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火锅常见食材的英文名称 150种常见的火锅食材


火锅常见食材的英文名称 150种常见的火锅食材

  • 火锅,作为一种受欢迎的传统中式美食,以其独特的风味和丰富的食材而著称。在火锅的制作中,食材的选择直接影响到火锅的味道和整体体验。因此,掌握火锅食材的英文表达对于进行国际交流和在全球化的餐饮环境中非常重要。


    1. 牛肉片 (Beef Slices)

      • 例句: "Beef slices are a popular choice for hot pot because they cook quickly and absorb flavors well."
      • 翻译: “牛肉片是火锅中的一种受欢迎的选择,因为它们煮得很快并且很好地吸收味道。”


    2. 猪肉片 (Pork Slices)

      • 例句: "Pork slices add a savory taste to the hot pot broth."
      • 翻译: “猪肉片为火锅汤底增添了美味的味道。”


    3. 鸡肉片 (Chicken Slices)

      • 例句: "Chicken slices are ideal for those who prefer a lighter option in their hot pot."
      • 翻译: “鸡肉片非常适合那些喜欢火锅中更清淡选项的人。”


    4. 鱼片 (Fish Slices)

      • 例句: "Fish slices are delicate and cook quickly in the hot pot."
      • 翻译: “鱼片非常细腻,在火锅中烹饪速度很快。”


    5. 虾 (Shrimp)

      • 例句: "Shrimp adds a touch of sweetness and a crunchy texture to the hot pot."
      • 翻译: “虾为火锅增添了些许甜味和脆嫩的口感。”


    6. 豆腐 (Tofu)

      • 例句: "Tofu absorbs the flavors of the hot pot broth beautifully."
      • 翻译: “豆腐很好地吸收了火锅汤底的味道。”


    7. 蘑菇 (Mushrooms)

      • 例句: "Mushrooms add an earthy flavor to the hot pot."
      • 翻译: “蘑菇为火锅增添了一种土壤般的风味。”


    8. 面条 (Noodles)

      • 例句: "Noodles are a filling addition to any hot pot meal."
      • 翻译: “面条是任何火锅餐的丰盛配料。”


    9. 蔬菜 (Vegetables)

      • 例句: "Vegetables such as spinach and bok choy add freshness and nutrition to the hot pot."
      • 翻译: “如菠菜和小白菜等蔬菜为火锅增添了新鲜感和营养。”


    10. 饺子 (Dumplings)

      • 例句: "Dumplings are a popular addition to hot pot for their savory filling."
      • 翻译: “饺子因其美味的馅料而成为火锅中的受欢迎选择。”


    11. 肉丸 (Meatballs)

      • 例句: "Meatballs made from beef or pork add a hearty element to the hot pot."
      • 翻译: “由牛肉或猪肉制成的肉丸为火锅增添了丰盛的元素。”


    12. 海带 (Seaweed)

      • 例句: "Seaweed brings a hint of ocean flavor to the hot pot broth."
      • 翻译: “海带为火锅汤底带来了一丝海洋的风味。”


    13. 豆芽 (Bean Sprouts)

      • 例句: "Bean sprouts add a crunchy texture and a light flavor to the hot pot."
      • 翻译: “豆芽为火锅增添了脆嫩的口感和清淡的风味。”


    14. 莲藕 (Lotus Root)

      • 例句: "Lotus root adds a satisfying crunch and mild sweetness to the hot pot."
      • 翻译: “莲藕为火锅增添了令人满足的脆感和淡淡的甜味。”



