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keep如何记录健身记录? 健身记录格式?英文双语对照


keep如何记录健身记录? 健身记录格式?英文双语对照



1. 笔记本/日志:使用纸质笔记本或健身日志来记录每次训练的内容,包括锻炼的日期、时间、进行的锻炼项目、组数、重量、次数等。这种方法可以提供一个全面的训练历史记录,并帮助你追踪自己的进展。

2. 手机应用程序:使用健身追踪应用程序,如MyFitnessPal、Strong、Fitbod等,记录你的训练计划、重量、次数、心率等信息。这些应用程序通常还提供图表和统计数据,帮助你更好地了解自己的健身进展。

3. 电子表格:使用电子表格软件,如Excel或Google Sheets,创建一个个人训练计划表格。你可以在表格中列出每次训练的日期、锻炼项目、组数、重量、次数等,并使用公式自动计算总结和统计数据。




1. 自由记录法:根据个人需要,将每次训练的重量、组数、次数等信息都记录下来,按时间顺序积累,以便于回顾和分析。

2. 目标制定法:按照长期和短期的健身目标,将每次训练的计划、实施、反馈等信息记录下来,以便于随时调整计划和衡量进展。

3. 计划表法:制定一张健身计划表,按照时间周期、训练部位、训练内容等分类,将每次训练的完成情况填写进去,以便于总结和评估。

4. 图表分析法:将训练数据按照不同的形式、颜色、线条等,制作成图表或者折线图,以直观的方式展示训练进程和效果,方便对比和分析。






1. A组训练的是肌耐力,训练强度相对较低,每组的重量通常控制在轻到中等的负重,次数较多,每组一般在15-20次之间。

2. B组训练的是肌力,训练强度相对较高,每组的重量要比A组重,通常控制在中等到重负重之间,次数相对较少,每组一般在6-12次之间。

3. C组训练的是肌肥大,训练强度最高,每组的重量是三组中最重的,一般在重负重到超重的负重之间,每组的次数较少,一般在4-8次之间。






1 三组人员进行为期10周的卧推训练,分别是7组4次,4组8次,3组12次。

2 三组均有较为明显的胸肌肌肉增长,然而,每组重复4次和8次的人比每组重复12次的人获得的力量更大。

3 最大卧推重量1RM,与胸肌维度的增加在次数为12的组中正相关,而在4组或8组中则不相关。






苹果的apple watch健身记录一般是比较准确的,这种健身记录可以通过内置传感器和相关的使用程序来进行比较着准确的记录和使用,整体的效率是比较高的


如果你平常较少运动,那么可以利用这个假期多参加运动.但是运动强度一定要控制好,不能一下子把运动量加大.得循序渐进. 你这个年纪,应该多参加有氧运动,比如慢跑,跑步是全身运动,而且锻炼心肺功能,对于以后的任何运动,都起到打基础的作用.慢跑可以选择早上,跑个3千米,每天坚持,一个月后,保证你的体力会大有提升..另外,下午可以安排时间做点力量训练...做100个俯卧撑,100个仰卧起坐..锻炼的内容部在于多,而在于精...训练后,自己感觉训练效果如何?自己感受,自己总结。


How does Keep record gymnastical record?

Hello, the following kinds of methods can record gymnastical record:

1.Jotter / log: Jotter of use paper quality or gymnastical log will record the content that trains every time, the date that includes to take exercise, time, undertake exercise number of project, set, weight, frequency to wait. This kind of method can provide an overall training history record, help you track your progress.

2.The mobile phone uses a program: Use fitness tracks applied process, wait like MyFitnessPal, Strong, Fitbod, record the information such as your training plan, weight, frequency, heartbeat. These applied processes still provide chart and statistical data normally, the fitness that helps you understand your better makes progress.

3.Electronic form: Software of use electron form, be like Excel or Google Sheets, found each person to train schedule case. You can list in form the date that trains every time, exercise number of project, set, weight, frequency to wait, use summary of formulary and automatic computation and statistical data.

No matter you choose method of which kinds of record, remember to record the detail that trains every time in time, review regularly and analyse oneself gymnastical record, make progress and adjust training his in order to evaluate to plan.

Gymnastical format?

It is a few common fitness format below, consult for you:

1.Freedom records a law: According to individual need, the weight that trains every time, group the information such as number, frequency is recorded come down, press time order to accumulate, review in order to facilitate and analyse.

2.Goal setting law: According to mix for a long time short-term fitness target, the plan that will train every time, carry out, the information record such as feedback comes down, so that plan and measure progress at be being adjusted at any time.

