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心理健康名人名言? 心理健康名人名言短句?英文双语对照


心理健康名人名言? 心理健康名人名言短句?英文双语对照









1. 心理健康就是要努力让自己的内在和外在都保持平衡。——张德芬

2. 不管什么时候,把保持心情愉悦作为首要任务。——李安

3. 健康的内心,带来健康的生活。——颜宁

4. 坚强的灵魂,可以扛起重压的身体。——马云

5. 生命中最沉重的负担不是工作,而是内心的困扰和不愉快。——李阳

6. 真正的勇气不是没有恐惧,而是面对恐惧,克服恐惧。——纳尔逊·曼德拉

7. 把握现在,珍惜过去,放眼未来,才能过上一段理想的生活。——张口炎

8. 明志正心、诚心修习、善行无疆,心灵富足、快乐常在。——释永信

9. 天空不会永远阴暗,雨过了就会有彩虹,希望就在前方等待着我们。——苏菲·玛索

10. 一个人的快乐、幸福和成功,取决于他思考的题目和控制的对象。——德克·赫尔特



1、希望是附丽于存在的,有存在,便有希望,有希望,便是光明。 -- 鲁迅

  2、人,只要有一种信念,有所追求,什么艰苦都能忍受,什么环境也都能适应。 -- 丁玲

  3、如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。 -- 陶铸

  4、生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口!-- 郭小川












4、种树者必先培其根,种德者必先养其心 。

5、 俭以养德,廉以立身。

6、 绝嗜禁欲,可以除累。

7、 君子爱财,取之有道。







1.An irritable man is like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, torment-ing himself with his own prickles.-British poet Hu de易怒的人像一只反过来卷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己------英国诗人胡德

A man needs a purpose for real health.一个人需要有一个目标来达到真正健康-------herwood Anderson 安德森


关于心理健康的 1、尊重尊重他人也尊重自己的生命,是生命进程中的伴随物,也是心理健康的一个条件。 弗洛姆






心里健康的诗句, 正心以为本,修身以为基。



1) 心理工作与政治思想工作是密不可分的兄弟,同样重要。

2) 正视自卑心理,把自信作为人生成功的第一秘决。

3) 心理工作是打开官兵心灵之门的金色钥匙。

4) 心理工作与思想政治工作是鸟之双翼,车之双轮,二者相辅相成,缺一不可。

5) 心理工作是官兵精神生活的良师益友。

 6) 过硬的心理是完成任务的根本保证。

 7) 健康良好的心理是取得成功的开端。


One, logion of mental health celebrity?

Health is first-class talent, content with one's lot is the biggest money, accredit is first-rate moral character. -- Sakyamuni

Excessive drinking out of control, wine of be addicted to loses a lot. Unfortunate accident, happen time and again, much drink hurts a body, slant want to show off. Do not think Bei, think instead flourish.

At one's convenience is worldly vicissitudes of life changes, body of my heart calm be good at. Fine push physics to must indulge in pleasures, why to trammels for float name me.

Bagatelle is muddleheaded, the important matter is clear. Magnanimity is a few bigger, the style is a few taller, those who look is a few further, those who want is a few wider. "All arrowroot lifetime thought are careful, lv Duan important matter is not muddleheaded " .

Have good a peach-shaped thing rather readily, do not eat sodden apricot one basket. Guzzle crapulence can fall ill, time ration but quiet.

2, is logion of mental health celebrity short sentence?

It is logion of celebrity of a few mental health below short sentence:

1.What mental health should try hard to let his namely is immanent and explicit poise. -- Zhang Defen

2.Without giving thought to when, maintain the state of mind cheerful as first job. -- Li An

3.Healthy heart, bring healthy life. -- Yan Ning

4.Firm soul, can carry the body that has weigh. -- Ma Yun

5.The heaviest negative take the blame in life works, however inner worry and unpleasantness. -- Li Yang

6.Real nerve is not to do not have fear, face fear however, overcome fear. -- Naerxun Mandela

7.Hold now, cherish the past, scan widely did not come, ability lives on one paragraph of good life. -- dehisce is phlogistic

8.Ming Zhizheng heart, sincere desire is long be used to, beneficent without border, abundant, joy often is in the heart. -- Shi Yongxin

9.Sky won't forever dark, rain passed to be able to have rainbow, the hope is awaiting us with respect to forwardly. -- revive Fei Masuo

10.One the individual's joy, happiness and success, depend on the title that he ponders over and pilot object. -- Hull of heart gram · is special

3, of mental health little growing celebrity logion?

