xi'an, Shanxi cuts an area... in the cate with sweet and goluptious so much, do I love Beijing roast duck most?

8, does the foreigner take Chinese steamed bread?

Basically take bread in abroad, in China they take Chinese steamed bread.

A foreign little elder brother says: Chinese street cate ases if treasure is same, waiting for you to discover. I eat a steamed bread to fall in love with the flavor of the steamed bread for the first time, need not bake, evaporate comes out to be able to eat, sweet soft soft, very delicious, I must be taken to the grandma a few, she can like for certain.

9, is the foreigner knows not to know China cate heaven?

Friend of some foreign countries knows cate heaven is in China for certain, of our China Chengdu fastfood, of Xi'an fastfood, the chaffy dish of Chongqing, of Jiang Zhe fastfood, the fastfood afternoon tea of Fujian Guangzhou is well known, what some foreigners eat our China is fastfood what feel special is open-eyed, the transmission in their eyes goes to have actually such delicate, feel even ourselves to our China is the heaven of epicure!

10, does to foreigner introduction Chinese cate write a composition 50 words?

1.Sweet-and-sour tenderloin Sweet And Sour Pork

It is not strange that this dish discharges the first, acid is sweet compound flavour adds bright and bright-coloured appearance, who to hold the post of to cannot refuse. Somebody is writing Sweet And Sour Chicken(NO PORK) in the answer, look this dish is in abroad already very good was reformed.

2.Palace protects gallinaceous fourth Gong Bao Chicken

This dish has in the answer of the answerer that comes from different country be put forward, be in China it also is a lot of people those who have a meal to be nodded surely is classical.

3.Spring roll Spring Rolls

This dish is singled out to come by foreign friend is in reason, see Chinese mug-up not hard from which especially extensive pattern is fastfood and outer the consequence in compatriots heart.

4.Fry meal Fried Rice With Egg

According to legend is in in state visit, the chef that Li Hongzhang commands him does a Chinese to like to eat, the cooked food that foreigner also likes to eat. Clever chef goes straight towards a kitchen continuously, pulled an arm to do a paragraph to fry a meal. The cate of this suit both refined and popular tastes got each abroad pays officials praise.

5.Ma Po Bean Curd of hemp mother-in-law bean curd

The likelihood does not have which dish department to be able to resemble Sichuan dish in that way hot use acme. The position with plain current course also because of a hot word. Western-style food nature is surmounted without method, the share that the foreigner has an edge to eat an edge to gasp in admiration only.

6.Dumpling Dumplings

China has a word: Delicious do not cross dumpling. Dumpling of it serves to show is in the heft in Chinese meal. And the change that dumpling stuffing expects is numerous, include Chinese culture elite, nature also is a course that China can represent most in foreigner eye.

A Good Eating Habits (a good food is used to)

(1) Three Meals A Day Three Meals A Reasonable Distribution Of The Food Distribution To Adapt To Physiological Conditions And Work Requirements. The Best Allocation Ratio Should Be 3:4: 3. If L Jin Of Grain A Day To Eat, then Sooner Or Later, the Two Eat 3 At Noon To Eat Two More Appropriate

(2) Meat, meat or fish of Prime With An Appropriate feeds In Protein, calcium, phosphorus And Fat-soluble Vitamins Is Superior To Vegetarian; And Veget

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