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3、 各种电器及充电器

1) 手机及充电器:出国前要开通国际漫游,存足话费。

2) 相机、摄像机及充电器:每天出发之前一定要保证电池电量,保证卡有足够的空间。

3) 电脑及充电器:可能你需要办一点公务、需要收发电子邮件、需要把当天的照片倒到电脑里,等等。为了减轻行李,也可以几个人带一部电脑共用。


4、 你自己的常用药,尤其有特殊疾病的人,如高血压、糖尿病等。

5、 日常用品,如男士的剃须刀及充电器,女士的护肤品、化妆品等。出国买一是价格可能不合适,二是还得满世界去找你要的牌子,不一定找得到。

6、 合适的着装。首先要适合当地的气候,如果1月份去澳大利亚,就得带上夏天的衣服;如果去沙漠就得带好鞋子和墨镜;如果日程中有宴会、晚会或去看演出、听音乐会,就得带一套正装或晚礼服。




1. 护照和签证:确保护照有效期至少六个月以上,并且符合目的地国家的签证要求。

2. 确认预订和行程:包括机票、酒店、租车和活动等,最好将这些信息整理成一份文件或电子文档备份。

3. 常用药品:包括感冒药、止痛药、急救药品以及对过敏反应的药物等。

4. 其他必需品:钱包、现金、信用卡、身份证、手机、充电器、转换插头、相机等。

5. 行李携带规定:了解航空公司的行李携带规定,以避免在机场发生不必要的费用和延误。

6. 语言和文化差异:学习基本的当地语言和文化礼仪,以便更好地适应当地环境。

7. 旅行保险:购买合适的旅行保险,以便在突发情况下获得必要的支持和保障。

8. 智能安全:留意周围情况,避免夜间独自行走,特别是在陌生地方。在紧急情况下,可随时联系当地的紧急救援服务。




2、衣物穿戴类:备换服装,备换鞋、泳衣,短裤,生理用品,山区要准备一套稍微厚一些的外套 。




5、带少量干粮, 巧克力、饼干等,以便旅途补充能量。







































出国旅行,收拾行李要看,目的地的气候、文化、时间长短和所进行的活动。可是,不管你去哪里,以下都是重要的必备品:旅行包/行李箱、衣物、医药包或急救包、重要证件、现金和信用卡、带少量干粮, 巧克力、饼干等,以便旅途补充能量。






3、 各种电器及充电器

1) 手机及充电器:出国前要开通国际漫游,存足话费。

2) 相机、摄像机及充电器:每天出发之前一定要保证电池电量,保证卡有足够的空间。

3) 电脑及充电器:可能你需要办一点公务、需要收发电子邮件、需要把当天的照片倒到电脑里,等等。为了减轻行李,也可以几个人带一部电脑共用。


4、 你自己的常用药,尤其有特殊疾病的人,如高血压、糖尿病等。

5、 日常用品,如男士的剃须刀及充电器,女士的护肤品、化妆品等。出国买一是价格可能不合适,二是还得满世界去找你要的牌子,不一定找得到。

6、 合适的着装。首先要适合当地的气候,如果1月份去澳大利亚,就得带上夏天的衣服;如果去沙漠就得带好鞋子和墨镜;如果日程中有宴会、晚会或去看演出、听音乐会,就得带一套正装或晚礼服。



Is travel going abroad necessary article detailed list?

1. effective certificate, it is a passport normally. Ensure passport and visa are inside period of efficacy without fail!

2, money, best belt is enough, common saying says poor home rich way, it is OK to cannot be spent bring back. If take little, in case because money is insufficient,see favorite thing and be not bought, affect the mood that travels at that time not only, and after going back to the motherland, also meet be troubled Yu Huai, accurate for ages.

1) go developed country or area credit card are more convenient, discharge a lot of inconvenience that takes ready money and risk. Some national some inn brush card to still can be hit 95 fold, for instance Japanese Tokyo. But " one calorie takes the world " advertisement word also cannot be believed completely.

2) cash must take one part, cash is the most convenient. Because a lot of places cannot brush card, artwork of the small shop article that we like, street, street the likelihood such as the souvenir of tourist attraction of fastfood, travel must to pay cash. If viatic place is changed,collect convenient word, after going abroad, change also go, exchange rate is not certain and appropriate.

3, all sorts of electric equipment and charger

1) mobile phone and charger: International should debut to roam before going abroad, put full telephone bill.

2) camera, camera and charger: Batteries n must assure before setting out everyday, make sure card has enough space.

