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1. 热身:在开始锻炼之前,进行一定的热身活动,例如慢跑、跳绳或动态伸展等,以提高心率和体温,准备身体开始活动。

2. 大肌群优先:先锻炼大肌群,如胸肌、背肌、腿部肌群等。这些肌群的锻炼会消耗较多的能量,也可以帮助激活全身肌肉,增加身体的代谢率。

3. 辅助肌群:接下来锻炼辅助肌群,如肩部、臂部、腹肌等。这些肌群的锻炼可以帮助增加身体的稳定性和平衡性,改善姿势和身体比例。

4. 核心肌群:在锻炼完主要和辅助肌群后,可以加入核心肌群的训练。核心肌群包括腹肌、腰背肌群和髋部肌群等,对于保持身体稳定性和增强核心力量非常重要。

5. 小肌群和细节肌群:最后可以进行一些小肌群和细节肌群的锻炼,如前臂、小腿、肱二头肌等。



1. 杠铃深蹲可以锻炼到大腿肌肉群、臀部肌肉群、腰腹肌肉群和背部肌肉群。2. 因为深蹲动作需要全身参与,所以可以锻炼到多个肌肉群,其中大腿肌肉群是最主要的受益者,包括股四头肌、股二头肌、半腱肌和半膜肌等。臀部肌肉群也会得到很好的锻炼,包括臀大肌、臀中肌和臀小肌等。同时,腰腹肌肉群和背部肌肉群也会得到一定的锻炼,包括腰部的腰方肌、腰椎旁肌和腹直肌,以及背部的斜方肌和背阔肌等。3. 杠铃深蹲是一项非常全面的力量训练动作,可以帮助增强下肢和核心肌肉的力量和耐力,同时也可以促进身体的代谢和燃脂,对于塑造身材和提高身体素质都有很好的效果。











2、锻炼小臂肌肉的方法:举杠铃 起始姿势:双手正握杠铃,握位与肩同宽,双膝跪在地板上,面对长凳的横边。 小臂放在长凳上。 动作过程:小臂不动,弯曲手腕,向地面下降杠铃。握住杠铃保持静止,然后将杠铃朝你的小臂缓缓屈起(翻手腕),能屈多高就屈多高;再稍稍停顿,然后慢慢下低杠铃,回到起始位置。






















1. 锻炼腰腹肌肉:倒走能很好的锻炼腰腹部肌肉,增强腰腹肌群的力量,有利于改善体型。

2. 增强肌肉张力:倒走能够增强臀部及腿部的肌肉张力,有助于美化腿部线条,提升半边身材。




Does sumo crouch what muscle to exercise group?

Sumo crouchs greatly can exercise lower limbs muscle, especially ham muscle.

Crouching greatly because of sumo is a kind of very important sumo train a method, the outbreak that it can raise sumo athlete force and stability, still can help at the same time strengthen lower limbs muscle group force and endurance.

The sural bowel flesh of the side after sumo crouchs flesh of rope of a quadriceps of the side before taking exercise to basically exercise ham, Mo and ham greatly, help thereby strengthen ham muscle group ability.

In addition, sumo crouchs greatly to still can be used at improving feeling of core force, balance and body to control capacity, conduce to the competition performance that improves sumo athlete thereby.

As a whole, sumo crouchs greatly is method of a kind of very effective training of lower limbs muscle, can help enhance muscle strength and staying power, increase the athletic capacity of sumo athlete.

Muscle group exercise order?

Exercise muscle group when, can undertake according to the following order commonly:

1.Warm up: Before beginning to take exercise, have certain warm up activity, canter for example, skip or dynamic extend, in order to raise heartbeat and temperature, preparative body begins an activity.

2.Big muscle group preferential: Exercise big muscle first group, be like flesh of chest muscle, back, leg ministry flesh group etc. These flesh group take exercise can waste more energy, also can help muscle of activation whole body, raise the metabolization rate of the body.

3.Auxiliary flesh group: Exercise auxiliary muscle next group, the ministry that be like a shoulder, arm ministry, abdominal muscle. These flesh group it is OK to take exercise the stability that the help increases the body and balance sex, improve pose and body scale.

4.Core flesh group: Taking exercise to basically be mixed auxiliary flesh group hind, can add core muscle group training. Core flesh group include abdominal muscle, waist to carry flesh on the back group with coxa ministry flesh group etc, to holding the body stability is mixed it is very important to enhance core power.

5.Small flesh group with detail flesh group: Can undertake a few small flesh finally group with detail flesh group take exercise, be like antebrachium, crus, humerus 2 flesh.

Undertaking systemic muscle group when taking exercise, also can undertake adjustment according to individual be fond of and target, but ensure different position flesh group balanced development is important. In addition, reasonable breathing space and right amount weight and frequency also are to ensure those who exercise the effect is crucial. If you are abecedarian or have special case, refer the proposal of professional coach or doctor before undertaking taking exercise please.

Does barbell crouch greatly what muscle to exercise group?

1.Barbell crouchs greatly can exercise ham muscle group, coxal muscle group, flesh of lumbar abdominal muscle group with back muscle group. 2. Because crouch a movement greatly to need to be participated in all over, can exercise many muscle so group, among them ham muscle group it is the mainest person that be benefited, include a quadriceps, 2 flesh, half tendinous flesh and half film flesh. Coxal muscle group also can get taking exercise very well, small flesh of the flesh in including musculus glutaeus maximus, buttock and buttock. In the meantime, flesh of lumbar abdominal muscle group with back muscle group also can get taking exercise certainly, include straight flesh of the lumbar square flesh of the waist, flesh other lumbar and abdomen, and the inclined square flesh of back and back broad flesh. 3. Barbell crouchs greatly is a very overall force training movement, can help the power that enhances lower limbs and flesh of nuclear cardiac muscle and staying power, the metabolization that also can promote the body at the same time and light fat, to modelling the figure is mixed raise fitness to have very good effect.