3.Schedule law: Make schedule of a piece of fitness, wait for classification according to content of place of time cycle, training, training, fill in the in finished state that trains every time go in, evaluate in order to facilitate summary is mixed.

4.Chart analyses a way: Wait for training data according to different form, color, line, make diagrammatize or broken line graph, show training course and result with direct way, go to the lavatory to contrast and be analysed.

The place on put together is narrated, gymnastical format of the individual can need to undertake choose and be adjustmented with the habit according to his. No matter which are planted format, want to notice the accuracy of the record and integrality, so that effectively collect is mixed,use data.

Team name of fitness?

Happy and infinite group: Catchword: Hardheaded. Challenge ego.

Of gymnastical Abc group divisional?

Gymnastical Abc group basically distinguishs the difference that depends on training intensity and training weight to go up.

1.What A group trains is flesh endurance, training intensity is relatively inferior, normally control is in every groups weight to arrive gently to load mediumly, the time is more, every groups are commonly between 15-20 take second place.

2.What B group trains is muscle strength, training strength is relative taller, every groups weight wants to be weighed than A group, normally control is in medium weigh to heavy burden between, the number is relative less, every groups are commonly between 6-12 take second place.

3.What C group trains is flesh hypertrophy, training intensity is highest, every groups weight is 3 the heaviest in the group, weigh those who overweight to load in heavy burden commonly between, every groups time is less, it is commonly between 4-8 take second place.

On put together, gymnastical Abc group is a basis those who train intensity and training weight is different will undertake classify and distinguishing.

The distinction that fitness mixes 10 groups 5 groups?

Is my answer: ? Does 10 groups difference depend on ∩ ? group and fitness: ? Bluff  ∩ vasts mire Lv of Guang of a short wooden stake mu Ai Ji owes aperture of  of Quan of  of Se of Ti coerce Tian to raft  of Bo of domestic lie  knocks collect Xi fade to become warped the physical ability that Chang farring away is group of? of  of Mou Tian Se did not drill 10 groups good.

2, there is the difference on the quantity between gymnastical group and group, it is generous so 5 groups of hidebound 10 groups, this explains these two people are a novice, a veteran.

How is gymnastical capacity group arranged?

3 groups of 1 personnel have by a definite date 10 weeks lie push training, it is respectively 7 groups 4, 4 groups 8, 3 groups 12.

3 groups 2 all have growth of relatively apparent chest muscle muscle, however, every groups repeat the person that repeats 12 times than every groups with 8 person 4 times acquisition strength is greater.

3 the biggest lie hold in esteem measures 1RM, the addition that spends with chest muscle dimension is the positive in the group of 12 to close in the frequency, and be in 4 groups or 8 groups in not relevant.

Does fitness increase by degrees the distinction of group and degressive group?

Increase by degrees group those who point to is weight by arrive gently heavy. And what degressive group points to is weight by arrive again light. Increase by degrees group suit to just arrive gym, energy is more exuberant. Can add weight gradually, achieve gymnastical goal thereby. And after degressive group fits campaign for some time, energy is insufficient, begin from great weight first, till little weight, have the effect relatively to stimulating sarcous incremental ratio.

Is fitness still 4 groups very 5 groups good?

Fitness 4 groups good. Because be in gymnastical process, a muscle group the training that needs to have intensity and volume, 4 groups can have let muscle achieve ideal training result. In the meantime, also need to notice the skill when training and nutrition are absorbed. Additional, to professional gymnastical personage or tournament player, 5 groups more even and OK bring better training result. But common to great majority fitness person for, 4 groups enough already. The food that right amount training holds to in fitness and cooperates science and rest, ability achieves the goal of health and posture. In the meantime, still need to note the safe problem when handling gymnastical instrument, avoid to get hurt needlessly.

Is Applewatch fitness record exact?

Record of Apple Watch fitness is more accurate commonly, record of this kind of fitness can be passed inside buy sensor makes be being comparatived record and be used well and truly with relevant use program, integral efficiency is taller

Does record of winter vacation fitness exercise feeling character?

Move if you are common lesser, can use this holiday to join campaign more so. But athletic intensity must have been controlled, cannot increase carry momentum at a draught. Get successive. You this age, should join campaign having oxygen more, canter for instance, ran is systemic motion, and exercise heart lungs function, to the following any motion, have the effect of found. Canter can choose in the morning, run a 3 kilometre, hold to everyday, after a month, the physical strength that assures you can have promotion greatly. . Additional, can arrange time to do bit of force training afternoon. . . Do 100 push-up, 100 situp. . The content ministry that take exercise depends on much, and depend on essence of life. . . After training, do oneself feel training effect how? Oneself are experienced, oneself are summed up.
