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白梅古诗? 白梅的品格?英文双语对照


白梅古诗? 白梅的品格?英文双语对照



元 · 王冕






















元代 · 王冕






bīng xuě lín zhōng cǐ shēn , bù tóng táo lǐ hùn fāng chén 。  


hū rán yī yè qīng xiāng fā , sàn zuò qián kūn wàn lǐ chūn 。  



白梅      王冕      冰雪林中著此身,不同桃李混芳尘。

     忽然一夜清香发,散作乾坤万里春。雪梅二首(其一) 卢梅坡 雪梅争春未肯降,骚人搁笔费评章。梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香。雪梅二首(其二) 卢梅坡 有梅无雪不精神,有雪无诗俗了人。日幕诗成天又雪,与梅并作十分春。仄韵七绝·梅意【上声十六铣】 一任孤山风雪翦,暗香但与寒溪转。枝头望月梦无痕,谁向黄昏吟清浅?












- 白梅托小雪:诗的起首,表达了白梅与小雪交相辉映的景观,展现了冬天中的美丽景色。

- 青松凌晓风:青松在朝霞的映照下,屹立在清晨的风中,给人一种崇高和坚定的感觉。

- 蓬莱文章建安骨:描绘了诗人向往仙境的意象,蓬莱是传说中的仙山,文章和建安骨都代表了王之涣向往的壮丽和优美。

- 中间小谢又清发:这一句提到了小谢,指的是另一位唐代诗人谢灵运,他的才华也如白梅一般出类拔萃,并具有清新的风格。

- 俱怀逸兴壮思飞:诗人和谢灵运都怀有追求自由、追求卓越的意愿,希望能够施展才华、达到人生的巅峰。

- 欲上青天揽明月:诗人渴望能够登上天空,抓住明亮的月亮,表达了对理想追求的愿望。

- 抽刀断水水更流:抽出刀子切开水流,水却继续流动。表达了人世间事物的无常和变幻。

- 举杯销愁愁更愁:举起酒杯消愁解闷,但愁绪却更加深沉。流露了诗人对于人生苦闷的感受。

- 人生在世不称意,明朝散发弄扁舟:诗人对人生不如意之感的体验,表达了对现实不满和渴望解脱的情绪。




“冰雪林中著此身”,就色而言,以“冰雪”形“此身”之“白”也;就品性而言,以“冰雪”形“此身”之坚忍耐寒也,诗人运用拟人手法,将寒冬中伫立的梅树比作自己。 已经表现白梅的冰清玉洁,接着就拿桃李作反衬。夭桃秾李,花中之艳,香则香矣,可惜争春太苦,未能一尘不染。“不同桃李混芳尘”的“混芳尘”,是说把芳香与尘垢混同,即“和其光,同其尘”、“和光同尘,不能为皎皎之操。”相形之下,梅花则能迥异流俗,所以“清香”二字,只能属梅,而桃李无份。




White Mei Gushi?

Bai Mei

Yuan · Wang Mian

This body is written in forest of ice and snow, different one's pupils or disciples mixes fragrant dirt;

Suddenly one night faint scent is sent, san Zunqian female 10 thousand lis spring.

" Bai Mei " the 7 character a poem of four lines that is creation of yuan of acting Wang Mian. The gimmick singing that the poet takes keep in mind of the character that ask thing high-minded character and morals of Bai Mei, borrow Mei Ziyu at the same time, express oneself life attitude. Poetic since chants content, also be the mental character and morals of singing person.

Bai Mei's character and morals?

Duteous, white wintersweet is having duteous implied meaning, when flower is opened flower whiteness is too busy, the indicative fidelity to monarch; Exalted, white wintersweet blossoms alone in severe cold, having exalted moral integrity and quality, often use an analogy in ancient time clean-fingered person; Firm, white wintersweet is having firm implied meaning, flower blossoms alone in cold wind, having tenacious vitality.

1, duteous

White wintersweet is one of common wintersweet breed, the implied meaning that having allegiance and indicative. When white wintersweet flower is being opened, flower is very white, do not contain impurity of a silk, pure and immaculate, the indicative fidelity to monarch, having gentleman wind model. Can send white wintersweet beside the friend with disposition honest and tolerant honest and frank, express praised feeling

Practice of white plum wine?

