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龙湖槿山为啥叫槿山? 槿属植物?英文双语对照


龙湖槿山为啥叫槿山? 槿属植物?英文双语对照




木槿属(学名:Hibiscus L.)是锦葵科下的一属。草本、灌木或乔木。叶互生,掌状分裂或不分裂,具掌状叶脉。花两性,5数,花常单生于叶腋间;小苞片5或多数,分离或于基部合生;花萼钟状,很少为浅杯状或管状;花瓣5,各色,基部与雄蕊柱合生;雄蕊柱顶端平截或5齿裂;子房5室,每室具胚珠3至多数,花柱5裂,柱头头状。蒴果胞背开裂成5果爿;种子肾形,被毛或为腺状乳突。[1]

















1、凉风木槿篱 【唐】白居易 《答刘戒之早秋别墅见寄》

2、木槿初荣,含桃可荐 【隋】《郊庙歌辞·五郊乐章·肃和》

3、木槿朝看暮还落 【唐】李颀 《别梁锽》

4、世事方看木槿荣 【唐】皇甫曾 《张苍见访郊居作》

5、初筵木槿芳 【唐】韩翃 《送李明府赴连州》

6、漫栽木槿成篱落 【宋】杨万里 《田家乐》

7、凋零木槿怯风斜 【宋】杨万里 《秋花》

8、悟世幻化,木槿之谢 【宋】释正觉 《禅人并化主写真求赞》















Does hill of Long Hu Jin call Jin hill for what?

Hill of Long Hu Jin is located in Chinese Jiangsu to visit Changzhou town, it is synthesis of the landscape that with confluence of modern science and technology traditional culture gives priority to a problem one large culture. Its name " Jin hill " originate " Na Shanzhu arrow " a medium logion: "Do not call husband Jin branch does not know worry, why to dismiss concern, only Du Kang " , mean Jin to although,be spent unlike lotus in that way elegant is free from vulgarity, but it can savor life likewise. In the meantime, in Chinese traditional culture, "Jin " the typical plant that is warmth of a kind of delegate, happiness, love. Accordingly, hill of Long Hu Jin calls Jin hill, it is to should deliver a warmth, good, love to wait active up culture connotation.

Does Jin belong to a plant?

Rose of Sharon belongs to (formal name: Hibiscus L. ) it is high mallow division below belong to. Herbaceous, bush or arbor. Foliaceous each other is unripe, palm state divides or do not break up, have palm shape nerve. The flower is bisexual, 5 number, spend constant sheet to give birth to Yu Xie between axil; Small bud piece 5 or most, detached or Yujibu is accrete; Calyx bell shape, be simple cup shape rarely or manage account; Petaline 5, of all kinds, base ministry and staminal column are accrete; Staminal capital carries truncat or 5 tine are cracked; Ovarian 5 rooms, every room provides ovule 3 to majority, style 5 crack, post head shape. Capsule afterbirth carries craze on the back to become 5 fruit Pan; Seminal kidney form, by wool or breast of the shape that it is gland dash forward. [1]

Should belong to more than kinds about 200, distributing to be mixed at tropics semi-tropical. China has 24 kinds to mix 16 mutation or change model (include to introduce help advance somebody's career kind) . Originate in Chinese each district. [1] majority belongs to strong electropositive plant, water of happy warmth, happy event is wet, also individual tree is planted ability drought, cold-resistant is cold. [6]

This most sort that belong to is having the flower of large beauty, it is main gardens views and admire beautiful bush, wait like flower of cotton rose, Mu Jin, Zhu Jin, droplight; A little phyletic cerebral cortex fiber develops, it is the textile plants of masses habitually use, wait like Jin of big Xie Mu, hempen Jin; Some sort also are made officinal, wait like Mu Jin, cotton rose.

Jin oak implied meaning?

The implied meaning of Jin oak is constantly strive to become stronger, gritty.

Oak word is be combined by wooden word and happy word and become, wood is belonged to in the five elements, oak word former justice a kind of tree that those who say is oak tree, what describe later is exuberant, greenery green, constantly strive to become stronger, the meaning of firm tenacity, commonly used the individual character that will speak highly of a person and character. So commonly used now at person name in, and oak word names a person feeling of a kind of atmospheric, and read rise also read smoothly is Orphean, the mainest is the meaning that having recognition already, also having pair of future period make.

The meaning of Jin?

