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河北邢台烟草招聘? 河北烟草招聘条件?英文双语对照


河北邢台烟草招聘? 河北烟草招聘条件?英文双语对照













河北科技大学于 1996 年5 月经国家教委批准由原河北轻化工学院、河北机电学院和河北省纺织职工大学合并组建而成。2002 年,经河北省政府批准河北纺织工业学校并入。

河北轻化工学院的前身是河北工读师范学院,1970 年更名为河北化工学院,1987年更名为河北轻化工学院。

河北机电学院的前身是石家庄电机制造学校。石家庄电机制造学校的前身是1949 年9 月15 日建于河北建屏县(今平山县)的华北兵工职业学校第二部(华北兵工职业学校1941 年建于河北涉县,现为华北工学院),1956 年6 月6 日更名为石家庄工业干部学校,1958 年与沈阳电机制造学校合并,更名为第一机械工业部石家庄电机制造学校,1971 年更名为河北机电学院,1977 年招收本科生。

河北省纺织职工大学始建于 1980 年,1983 年更名为河北省石家庄纺织职工大学,1987 年更名为河北省纺织职工大学。





河北科技大学是河北省重点建设的多科性骨干大学,1996年5月,由河北轻化工学院、河北机电学院和河北省纺织职工大学合并组建而成。2002年,河北纺织工业学校并入。  学校占地165.3万平方米,建筑面积78.5万平方米,固定资产总值7亿元,其中,教学科研仪器设备总值1.313亿元。建有7个省部级重点实验室和工程技术研究中心,3个省级实验教学示范中心,16个校、院二级管理实验教学中心,是教育部大学英语教学改革示范点院校。图书馆藏书142.28万册,收订中外文期刊2843种,建有中国学术期刊、外文科技期刊等各种数据库,数字化信息资源总存储量达10兆。河北省分析测试研究中心等机构和河北省工程图学会等16个省级学会设在本校。






















One, invite applications for a job of tobacco of Heibei Xing stage?

The state-owned company like this kind actually not should undergraduate of invite applications for a job, waste a talent, elementary school graduation is able, invite applications for a job one fraction undergraduate, let right talented person go to science and technology enterprise just be opposite, undergraduate of this kind of enterprise went build firecracker to waste confine talent euqally with what make a rocket

2, condition of Heibei nicotian invite applications for a job?

Object of invite applications for a job is interconnected system of branch of all of countrywide common institution of higher learing enrolled college graduate 2022 (contain a country to regulate pick the college that working unit did not fulfil inside period of course of study is graduate) ;2021 year came on January 1 this second the country is obtained before signing up (condition) outside degree of record of formal schooling and did not fulfil working unit study abroad returnee. Must have the following postulate:

1. has; of citizenship of People's Republic of China

2. supports constitution of People's Republic of China, support Chinese Communist leader and socialistic system;

3. has good political quality and moral moral;

4. has the body requirement that fulfils obligation normally and psychological quality;

5. accords with the qualificatory condition; that plans to hold the post of post place to ask

Master 6. graduate student and the following age do not exceed 28 one full year of life () is born after December 2, 1992, age of doctoral graduate student does not exceed 32 one full year of life (be born after December 2, 1988) ;

7. choose course of study period the college graduate inside wants graduation card, degree proof, report for duty card " 3 card " all ready, 2022 graduate need to obtain graduation card, degree evidence before July 31, report for duty card; country (condition) outside degree of record of formal schooling needs to have Ministry of Education to study abroad; of certificate of degree of record of formal schooling of service center abroad

3, full name of university of Heibei science and technology?

University of Heibei science and technology taught via the country in May 1996 appoint approval learns university of worker of courtyard and Heibei province spin to incorporate by Electromechanical of former Heibei small chemical college, Heibei establish and become. 2002, via Heibei province government approves school of Heibei textile industry to merge into.

The predecessor of Heibei small chemical college is Heibei labour reads normal school institute, 1970 more the name is Heibei chemical college, 1987 more the name is Heibei small chemical college.