1. prepares data

Prepare Yang Mei

2. prepares Yang Mei

Install Yang Mei into bottle

3. installs Yang Mei into bottle

Again high liquor replete bottle

4. again high liquor replete bottle

Liquor must have done not have Yang Mei, lid good cap is sealed save, along with eat along with take, put indoor OK

5. liquor must have done not have Yang Mei, lid good cap is sealed save, along with eat along with take, put indoor OK

Does Bai Mei spend breed?

Bai Mei, alias is saline plum, frost plum, hoarfrost plum. Dry bud, submit pellet form, diameter 8 millimeter of 4 ~ , base the ministry often contains small stalk. Luxuriant a 3 ~ 4, brown scale shape. Bud piece inside have sepal 5, dan Huanghe is lubricious, microstrip green, egg circle, fu covers with tiles shape is arranged, base ministry and thalamus cicatrization. Petaline 5 or most, white or Huang Bai are lubricious, hold in the arms closely. A lot of maize filar stamen are included inside leaf. The center has a gynoecium, ovary submits egg form and have long and thin style. Qualitative light. Smell is sweet, flavour is weak and acerbity. Did not put in order to spend even, complete, in bud, faint scent of calyx green grey, odour person for beautiful.

Crown of king of white plum ancient poetry?

" Bai Mei "

Yuan acting · Wang Mian

This body is written in forest of ice and snow, different one's pupils or disciples mixes fragrant dirt.

Suddenly one night faint scent is sent, san Zunqian female 10 thousand lis spring.

Translation: Bai Mei grows in the cold winter of a world of ice and snow, open loftily, do not spend photograph confuse sth with sth else with every of one's pupils or disciples. Bloom in the flower in a certain night suddenly, faint scent sends out come out,

Is white Mei Gushi recited?

Bai Mei:   

N of ē of Sh of ǐ of Ng C of ō of N Zh of í of L of ě of B ī Ng Xu, n of é of Ng Ch of ā of N F of ù of H of ǐ of O L of á of Ng T of ó of B ù T.   

In forest of ice and snow this body, different one's pupils or disciples mixes fragrant dirt.   

Ng F ā of ā of Ng Xi of ī of Q of è of Y of ī of N Y of á of H ū R, n of ū of Ch of ǐ of N L of à of N W of ū of N K of á of Qi of ò of S à N Zu.   

Suddenly one night faint scent is sent, san Zunqian female 10 thousand lis spring.

How is Bai Mei described?

  of   of Wang Mian of   of Bai Mei   writes this body in forest of ice and snow, different one's pupils or disciples mixes fragrant dirt.

Suddenly one night faint scent is sent, san Zunqian female 10 thousand lis spring. Xue Mei 2 (firstly) Mei Zhengchun of snow of Lu Mei Po did not agree to fall, coquettish person stops writing cost reviews a rule. The plum needs abdicate snow 3 minutes white, snow is defeated by Mei Yi Duan Xiang however. Xue Mei 2 (secondly) Lu Mei Po has Mei Moxue not spirit, have Xue Moshi common person. Tian Youxue of day Mu Shicheng, make with the plum very spring. Mei Yi of · of narrow charm a four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme [the falling-rising tone 16 mill] allow Jian of snow of Gu hill wind, dark sweet but turn with cold brook. Dream of branch full moon does not have mark, who to crepuscular chant Qing Dynasty shallow?

Formal name of white plum fish?

Formal name white Chinese croaker, be called again " white sister-in-law " , " rice child " , " Bai Jiang " etc, belong to form of perch of bony fish key link to look division white Chinese croaker belongs to Shi Shouyu. The body of white Chinese croaker is chiefer, more compressed, back and abdominal brim show arc. Their head is more pointed, mouth is bigger, there is scale all round eye and buccal ministry.

Their back color is darker, it is violet Brown; Abdominal color is silvery white; The color of the tail is black.

Does white Mei Gushi explain?

White Mei Gushi is king of Tang Dynasty poet melt a of creation famous poem is made, be pair of this poems below explain:

Bai Mei holds light snow in the palm, wind of pine approach dawn.

Article of a fabled abode of immortals is built install bone, intermediate small Xie Youqing is sent.

All conceives ease to promote Zhuang Saifei, be about to go up blue sky takes the bright moon.

Smoke a knife to cut off the water supply water more stream, cite a cup of worry that sell anxious more anxious.