One, of mental health logion: Native land piece

1, attachment is in the hope at putting, have presence, hopeful, hopeful, it is bright. - - Lu Xun

2, person, want to have a kind of belief only, go after somewhat, whats can be borne difficultly, what environment also can suit. - - Ding Ling

3, all of the past that be like smoke is forgotten, the bottom of the heart is altruistic world is wide. - - Tao Zhu

4, the life resembles this cup of thick alcoholic drink really, do not breathe out via the abstraction of again and again, so won't goluptious! - - Guo Xiaochuan

5, what the main impetus; that the ego that collective life is children develops to socialization road develops normally for children psychology is indispensible. One cannot obtain the children of this kind of normal evolution, likelihood eventually its body is a tragedy only. - - Tao Hang knows

2, of mental health logion: Abroad piece

1, this world failure besides mentally, nonexistent what fails actually, suffering a crushing defeat of if it were not for, you can gain a victory certainly. - - Heng Austin

2, in the life, forgive can produce a miracle, forgive can redeem soulful loss, forgive like a link, can enlighten mix by fretted, resentment avenge psychology to spread road. - - Na Sufu of Mooney Er ·

3, genuine, the husk that very sensible friendship is life. You whether the friend be as good as one's word to you not change, become a have a clear conscience forever the person at him, the soul that this is you, disposition, psychology so that best test of morality. - - Marx

4, other of esteem life esteem also respects him, it is the accompaniment in life process, also be a condition of mental health. - - Fuluomu

5, the danger of a lazy psychology, than lazy brothers, do not know to want to exceed how many times. And the psychology with lazy cure, lazier than cure brothers is even difficult. Because we do to not be willing to work grouchily, each part of the body, feel uneasiness is mixed dull. On the contrary, if to this kind the job has fun at, happy, work efficiency not only tall, body and mind also feels very comfortable. Because of unsuited labor, the disease that make body and mind blue and contracts, the doctor calls lazy disease. - - card of the · that wear Er is able to bear or endure base

4, the ancients of logion of celebrity of teenage mental health?

1, the person that know not character, character person do not know.

2, for do-nothing, the thing does not have a thing, flavour insipidity.

3, the path of the day, benefit and do not kill; The sage's path, be and do not contend for.

4, kind the person that cultivate earths up its root first surely, kind heart person raise its heart first surely.

5, frugal in order to raise heart, lian Yili body.

6, absolutely be addicted to is abstinency, can divide tired.

7, gentleman loves money, take have.

8, careful authority, careful desire, Shen Wei, careful alone.

9, cultivate one's morality raises sexual heart to be like jade, indulge in sensual pleasures corrupt color forms demon.

10, self-prossessed, self-communion, from alarm, from encourage. Hope to adopt.

5, the celebrity logion about mental health?

Maintain psychological balance, enjoy sunshine life. Other of esteem life, esteem also respects his life, it is the accompany content in life process, also be a condition of mental health.

6, the celebrity logion of concerned mental health, english?

1.An Irritable Man Is Like A Hedgehog Rolled Up The Wrong Way, torment-ing Himself With His Own Prickles. - the figure with irritable British Poet Hu De conversely crinkly hedgehog, the thorn that uses oneself torments him------British poet introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad heart

A Man Needs A Purpose For Real Health. One individual need has a target to achieve true health-------Herwood Anderson installs De Sen

7, the logion of celebrity of the domain before learning that concerns about cheeper mental health?

About mental health 1, the life that respects esteem other to also respect his, it is the accompaniment in life process, also be a condition of mental health. Fuluomu

8, does hand of life of healthy mental health copy logion of person signing up?

Esteem life respects other to also respect his, it is the accompaniment in life process, also be a condition of mental health. -- Fuluomu

The danger of a lazy psychology, than lazy brothers, do not know to want to exceed how many times. And the psychology with lazy cure, lazier than cure brothers is even difficult. Because we do to not be willing to work grouchily, each part of the body, feel uneasiness is mixed dull. On the contrary, if to this kind the job has fun at, happy, work efficiency not only tall, body and mind also feels very comfortable. Because of unsuited labor, the disease that make body and mind blue and contracts, the doctor calls lazy disease. -- card of the · that wear Er is able to bear or endure

In the life, forgive can produce a miracle, forgive can redeem soulful loss, forgive like a link, can enlighten mix by fretted, resentment avenge psychology to spread road. -- Na Sufu of Mooney Er ·

9, mental health line?

The healthy line in the heart, the heart thinks this, cultivate one's morality thinks base.

The heart is like bright mirror stage, constantly diligent wipe off.

10, table of mental health article?

1) mentality work and political thought job are inseparable brother, likewise important.

2) faces up to self-abased psychology, the first secret that succeeds self-confidence as life definitely.

3) mentality work is the golden key of the door that opens heart of officers and soldiers.

4) mentality work and thought politics job are the Shuang Yi of the bird, the double round of the car, both supplements each other, be short of one cannot.

5) mentality work is the good teacher and helpful friend of cultural life of officers and soldiers.

6) assures excellent psychology is the task that finish at all.

The psychology with 7) good health is those who gain a success is germinant.

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