The predecessor of Heibei Electromechanical institute is Shijiazhuang electric machinery production school. The predecessor of production school of Shijiazhuang electric machinery is to built Yu He north to build screen county on September 15, 1949 (make the same score hill county today) Hua Beibing is versed in vocational school the 2nd (Hua Beibing is versed in the vocational school was built at Heibei experience county 1941, it is China north engineering college now) , on June 6, 1956 more the name is school of Shijiazhuang industry cadre, made the school incorporate with Shenyang electric machinery 1958, more the name is versed in for the first machinery electric machinery of trade department Shijiazhuang makes the school, 1971 more the name is Heibei Electromechanical institute, recruited an undergraduate students 1977.

University of worker of Heibei province spin only then built 1980, 1983 more the name saves university of Shijiazhuang spin worker for Heibei, 1987 more the name saves spin worker university for Heibei.

4, university of Heibei science and technology how?

Answer it is OK that university of Heibei science and technology still calculates, fair the school of full-time undergraduate course that run, be located in provincial capital Shijiazhuang, in before Heibei saves a rank 10, major has distinguishing feature, the examinee that enter oneself for an examination is not little still.

5, is university of Heibei science and technology how old?

1.653 million square metre.

The university of backbone of much division sex that university of Heibei science and technology is construction of Heibei province key, in May 1996, by Heibei Electromechanical of small chemical college, Heibei learns university of worker of courtyard and Heibei province spin to incorporate establish and become. 2002, school of Heibei textile industry merges into. The school covers an area of 1.653 million square metre, floor area 785 thousand square metre, fixed assets total value 700 million yuan, among them, total value of equipment of instrument of education scientific research 131.3 million yuan. Build have key laboratory of 7 class that visit a department and project technology research center, demonstrative center of education of 3 provincial experiments, diode of 16 school, courtyard manages experimental education center, it is school of demonstrative dot of reform of education of English of university of Ministry of Education. The library collects books one million four hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred, receive periodical of the foreign language in ordering 2843 kinds, build periodical of Chinese learning periodical, foreign language science and technology waits for all sorts of databases, digitlization information natural resources always stores the quantity amounts to 10 million. 16 provincial societies such as the orgnaization such as research center of test of Heibei province analysis and institute of attempt of Heibei province project are set in this school.

6, university of Heibei science and technology a few?

, university of Heibei science and technology is school of one this academy, university of Heibei science and technology is learned by original Heibei Electromechanical courtyard, heibei chemical college incorporates and become, now also is an omnibus university.

7, university of science and technology of a few Heibei is university of Heibei science and technology how?

University of Heibei science and technology belongs to an university, the university of backbone of much division sex that this school is construction of Heibei province key, it is one involves the 9 big kind such as labour, manage, article, classics, canal, law, cure, education, art. Education quality is very good

8, time of invite applications for a job of 2022 Heibei campus?

It is reported, time of invite applications for a job of 2022 Heibei campus is provisional in the first month of the lunar year ninety-four thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine days. Invite applications for a job adopts type of line upper part to undertake.

Height of office of Heibei province education takes activity of invite applications for a job of garden of this line captain seriously. It is reported will have include state-owend enterprise of 100 center look forward to inside enterprise or business the invite applications for a job on unit ginseng ledger line works. At the appointed time, heibei is provincial and all the college is big 4 students all can sign up enter invite applications for a job. Ask classmates to make draft of his brief introduction electron well, the many hair when arriving tries more, choose oneself favorite unit.

9, does Heibei propose requirement of industry group invite applications for a job?

1. university undergraduate course reachs above record of formal schooling, study result is exceedingly good, behave well, active and aspirant;

Discipline of 2. abide by is abide by the law, dependable diligent and conscientious, obedience allocation, executive force is powerful, be full of group spirit, have good organization ability, communicate the; such as harmonious ability

3. understands and have deep love for building construction industry, can take root a gleam of, insist to learn, be brave in to innovate, be good at carrying out, handle software of commonly used office adroitly, apply this professional software and practical technology to wait.

10, post of invite applications for a job of 2021 Heibei teacher?

Amount of invite applications for a job, post:

Make public staff member of invite applications for a job this in all 40. Number of particular invite applications for a job and post condition detailed see " institute of normal school of dark blue state made public information of post of staff member of invite applications for a job to express 2021 " (accessory) .

(3) apply for personnel to should have the following postulate:

1. has; of citizenship of People's Republic of China

2. abides by constitution and law, have good behavior and professional morality;

3. has the conditional; such as the age that suits with bearing of demand of post of invite applications for a job, record of formal schooling, degree, major

4. gets used to the body condition; that post asks

5. has the other condition; that post place needs

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