陈独秀 李大钊 胡适 蔡元培 郭沫若 冯友兰 周作人 黄侃 蔡元培 傅斯年 章太炎 沈从文 郁达夫 钱玄同 陶希圣 茅盾 冰心 朱光潜 朱自清 徐志摩 陈寅恪 顾颉刚 可桢沈 吴晗 郑振铎 叶公超 马君武 马寅初 傅雷 陶行知 章士钊 俞平伯 刘半农 梁实秋 沈士远 鲁迅 丰子恺 林语堂等等这些人物,都是新文化运动的代表人物或者与新文化运动相关的人物。
主要是为一种文化改良运动,因此众多成就 都集中在教育体制改革之上,参与人物主要由一群受过西方教育的人。提倡民主与科学(德先生与赛先生),并对传统纯正的中国文化和封建思想进行批评,以为社会新思想和新的主义的传播除去思想上的瓶颈,当然马克思主义思想在中国传播也大大得益于此次运动。
《学衡》出版后,立即招来新文学阵营重要人物的批评。1922 年 2 月,周作人在北京《晨报》发表《评〈尝试集〉 匡谬》,鲁迅也撰写了《估〈 学衡〉》,沈雁冰(茅盾)在《时事新报》刊出《评梅光迪之所评》,批评学衡派的陈腐之见,只不过是“左近几个假古董所放的假毫光”(鲁迅语)。
现实主义: 生活的镜子现实主义是叶圣陶最为鲜明的特点。叶圣陶是现实主义写作的先驱之一。他的作品如同一面镜子,反映了社会的阴暗面和人性。儿童文学: 培养年轻的心灵叶圣陶的第一篇关于儿童文学的学术论文题作《儿童之观念》,批评了中国儿童受到的坏影响。
2、新文化运动(the New Culture Movement)是20世纪初中国一些先进知识分子发起的反对封建主义的思想解放运动,其基本口号是拥护“德先生”(Democracy)和“赛先生”(Science),也就是提倡民主和科学。新文化运动的倡导者以进化论观点和个性解放思想为主要武器,猛烈抨击以孔子为代表的“往圣先贤”,大力提倡新道德、反对旧道德,提倡新文学,反对文言文。
提倡新道德,反对旧道德 提倡新文学,反对旧文学 反对封建专制愚昧,提倡民主与科学意义:中国新文化运动有着深远的历史意义。首先,它是我国历史上一次空前的思想大解放运动;第二,它启发着人们追求民主和科学,探索救国救民的真理,为马克思主义在中国的传播创造了条件。但是,新文化运动中也有对东西方文化绝对肯定或绝对否定的偏向,这一点一直影响到后来。代表人物:陈独秀、李大钊、胡适、鲁迅、钱玄同、刘半农、吴虞
Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad comfortable Caiyuan earths up Chen Duxiu Li Dazhao Guo Mei if Caiyuan of Zhou Zunren yellow Kan earths up Feng Youlan teach Si Nianzhang is too phlogistic Shen Congwen gloomy, the delegate character that is new culture campaign perhaps moves with new culture relevant character.
Advocate if be a kind of culture to reform,move, accordingly numerous achievement is centered on educational system reform, participate in person owner to want by a flock of people that had gotten western education. Encourage democracy and science (heart gentleman and contest gentleman) , sterling to the tradition China culture and feudal thought undertake criticism, think the society is new the bottleneck on the transmission eliminate thought of thought and new principle, of course Marxism thought travels in China also greatly profit from moves this.
New culture campaign is Chinese modern culture history when go up main event, its basically include Lu Xun, Hu Kuo, Chen Duxiu, Mao Zedong to wait on behalf of the character. Lu Xun is the core character that new culture moves, he disclosed dark side of the society through the literary work such as novel, essay, became the founder of Chinese modern literature.
Hu Kuo is the ideologist that new culture moves and culture essayist, put forward " colloquial article moves " catchword, promoted the development of contemporary Chinese language.
Chen Duxiu is the organizer that new culture moves and egghead, he advocates ideological emancipation and democratic reform, became one of father of the Chinese Communist.
Mao Zedong is the revolutionary in new culture campaign, he took an active part in the fight of anti-imperialist anti-feudal, made important contribution for Chinese revolution.