    1. 羊肉片 - Lamb Slices
    2. 牛肉片 - Beef Slices
    3. 猪肉片 - Pork Slices
    4. 鸡肉片 - Chicken Slices
    5. 鸭肉片 - Duck Slices
    6. 鱼肉片 - Fish Slices
    7. 虾 - Shrimp
    8. 蟹肉 - Crab Meat
    9. 扇贝 - Scallops
    10. 蛤蜊 - Clams
    11. 花甲 - Mussels
    12. 鱿鱼 - Squid
    13. 墨鱼 - Cuttlefish
    14. 鱼丸 - Fish Balls
    15. 虾丸 - Shrimp Balls
    16. 牛肉丸 - Beef Balls
    17. 猪肉丸 - Pork Balls
    18. 鸡肉丸 - Chicken Balls
    19. 豆腐 - Tofu
    20. 油豆腐 - Fried Tofu Puff
    21. 豆腐皮 - Tofu Skin
    22. 魔芋丝 - Konjac Noodles
    23. 魔芋块 - Konjac Blocks
    24. 年糕 - Rice Cake
    25. 宽粉 - Wide Rice Noodles
    26. 粉丝 - Glass Noodles
    27. 米粉 - Rice Noodles
    28. 乌冬面 - Udon Noodles
    29. 拉面 - Ramen Noodles
    30. 菠菜 - Spinach
    31. 茼蒿 - Crown Daisy
    32. 莴苣 - Lettuce
    33. 生菜 - Lettuce
    34. 油麦菜 - Leaf Lettuce
    35. 空心菜 - Water Spinach
    36. 豆芽 - Bean Sprouts
    37. 绿豆芽 - Mung Bean Sprouts
    38. 黄豆芽 - Soybean Sprouts
    39. 豌豆苗 - Pea Shoots
    40. 金针菇 - Enoki Mushrooms
    41. 香菇 - Shiitake Mushrooms
    42. 平菇 - Oyster Mushrooms
    43. 杏鲍菇 - Pleurotus eryngii
    44. 鸡腿菇 - King Oyster Mushrooms
    45. 木耳 - Wood Ear Mushrooms
    46. 银耳 - White Fungus
    47. 竹笋 - Bamboo Shoots
    48. 莲藕 - Lotus Root
    49. 土豆 - Potato
    50. 红薯 - Sweet Potato
    51. 芋头 - Taro
    52. 胡萝卜 - Carrot
    53. 白萝卜 - White Radish
    54. 青萝卜 - Green Radish
    55. 洋葱 - Onion
    56. 大蒜 - Garlic
    57. 姜 - Ginger
    58. 韭菜 - Chives
    59. 葱 - Scallion
    60. 香菜 - Coriander
    61. 芹菜 - Celery
    62. 荸荠 - Water Chestnut
    63. 玉米 - Corn
    64. 豌豆 - Peas
    65. 西红柿 - Tomato
    66. 黄瓜 - Cucumber
    67. 冬瓜 - Wax Gourd
    68. 南瓜 - Pumpkin
    69. 西葫芦 - Zucchini
    70. 茄子 - Eggplant
    71. 辣椒 - Chili Pepper
    72. 青椒 - Green Bell Pepper
    73. 红椒 - Red Bell Pepper
    74. 黄椒 - Yellow Bell Pepper
    75. 牛肚 - Beef Tripe
    76. 牛筋 - Beef Tendon
    77. 牛百叶 - Beef Omasum
    78. 牛舌 - Beef Tongue
    79. 牛心 - Beef Heart
    80. 牛肝 - Beef Liver
    81. 牛肾 - Beef Kidney
    82. 猪肚 - Pork Tripe
    83. 猪心 - Pork Heart
    84. 猪肝 - Pork Liver
    85. 猪腰 - Pork Kidney
    86. 猪肠 - Pork Intestines
    87. 猪血 - Pig Blood
    88. 鸡胗 - Chicken Gizzard
    89. 鸡肝 - Chicken Liver
    90. 鸡心 - Chicken Heart
    91. 鸭肠 - Duck Intestines
    92. 鸭血 - Duck Blood
    93. 鸭舌 - Duck Tongue
    94. 鸭掌 - Duck Feet
    95. 鸡爪 - Chicken Feet
    96. 鸡胸肉 - Chicken Breast
    97. 鸡翅 - Chicken Wings
    98. 鸡腿 - Chicken Legs
    99. 鸡骨架 - Chicken Frame
    100. 鱼头 - Fish Head
    101. 鱼尾 - Fish Tail
    102. 鱼骨 - Fish Bone
    103. 鱼皮 - Fish Skin
    104. 鱼籽 - Fish Roe
    105. 鱼泡 - Fish Bladder
    106. 鱼翅 - Shark Fin
    107. 鲍鱼 - Abalone
    108. 海参 - Sea Cucumber
    109. 海带 - Kelp
    110. 紫菜 - Nori
    111. 裙带菜 - Wakame
    112. 豆皮 - Bean Curd Sheets
    113. 豆干 - Dried Tofu
    114. 豆花 - Tofu Pudding
    115. 豆苗 - Soybean Sprouts
    116. 豆腥草 - Rau Ram
    117. 蕨菜 - Fern Bracken
    118. 苦菜 - Bittercress
    119. 蕨根粉 - Fern Root Starch
    120. 蕨根粉条 - Fern Root Noodles
    121. 苋菜 - Amaranth
    122. 荠菜 - Shepherd's Purse
    123. 蒲公英 - Dandelion
    124. 马齿苋 - Portulaca Oleracea
    125. 马兰头 - Kalimeris Indica
    126. 紫苏 - Perilla
    127. 薄荷 - Mint
    128. 罗勒 - Basil
    129. 百里香 - Thyme
    130. 迷迭香 - Rosemary
    131. 鼠尾草 - Sage
    132. 香叶 - Bay Leaf
    133. 茴香 - Fennel
    134. 香茅 - Lemongrass
    135. 紫甘蓝 - Purple Cabbage
    136. 黄豆芽 - Soybean Sprouts
    137. 绿豆芽 - Mung Bean Sprouts
    138. 扁豆 - Lentils
    139. 四季豆 - Green Beans
    140. 豇豆 - Cowpeas
    141. 荷兰豆 - Snow Peas
    142. 花豆 - Kidney Beans
    143. 黑豆 - Black Beans
    144. 红豆 - Red Beans
    145. 绿豆 - Mung Beans
    146. 黄豆 - Soybeans
    147. 蚕豆 - Fava Beans
    148. 鹰嘴豆 - Chickpeas
    149. 毛豆 - Edamame
    150. 豌豆 - Peas

