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历史上的今天 · 1862年-美国小说家欧亨利诞辰


历史上的今天 · 1862年-美国小说家欧亨利诞辰

  • O. Henry是美国著名小说家,原名威廉·西德尼·波特(William Sydney Porter)。他以机智的短篇小说著称,通常具有意想不到的结局和幽默风格。

    O. Henry was an American short-story writer known for his wit, wordplay, and twist endings. He was born William Sydney Porter on September 11, 1862, in Greensboro, North Carolina, and died on June 5, 1910, in New York. His stories often depicted the life of ordinary people, particularly in New York City, with a romanticized view of the commonplace. His writing expressed the impact of coincidence on characters through humor, which could be grim or ironic, and frequently concluded with unexpected outcomes that have become synonymous with his name.

    O. Henry是美国短篇小说作家,以其机智、文字游戏和转折结局而闻名。他原名威廉·悉尼·波特(William Sydney Porter),1862年9月11日出生于北卡罗来纳州的格林斯博罗,1910年6月5日在纽约去世。他的故事常描绘普通人的生活,特别是纽约市的普通人,以浪漫化的手法展现平凡事物。他的写作通过幽默表达巧合对人物的影响,可能是残酷或讽刺的,并且常常以出人意料的结局告终,这些结局已成为他名字的代名词。   Henry's career as a writer began later in life. He worked in various jobs, including as a pharmacist, bank clerk, and journalist. His time in a Texas prison for embezzlement significantly influenced his writing. It was during his incarceration that he began to publish stories under the pen name "O. Henry," which he continued to use after his release. His popular works include "The Gift of the Magi," "The Ransom of Red Chief," and "The Last Leaf." Despite his success, his later years were marked by poor health and financial difficulties.

    亨利的写作生涯是晚年才开始的。他从事过各种工作,包括药剂师、银行职员和记者。他在得克萨斯州监狱因挪用公款而服刑的经历,对他的写作产生了重大影响。正是在监狱服刑期间,他开始以笔名“O. Henry”发表故事,并在获释后继续使用这个名字。他受欢迎的作品包括《麦琪的礼物》、《红酋长的赎金》和《最后一片叶子》。尽管他取得了成功,但他的晚年却饱受健康不佳和经济困难的困扰。   O. Henry's stories are celebrated for their clever narratives and surprise endings, which have become a hallmark of his literary style. His unique approach to storytelling has left a lasting impact on American literature, and his works continue to be widely read and adapted into various forms of media.   O. Henry的故事因其巧妙的叙事和出人意料的结局而受到赞誉,这些已成为他文学风格的标志性特征。他对讲故事的独特方法给美国文学留下了持久的影响,他的作品继续被广泛阅读,并被改编成各种形式的媒体。


    1. Short-story writer - 短篇小说作家
    2. Wit - 机智
    3. Wordplay - 文字游戏
    4. Twist endings - 转折结局
    5. Ordinary people - 平常人
    6. New York City - 纽约市
    7. Romantized - 浪漫化
    8. Commonplace - 平凡事物
    9. Impact - 影响
    10. Coincidence - 巧合
    11. Humor - 幽默
    12. Grimm - 残酷
    13. Ironic - 讽刺
    14. Synonymous - 同义
    15. Career - 职业生涯
    16. Pharmacist - 药剂师
    17. Bank clerk - 银行职员
    18. Journalist - 记者
    19. Embezzlement - 挪用公款
    20. Prison - 监狱
    21. Pen name - 笔名
    22. Incarceration - 监禁
    23. Popular works - 受欢迎的作品
    24. Gift of the Magi - 《麦琪的礼物》
    25. Ransom of Red Chief - 《红酋长的赎金》
    26. Last Leaf - 《最后一片叶子》
    27. Success - 成功
    28. Health - 健康
    29. Financial difficulties - 经济困难
    30. Narratives - 叙事
    31. Literary style - 文学风格
    32. American literature - 美国文学
    33. Widely read - 广泛阅读
    34. Adapted - 改编
    35. Media - 媒体