1, Chen Duxiu he established " new young person " , and in hank the first goes up published " inform a young person " one article, with patriotism passion, enlightenment must be established change actual thought, in order to comply with historical development.
2, Li Dazhao his appeal people learns to Russia, come true to be in China " labor society " and struggle. On Chinese earth, li Dazhao raised big flag of socialism for the first time.
3, he attends Hu Kuo actively new culture campaign and literary revolution motion, it is the main delegate character in literary revolution and campaign of earlier new culture. Because Hu Kuo encourages one of chief that literature reforms and become new culture exercise.
Learn judge the iron lever anti that one clique is new culture campaign. Zuo of Mei Guangdi, Wu Mi, Hu Xian thinks new culture campaign is " imitate on the west person, get waste matter only " , the cacique that atttacks new culture campaign is casuist, those who imitate the home, scholarly honour and official rank person, politician.
In January 1922, " learn judge " magazine start publication, Zuo of Mei Guangdi, Wu Mi, Hu Xian one batch teachs the scholar of Nanjing southeast university manages its affair. After this, with " learn judge " for the center, collect the person that have a batch of have a common goal, they do a journal, do research, reject new culture motion, form the thought school that distinguishing feature has alone on recent history of a China, history say " learn judge clique " .
Learn judge the occurrence of the clique is pair of new culture campaign is reactionary. They in order to object new culture canvasser " speech hegemony " build up, advocate be in harmony of thought of Chinese and Western is connected, promote traditional culture, the footing that holds to conservatism makes Heng Xinwen change the radicalism in motion. This are in " learn judge " the make clear the purpose from the very beginning in general rules speaks: "Canvass learning, explain seeks the truth, flourishing the quintessence of a country, melt to know newly. With Zhongzhengzhi eye, the job job with critically travel, without slant without the party, do not stimulate do not follow. Do not stimulate do not follow..
" learn judge " one start publication, aim spearhead new culture campaign to send proposes colloquial language. Mei Guangdi is in the 1st period publish " judge the person that promote new culture " one article, say Chen Duxiu, Hu Kuo to wait " art of literature of philosophic theory of Yo of its teach by word of mouth, date is ' new culture moves ' person, just one open one's mouth, and malpractice is fascicular, evil consequence stands now, denounce to have place of the person that know " .
The long article that serialize of Hu Xian Zuo criticizes Hu Kuo " judge < attempt collect > " , open its the action totally negate of new literature ethos, say Hu Kuo " answer pick the saliva beyond of person of general and Euramerican alleged free verse written in a vernacular " , conclude " attempt collect " value and effectiveness are negative. Youth of advice of Hu Xian Zuo is not imitated " decadent " , "The method of free verse written in a vernacular of creation of new now poet is wrong " , show this cannot. Wu Mi also goes out in the 4th periodical " move by new culture " . Criticize hyperbole of colloquial article unfounded, free-standing and stylistic, blame ox is not a horse, bos not on the west, make the reader cannot be comprehended, be sure to cause the quintessence of a country to lose, the character is undone, national general not country, fan Baijian sets neither can effects.
" learn judge " after publishing, draw on the criticism of anybody of new literature a group of people of same interest instantly. In Feburary 1922, zhou Zunren is in Beijing " morning paper " publish " judge < attempt collect > Kuang Miu " , lu Xun also compose " appraise < learn judge > " , shen Yan is put on the ice (Mao Dun) in " current affairs signs up for newly " print goes out " the place that judges Mei Guangdi is judged " , criticism learns judge of the clique see staly, just be " the false a unit of weight that place of a few fake antique puts nearby is smooth " (Lu Xun language) .
The main delegate character that new culture moves has Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Lu Xun to wait.
1, Chen Duxiu he established " new young person " , and in hank the first goes up published " inform a young person " one article, with patriotism passion, enlightenment must be established change actual thought, in order to comply with historical development.
2, Li Dazhao his appeal people learns to Russia, come true to be in China " labor society " and struggle. On Chinese earth, li Dazhao raised big flag of socialism for the first time.
3, he attends Hu Kuo actively new culture campaign and literary revolution motion, it is the main delegate character in literary revolution and campaign of earlier new culture. Because Hu Kuo encourages one of chief that literature reforms and become new culture exercise.
The delegate character of May 4th movement of 1919 is as follows:
1, Chen Duxiu, word intermediate justs, anhui bosom is peaceful (belong to Anqing city today) person. One of advocate that new culture moves, the main leader with inchoate Chinese Communist.