   The implied meaning of Jin and is symbolizing: respectively? Approach of Man of sour of ⒁ of  of ∶ of order of emperor condition fine and soft N of ǐ of Zuo of phosphor of big caries  , original idea is to point to blossom time has day woody plant only, namely Mu Jin, high mallow division, deciduous leaf bush. Zhang Zheng of out the Five Dynasties sees " hoary head chant " .

2 it is Jin, read J ǐ N, express beautiful jade, the defect that be like Jin (Jin, defect of beautiful jade; , have the jade of defect. Figurative beauty is ugly, actor bad) , out " is the left announce that pass · fair 15 years " : ? Be in Xia? relative superiority or inferiority heart, chuanzena corrupt, disease of hill Tibet aing shallow lake overgrown with wild plants, defect of Jin gem conceal " .

Does Jin spend beautiful words?

It is firm He Yong dare. Jin Hua Fenfang 4 excessive, no matter be the still is chill sultrily winter of summer, they can grow flourish. This indicative Jin flower dares to face adverse circumstance, not Wei is hard.

Jin flower also represents unremitting and indomitable spirit, because they can be annual in difficult environment,open a bright-coloured flower.

Jin flower still is passing hope and hopeful information, no matter encounter how old challenge,they tell people, want to maintain active state of mind, believe all metropolises became good.

The beautiful and genial fine that the aroma of Jin Hua Fenfang also allows a person to experience it.

Jin flower still is having deep sense, it represented the solidarity of friendship and family, because the leaf of Jin flower is linked together cheek by jowl, the connection between indicative person and person. No matter be to give friend or domestic person, jin flower is a beauty is indicative, express the feeling of sincerity and consideration. Altogether, the beautiful words that Jin spends is firm and persistent, brave, hope and solidarity.

7 Jin line?

The line that contains flower of rose of Sharon is as follows:

1, hedge of cool wind rose of Sharon [the Tang Dynasty] Bai Juyi " answer Liu Jiezhi is early autumn villa sees send "

2, the flourish at the beginning of Mu Jin, contain a peach-shaped thing but Jian [the Sui Dynasty] " respectful of · of 5 outskirt movement mixes · of demit of outskirt temple song "

3, government of rose of Sharon looks dusk to still fall [the Tang Dynasty] Li Qi " the Zuo that fasten bridge "

4, world just looks glory of rose of Sharon [the Tang Dynasty] a surname ever " Zhang Cangjian visits outskirt to be resided "

5, formerly first Mu Jin fragrant [the Tang Dynasty] Han Li " send Li Ming government office to go to even the city "

6, free grow Cheng Li of rose of Sharon to fall [the Song Dynasty] Yang Moli " Tian Jiale "

7, wind of cowardly of withered rose of Sharon is inclined [the Song Dynasty] Yang Moli " autumn flower "

8, the unreal that realize a world is changed, of rose of Sharon wither [the Song Dynasty] Shi Zhengjiao " buddhist person is changed advocate photo seeks support "

Does Jin orchid introduce?

Jin orchid is endogen key link, the orchid family, orchid belong to a plant. Add unripe or the land is raw herbaceous, xie Shumei at most, be born at the holiday normally on bulb radical ministry or bottom section, 2, banding or wrap around rarely needle form comes narrow is elliptic, base the ministry has broad scabbard commonly and surround the bulb that hold a holiday in the arms, about the section.

The racemose flower that have number or floriferous, color has white, pure white, Bai Lu, olivine, weak yellow, weak yellow brown, yellow, red, green, violet.

Statement of Si Jin group?

Si: Honour Si, big Si, child Si, si Fu

Jin: Zhu Jin, rose of Sharon, jin heart, yun Jin

Line of Chinese toon Jin?

Chinese toon Jin concerns line, for example: "Chinese toon birthday 8000 spring, jin is spent not classics is old. Jin is spent not classics is old..

Out: Bai Juyi " neat thing 2 · secondly " Chinese toon birthday 8000 spring, jin is spent not classics is old. Among answer why to have, gradually Gu gives birth to bamboo. Bamboo body 3 aged, bamboo lubricious the four seasons is green. Although Xie Chun is superabundant, you Sheng Jin is insufficient.

Author brief introduction: Bai Juyi (772 years of ~ 846 years) , the Han nationality, the word is carefree, old age lay Buddhist of date sweet hill, henan new Zheng (today Zhengzhou new Zheng) person.

Jin speech message?

The implied meaning of Jin character is to return uncut jade to return true, savour decorous, active up, speak and act cautiously

Jin, the five elements belongs to wood. Namely Mu Jin. Use as person name means guileless, honest and sincere, good justice, mean return uncut jade to return true, savour decorous, active up

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