Life is alive asymmetry meaning, ming Dynasty sends out lane small boat.

The feeling that this poem causes with describing Bai Mei and artistic conception give priority to a problem. Undertake explaining sentence by sentence below:

- Bai Mei holds light snow in the palm: Poetic at first, conveyed Bai Mei and light snow to hand in the landscape of photograph reflect, showed medium in the winter beautiful picture.

- wind of pine approach dawn: Below the shine upon of glow of pine hold office at court, stand erect is in the wind of early morning, give a person a kind great with firm sense.

- article of a fabled abode of immortals builds install bone: Depicted a poet the image of yearning elfland, a fabled abode of immortals is the celestial being hill in fokelore, he Jianan bone represented the article Wang Zhi melt yearning gallant and beautiful.

- intermediate small Xie Youqing sends: This one mentioned Xiaoxie, those who point to is carry of Xie Ling of another Tang Dynasty poet, his talent is outstanding like white Mei Yi also, have pure and fresh color.

- all bosom ease promotes Zhuang Saifei: Poet and Xie Ling carry have the desire with pursuit freedom, outstanding pursuit, hope can the talent of put to good use, peak peak that reachs life.

- be about to go up blue sky takes the bright moon: The poet longs to be able to ascend a sky, capture bright moon, expressed the desire that seeks to ideal.

- smoke a knife to cut off the water supply water more stream: Take out current of small knife incision, water continues to flow however. Those who expressed the thing between the world is fugacious with irregular change.

- cite a cup of worry that sell anxious more anxious: Raise divert oneself from boredom of goblet disappear anxious, but gloomy mood is more dark however. Revealed the poet's dejected to life feeling.

- life is alive asymmetry meaning, ming Dynasty sends out lane small boat: The poet is inferior to the experience of the feeling of meaning to life, expressed unfixed to actual dissatisfaction and longing sentiment.

Whole poem with suffering, bosom, complain, the affection of Bei is perforative, through describing natural picture and express mood, showed the anguish of the poetic reflection to life and heart. In the meantime, through reflecting individual experience, also have pair of society reality appear and critically. On whole, this poem was conveyed pair of free, pursuit and perfect yearning, and right meet with of environment and life think over.

Bai Mei does this poem just praise merely Bai Mei?

This is a poem that inscribe a picture. The poet praises Mo Mei not boast of ask for help, wish to leave the goodness of faint scent to the world only, it is to borrow Mei Ziyu actually, the life attitude that expresses oneself and not to lay and kittenish exalted sentiment.

"This body is written in forest of ice and snow " , with respect to color character, with " ice and snow " form " this body " " white " also; with respect to moral character character, with " ice and snow " form " this body " firm tolerance is cold also, the poet uses personification technique, the plum that stands still in will cold winter cultivates him assimilate to. Had behaved Bai Mei's pure and noble, take one's pupils or disciples to make set off by contrast then. Die of die young peach plum, the flower admires mediumly, sweet sweet, contend for regrettablly spring too bitter, fail spotless. "Different one's pupils or disciples mixes fragrant dirt " " mix fragrant dirt " , it is to say a scent and dirt confuse sth with sth else, namely " He Jiguang, with its dirt " , " with Guang Tongchen, cannot be the drill of glistening white. " by comparison, wintersweet criterion can be disparate prevalent custom, so " faint scent " 2 words, can belong to a plum only, and one's pupils or disciples does not have a portion.

"Suddenly one night faint scent is sent, san Zunqian female 10 thousand lis spring. " perhaps be the poet drew plum of one branch Chinese ink below the lamp only just. And line creates such will however: It is suddenly in one night, worldly white Meidouqiqi blossoms, faint scent 4 excessive, diffuse whole earth. This poem holds annals concurrently high with tasting to the person big, absolutely common and the contradictory and unified feeling that enters a life, this is the portraiture of king crown character.

Before two write wintersweet pure and noble, be proud frost fights snow, not with numerous fragrant contend for colourful character and morals. Hind two Yu Ren borrowing a plum, write oneself inclination, ideal and aspiration, eulogize the heroic behavior that is numerous people benefit and sacrificial spirit. The article carries the chant picture to wintersweet, the interest that expressed him poet and character and morals.

上一篇:宠物蚂蚁能养多久? 什么宠物蚂蚁繁殖快?英文双语对照