2, Hu Kuo, anhui accomplishment brook (today the Zhuangcun Ren on Anhui accomplishment brook. Contemporary and distinguished scholar, poet, Caesar, writer, philosopher. Hu Kuo becomes one of chief that new culture moves because of advocating literary revolution.
3, Li Dazhao, the pioneer that Chinese communism moves and the earliest Marxist, the main author of the Chinese Communist and one of inchoate leader. Led May 4th movement of 1919 actively, make determined fight with the reformism that is a representing with Hu Kuo.
4, Yu Ping uncle, home of classic literature research, red learn the home, poet, writer. One's early years joins campaign of 54 new culture, for member of company of silk of seminar of trendy company, literature, language.
5, Lu Xun, with critically " national sex " famed, also be known as " ethical mood " . To save ethical spirit, he abandons medical service from civil, what write down him with the pen is accuse with critically, promoted the arousal of people.
6, Qian Xuan is the same as, distinguished scholar, professor, one of chief commander that new culture moves.
7, Fu Si year, acting north senior colonel is long, be engaged in teaching a career all one's life, be " May 4th movement of 1919 " one of student leader.
8, Luo Jialun, "May 4th movement of 1919 " one of student leader in May 4th movement of 1919, the holograph was drafted presswork exclusively the handbill " Beijing academia collectivity is enunciative " , put forward " outside the authority that contend for a country, the country is divided inside thief " catchword.
The contented of interior leaf emperor that Xie Shengtao's writing is said the mirror of the life and education are young is " 54 " the precursor that new culture moves, it is the writer that literary seminar has result most on creation, also be 54 period divide the most important realistic fictionist besides Lu Xun. 1921 winter, xie Shengtao begins to try fairy tale to create. " small Bai Chuan " the first fairy tale that is him, expressive is " love " and " be apt to " idealism. From 1921 solstitial 1922 summer, his altogether wrote 23 fairy tale, 1923 collect articles into a volume is published, the title is among them of a fairy tale piece renown " jackstraw " .
Realistic: The mirror of the life is realistic it is Xie Shengtao's most bright characteristic. Xie Shengtao is one of pioneer of realistic writing. His work is like same area mirror, reflected social the seamy side and human nature. Children literature: The first when foster contented of young interior leaf emperor paper about children literature is inscribed " the idea of children " , criticized the bad influence that Chinese children gets.
1, new culture campaign represents a person: Hu Kuo, Chen Duxiu, Lu Xun, Li Dazhao.
2, new culture moves (The New Culture Movement) it is the opposes feudalism ideological emancipation campaign that a few advanced intellectuals of the China at the beginning of 20 centuries launch, its are basic catchword is to support " heart gentleman " (Democracy) and " contest gentleman " (Science) , encourage democracy and science namely. The advocate that new culture moves liberates a thought to be main weapon with Darwinism viewpoint and individual character, violent assail is a delegate with Confucius " past emperor wise man " , advocate new morality energetically, object old morality, advocate new literature, oppose classical Chinese language.
3, September 1915, chen Duxiu establishs in Shanghai " young magazine " , hind incognito " new young person " , new culture moves from this inchoative. This athletic effectively is hit and shook long-term since the regnant position of feudal and lineal thought, aroused generation young person, make Chinese intellectual especially broad youth gets the ablution of western democracy and scientific thinking, opened the gate of current of new idea of keep within limits thereby, start the trend of a spirited ideological emancipation socially in China. This is the new ideological trend that fits Chinese need, especially the transmission that the Marxism is in China, created advantageous condition.
Core: Say simply even if " democratic " with " science "
Advocate new morality, object old morality advocating new literature, object old literature objecting feudal and absolute unwisdom, encourage democracy and scientific sense: Campaign of Chinese new culture is having far-reaching historical sense. Above all, it is our country history last time all-time thought have a bowel movement puts motion; The 2nd, it is inspiring people to go after democracy and science, exploration saves the nation save civilian the truth, the transmission that is in China for the Marxism created a condition. But, there also is the erroneous tendency that square to the thing culture affirms absolutely or denies absolutely in new culture campaign, this are affected all the time later. Represent a person: Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Hu Kuo, Lu Xun, Qian Xuan is the same as, Liu Bannong, Wu Yu