How to exercise small muscle group?

Hello, want to exercise small muscle group if, you still should maintain small muscle group force training, the campaign having oxygen that certain amount holds later can be stimulated, hope to be helped to person place, wish you the life is happy

Play basketball should emphasize what muscle to exercise group?

Although do,not be clear about all sorts of muscle to call how to work, but with so much year for the experience that play a ball game, the hair force that play basketball is a kind of whole body really erupt of force integrated.

E.g. breakthrough: I lower centre of gravity, the leg department that needs you above all should have absolute power, centre of gravity is firmer, change to that ability is more distinct stronger; Next, your double arm otherwise stops dribble, at this moment shoulder is in labor force; Change to that, the waist should have a transverse outbreak, crus pedal ground, the acceleration with dribble abrupt hand, the hand that protect a ball wants abrupt and strong rise the extruding that holds back adversary to attack a space to you, this a series of force erupts together. Write down so that Liu Wei ever said before, basketball force should pay attention to absolute power and relative strength. Absolute power makes you can attendant go up want the seat, oneself can be protected when antagonism, and relative strength, it is small muscle group erupt quality.

Cite a few case, jianeite, Pulinsi, Jililianke, Leijimile, Alan, these are relative strength is outstanding.

The effect is, you feel they are emaciated, but when antagonism, in emphatic that still do not support to cross him really. As to Zhanmusi. . . . The power that discusses him still passes a ball to force disease as what discuss him. . . . (good, actually this just speaks.

Him reason Zhan is sweet, it is very malcontent only he the aggression of a few matches chooses recently just. )

Muscle implement what muscle can you exercise?

1, muscle implement basically exercise arm muscle, chest muscle and the muscle of flesh back broadness. The muscle that when using, must choose to suit class of him physical ability implement, lest pull injury muscle.

2, exercise: of method of small arm sarcous? Initiative pose of tomb figure? ancienting name for a water catltrop: Both hands is grasping barbell, grasp be the same as with the shoulder wide, double genu genuflect is on the floor, by the side of the horizontal stroke that faces pew. Small arm is put on pew. Behavioral course: Small arm is not moved, curve an artifice, drop to the ground barbell. Handholding barbell keeps dormant, next barbell face your small arm slowly Qu Qi (turn over an artifice) , can Qu Duogao with respect to Qu Duogao; Again halt of in a way, issue low barbell slowly next, return position of rest.

3, does the N in dynamometer represent: ?  of  of # of mother-in-law of Hui of 6 Ni  longs for , it is the international unit of a kind of volume that measures power, name with the name of scientist Newton

Lie on one's back what muscle can flyer exercise?

Lie on one's back flyer can drill his pectoralis major and humerus triceps still have deltoid toe-int. Still a few assist the place that take exercise, the upper arm e.g. rostellum flesh, before curium flesh, bosom small flesh. Doing not have practice to give chest muscle may be a movement not standard or intensity are insufficient. Lie on one's back flyer movement standard lies on his back this motion needs flyer to lie on his back on smooth bench above all after going up, taking two hands next dumbbell, and the vis-a-vis of the centre of the palm two hands.

Push dumbbell from the both sides of the arm next, but the arm wants unbend, can not bend, next, support the upper part in bosom with the arm.

What muscle does breaststroke exercise?

Exercise leg ministry

Flesh of rope of quadriceps, Mo and crus triceps

The ham when undertaking breaststroke should spread out adequately reach systole, such movement uses ham morely quadriceps, because this can enhance the power of leg ministry, be helpful for the elimination of flesh of ham inside go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married.

Exercise an arm

Humerus 2, humerus triceps and humerus oar flesh

When breaststroke thrash, the humerus of the upper arm triceps of 2 flesh, humerus and humerus oar flesh should exert oneself to do sth. more, the line that can allow an arm is well-balanced, eliminate butterfly sleeve, model arm line very well.

Exercise lumbar abdomen

Flesh of abdominal muscle, perpendicular backbone and Qia waist flesh

The upper limbs when breaststroke move about and lower limbs are moving, the waist that joins among is abdominal, to keep stable, meeting systole will keep stable, a connecting link between the preceding and the following. Can eliminate the flesh of go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married of lumbar abdomen.

Exercise humeral back

Carry broad flesh, deltoid on the back

The movement of breaststroke arm thrash, the flesh back broadness that needs back and deltoid are participated in, answer especially shrink the movement that stands by the body, can very good exercise back muscle.

Exercise bosom

Pectoralis major

Wait to move in the bosom that make spread then when upper limbs thrash, the instruction that water gives can increase exercise intensity, stimulate pectoralis major effectively, increase bosom muscle dimension to spend, the bosom with be modelled better

Fall what to muscle exercise?

1.Exercise flesh of lumbar abdominal muscle: Go can very good exercise lumbar abdomen muscle, strengthen lumbar abdominal muscle group force, be helpful for improving type of build or figure.

2.Heighten muscle tension: Walk along the muscle tension that can heighten hip and leg ministry, conduce to line of beautification leg ministry, promote half figure.

What muscle does dash exercise?

Cathartic, the individual thinks dash key is leg ministry muscle, ham crus should have practice to erupt force; It is abdominal muscle and upper limbs force next, abdominal muscle is core force, no matter what moves to need to be used, body balance is maintained when ran, if upper limbs force is powerful, move about arm can accelerate pace frequency. Because not be sports major, art line of business has specialize in, cook up makes up above foolishly, feel reasonable to nod an assist please, acknowledgment.