3) computer and charger: Your need does the likelihood a bit official business, need sends and receive email, need to pour the photograph that day in computer, etc. To reduce impediment, OK also a few individual belts a computer is common.

4) the friend that does not love to drink cold water still must take bottle of a hot water, the room of a lot of hotels of foreign does not provide hot water. Perhaps return so that carry head of a changeover

4, commonly used medicine of yourself, have the person of special disease especially, be like hypertensive, diabetic etc.

5, every day object, if the man's razor reachs charger, of the lady protect skin to taste, cosmetic. Go abroad buying is the price the likelihood is improper, 2 it is the sign that still gets full world to look for you to want, do not search certainly get.

6, likely move is installed. Want to suit local climate above all, if went January Australia, have to take the clothes of summer; If go,desert has to take good shoes and sunglasses; Have banquet, evening party or watch a show, hear a concert, have to take one is being installed or evening dress.

7, the tourist guide manual of Chinese or guidebook, no matter whether you have a tourist guide. If you like to understand local history, culture, local customs, it is very important that before setting out, some of homework is done, you also can browse in tourist attraction spot the book that you take, learn to show understanding now.

Is travel going abroad necessary detailed list and preparation?

Necessary detailed list and preparation are as follows:

1.Passport and visa: Ensure passport period of efficacy above of at least 6 months, and accord with the visa requirement of destination country.

2.Affirm book and the journey: Include airline ticket, hotel, hire car and activity to wait, had better arrange these information a file or electronic documentation backup.

3.Commonly used medicines and chemical reagents: Include medicines and chemical reagents of patulin, anodyne, emergency treatment and the medicaments that react to allergy to wait.

4.Other necessities: Outlet of purse, cash, credit card, Id, mobile phone, charger, changeover, camera.

5.Baggage carries a provision: The baggage that understands airline carries a provision, needless charge and incur loss through delay produce in order to avoid in the airport.

6.Language and culture difference: The local language with primary study and culture are formal, so that get used to local environment better.

7.The journey is safe: Buy appropriate viatic insurance, so that necessary support and safeguard are obtained below sudden circumstance.

8.Intelligent safety: Advertent all round circumstance, avoid nightly walk alone, be in new place especially. Below emergency, the aid of close emergency treatment that can contact place at any time serves.

Detailed list of article of preparation going abroad?

Need going abroad prepares the following article:

1, gripesack / boot: ?

2, clothings apparels kind: Change clothing fully, change shoe, swimsuit fully, knickers, physiology things, a mountainous area should prepare a little a few thicker coat.

2, medicine wraps / emergency treatment bag: Put a few standing medicine, water of adhesive plaster, disinfection, prevent bask in cream etc.

3, important papers: Passport, visa, Id and driving licence, marriage certificate, recommendation.

4, cash and credit card: Must change better little paper money and coin, buy little article or tip in order to have.

5, bring a few solid food, chocolate, biscuit, so that journey is compensatory energy.

Go abroad detailed list of standing medicines and chemical reagents?

Medicine of 1. puissant diminish inflammation (not easy and overmuch, notice date of expiration)

2. high grade antipyretic (had better be prescription kind)

3. stomach medicine (the meal of old beauty is not unripe namely cool hard, mom's baby may need to nod time to suit)

Of detoxify of 4. clear fire in officinal (all sorts of pressure of the student are very great)

Medicine of 5. have loose bowels

6 gods of 6. bolus

7. patulin Chinese traditional medicine

8. therometer (American drugstore everywhere can be bought, but the child forgot to buy forever)

9. stops have a headache medicine (American drugstore everywhere can be bought, but the child forgot to buy forever)

Medicine to be taken after being mixed with boiling water of 10. board blue root (not easy much, local China inn has sell)


One pyxis of 1. irons vulnerary

One pyxis of 2. mosquito medicine

3. whelk medicine

4. small emergency treatment is wrapped

Go abroad man of necessary article detailed list?

The man goes abroad necessary detailed list includes, razor, comb, underwear, appearance, outside pants, shoe, kit, sneaker, umbrella, mobile phone charger, flat computer, power source changes plug, book, tea, hot water cup, if have Morpheus problem, take earplug even, blind fold, or Morpheus medicaments. If have 3 tall, still need to take step-down, fall fat, fall the medicine of candy. Also should prepare a few patulin and achieve can stick, in order to have untimely needs.

Go abroad for a long time necessary article detailed list?


