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Over the weekend, a patient had one hundred and twenty two (122) iron nails and other sharp objects removed from his stomach by Ethiopian doctors, in the capital Addis Ababa. 上周末,埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴一家医院的外科医生,从一名病人的胃部取出了122枚钉子和其他尖锐物体。 According to a Surgeon at St. Peter's Specialized Hospital, Dawit Teare, by name said the patient suffers from mental illness and had obviously consumed the objects, including 122 four inch (10 centimetre) nails, four pins, a toothpick and pieces of broken glass. 据圣彼得专业医院的外科医生达维特·蒂尔透露,这名患者患有精神疾病,显然是这个原因才使得他吞食了122颗4英寸(约10厘米)的钉子、4枚别针、一根牙签和几块玻璃碎片。

The 33-year-opd has been suffering from mental illness for the last 10 years and had stopped taking his medication two years ago, and that is a probable reason he started eating inanimate objects. 这名33岁的患者在过去的10年里患有精神疾病,两年前开始停止服用药物,很可能就是因为这个原因,他才开始吞食钉子和其他锋利物品。 "I guess he consumed the objects with the help of water, however he is a lucky person that those sharp objects didn't cut his stomach," Dawit told AFP after the two-and-a-half hour operation. 在两个半小时的手术后,达维特·蒂尔向法新社透露:“我猜测他是边喝水边吞食这些锋利物品的。但这些锋利物品没有刺伤他,的确是万幸了。” "That could have led to serious infections and even death, while I have dealt with other cases in which people with mental illness had swallowed multiple sharp objects, I have never encountered a case on this scale." “他很可能会因此出现严重的感染甚至丧命。我此前曾给有因心理疾病而吞食锋利物品的病人进行过手术,但从未见过吞食锋利物品数量如此之多的案例。”

下一篇:暖心! 小朋友用手语给听障守门人送生日祝福!(英语双语阅读)