After the passport is going abroad, be Chongzhongzhi is weighed, ? The home? Want to had kept surely! ? At? Share certificate, theoretic should stay in the home? , in case does father mother help us be in the home? Processing? Some thing, but when going back to the motherland, after may nonlocal classmate leave a plane, still need to take especially? Car, so? Share certificate is necessary papers. So my proposal is, go does police station report the loss of sth fill do? ? Share certificate, or? ? ? Does share certificate photocopy stay in the home? . Original? ? The area is nice, arrive meaning? Is benefit hind followed? Carry? Share certificate!

Visa material

Visa material suggests to do good photocopy and scanning two tactics preparation!


New edition passport, please according to? Page (bear sign one's name) copy each with visa page 5-10 portion;

Old edition passport: According to? Page, visa

Page, sign the page copies each 5-10 portion.

Go abroad for a long time to lead detailed list surely?

Go abroad to lead article detailed list surely: The identity and passport. Go out journey, the most important is relevant certificate, want to be used where, so these things must want to take. Cash and bank card also should be carried for certain.

Go abroad detailed list of Indonesian and necessary article?

Go Indonesia is necessary article detailed list:

1, go abroad 3 treasure: U pillow, blind fold and earplug.

2, commodity: Tooth brush is covered, toilet soap box, fast dry towel. If be burning hot season, prevent bask in things indispensable also, besides prevent bask in frost besides, these physics prevent umbrella, coat, cap, sunglasses it is OK also to bask in consideration.

3, clothings: Take as far as possible suck sweat to breathe freely, wash-and-wear clothings; Go out to should go up fully all right in burning hot season a light jacket, go to the place of seaside and so on remembering taking liked swimsuit.

4, certificate and property: The passport is indispensable, still have enough fund.

5, number; Mobile phone, camera, mobile power source, Wifi, take staff oneself, digital product is waterproof bag.

6, lash-up: Jury medicines and chemical reagents, achieve can stick, yunnan Baiyao, one-time alcohol disinfects cotton piece etc.

The detailed list that need going abroad prepares?

Journey going abroad, clear away baggage to want to look, length of the climate of destination, culture, time and the activity that have. But, no matter where you go to, it is below need importantly machine parts or tools kept in reserve: Gripesack / bag of boot, clothings, medicine or emergency treatment bag, important papers, cash and credit card, belt a few solid food, chocolate, biscuit, so that journey is compensatory energy.

Go abroad to lead article detailed list surely?

1. effective certificate, it is a passport normally. Ensure passport and visa are inside period of efficacy without fail!

2, money, best belt is enough, common saying says poor home rich way, it is OK to cannot be spent bring back. If take little, in case because money is insufficient,see favorite thing and be not bought, affect the mood that travels at that time not only, and after going back to the motherland, also meet be troubled Yu Huai, accurate for ages.

1) go developed country or area credit card are more convenient, discharge a lot of inconvenience that takes ready money and risk. Some national some inn brush card to still can be hit 95 fold, for instance Japanese Tokyo. But " one calorie takes the world " advertisement word also cannot be believed completely.

2) cash must take one part, cash is the most convenient. Because a lot of places cannot brush card, artwork of the small shop article that we like, street, street the likelihood such as the souvenir of tourist attraction of fastfood, travel must to pay cash. If viatic place is changed,collect convenient word, after going abroad, change also go, exchange rate is not certain and appropriate.

3, all sorts of electric equipment and charger

1) mobile phone and charger: International should debut to roam before going abroad, put full telephone bill.

2) camera, camera and charger: Batteries n must assure before setting out everyday, make sure card has enough space.

3) computer and charger: Your need does the likelihood a bit official business, need sends and receive email, need to pour the photograph that day in computer, etc. To reduce impediment, OK also a few individual belts a computer is common.

4) the friend that does not love to drink cold water still must take bottle of a hot water, the room of a lot of hotels of foreign does not provide hot water. Perhaps return so that carry head of a changeover

4, commonly used medicine of yourself, have the person of special disease especially, be like hypertensive, diabetic etc.

5, every day object, if the man's razor reachs charger, of the lady protect skin to taste, cosmetic. Go abroad buying is the price the likelihood is improper, 2 it is the sign that still gets full world to look for you to want, do not search certainly get.

6, likely move is installed. Want to suit local climate above all, if went January Australia, have to take the clothes of summer; If go,desert has to take good shoes and sunglasses; Have banquet, evening party or watch a show, hear a concert, have to take one is being installed or evening dress.

7, the tourist guide manual of Chinese or guidebook, no matter whether you have a tourist guide. If you like to understand local history, culture, local customs, it is very important that before setting out, some of homework is done, you also can browse in tourist attraction spot the book that you take, learn to show understanding now.

上一篇:有什么好吃的美食? 湖北的美食有哪些?英文双语对照