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长安总部位于重庆长江和嘉陵江两江汇合处,下辖“重庆长安汽车股份有限公司”、“长安铃木汽车有限公司”、“长安福特马自达汽车有限公司”、“长安福特马自达南京公司”、“长安福特马自达发动机公司”、“南京长安汽车有限公司”、“河北长安汽车有限公司”、“河北保定客车有限公司”、“重庆长安跨越车辆有限公司”、“江西江铃控股有限公司”、“长安地产有限公司”等十余家公司,产业涉及整车、发动机、房地产等领域,地跨西南(重庆)、华北(河北)、华东(江苏)、华中(江西)四地,年汽车生产能力100万辆,年发动机生产能力100万台,2006年销售收入突破430亿元人民币。 长安位居重庆市工业企业50强之首,中国上市公司20强,中国制造企业100强。“长安”商标荣获“中国驰名商标”称号,品牌价值133.58亿元,世界汽车品牌排名前20位(2000年)。




长安所有现款车: 长安CS75长安CS35长安CX20 逸动、逸动XT 悦翔V3悦翔V5悦翔V7 奔奔奔奔Mini 睿骋





奔驰汽车全称是戴姆勒股份公司(Daimler AG),总部位于德国斯图加特,是全球最大的商用车制造商,全球第一大豪华车生产商、第二大卡车生产商。公司旗下包括梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车、梅赛德斯-奔驰轻型商用车、戴姆勒载重车和戴姆勒金融服务等四大业务单元。


Is Chang'an Motor Corporation in Chang'an?

Chang'an industry and Chang'an car are a family originally, chang'an industry is a parent company, chang'an car is subsidiary, both is in Chongqing. 2009 in recombining, be parted, chang'an car by southern industry (arms outfit group) the southern car of subordinate (today Chinese Chang'an, headquarters Beijing) foster, become its subsidiary. Chang'an car is dedicated at automobile industry, and Chang'an industry grows in other industry, for instance war industry, content shedding, estate. Of Chang'an car " Chang'an " brand originates Chang'an industry, demarcate at automobile industry, and of the stepmother China Chang'an of Chang'an car " Chang'an " originate nursling (Chang'an car) .

Does Chang'an Motor Corporation have a holiday system?

The legal holiday that the country sets is put normally, have winter vacation one year twice, the first year every time 10 days, take salary 67 days among them, later the growth as length of service, the time of New year holidays can increase.

It is very difficult to enter Chongqing Chang'an Motor Corporation?

Can see lot then into Chang'an car, if catch up with factory action and school action you are hopeful, accord with your major after all.

Still having a way is yard interior has friend, had better be middle-level above, they master it is a lot of more certain to hire information, still have way, if commune is enrolled to be able to go up to know in great quantities in the factory, if be enrolled less or inside action, you did not know certainly, as to pay pay you need not consider, compare common factory certainly strong, this also is a when attract you main factor

Motor Corporation of new energy resources of Chang'an of Chongqing of VS of Chongqing Chang'an group?

At present new energy resources is the tendency that the car develops, but development process may procrastinate very longly because of the respect such as policy of form a complete set and technology, chang'an new energy resources is subject Chang'an steam grinds courtyard, total pay is pretty good, but the malady of state-owned company is very much, the chance that the youth that has the urge for improvement is inside is not much, fit an idea pure, go after not much student.

The pay of pay of Chang'an Ford Motor Corporation of Chongqing how?

1500, I feel too low. 3000 the left and right sides, I feel appropriate. This should look of course work overtime, perhaps calculate how much to want to see crop.

Where is the headquarters of Chang'an Motor Corporation excuse me?

Chang'an headquarters is located in Chongqing the Yangtse River and Jia Lingjiang two rivers are confluent place, issue administer " Inc. of Chongqing Chang'an car " , " limited company of car of Chang'an bell wood " , " limited company of car of Chang'an Ford Ma Zida " , " company of Nanjing of Chang'an Ford Ma Zida " , " company of engine of Chang'an Ford Ma Zida " , " Nanjing Chang'an car, the industry involves the field such as truckload, engine, estate, the ground crosses southwest (Chongqing) , China north (Heibei) , Hua Dong (Jiangsu) , China in (Jiangxi) 4 ground, year car productivity 1 million, year engine productivity 1 million, sales revenue broke through 43 billion yuan of RMBs 2006. Chang'an ranks business of Chongqing city industry 50 first strong, china appears on the market company 20 strong, china creates a company 100 strong. "Chang'an " brand is had the honor to win " Chinese well-known logo " title, taste list price to be worth thirteen billion three hundred and fifty-eight million yuan, before world car brand is ranked 20 (2000) .

Baoding has a Chang'an Motor Corporation, this company how?

Baoding Chang'an is deciding a city, the company still goes, work is not little, sales volume is good also. The Chang'an car that is like Heibei province is over there go out. But the quality of the car is not quite allegedly strong!

Does Chang'an Motor Corporation produce a car 4 words?

Chang'an is all cash car: Ease of CX20 of Chang'an of CS35 of Chang'an CS75 Chang'an is moved, ease moves V7 of Yue Xiang of V5 of Yue Xiang of V3 of XT Yue Xiang to run quickly run quickly run quickly go straight towards Mini farsighted gallop

Auspicious Motor Corporation?

Zhejiang is auspicious accusing a group is Chinese automobile industry 10 strong companies. Since entering car field 1997, depend on agile management mechanism and persistent own innovation, obtained rapid development, show asset total value to exceed 34 billion yuan, course of study of the state-owend enterprise in be being entered 8 years continuously 500 strong, enter Chinese automobile industry 6 years continuously 10 strong, be judged to be first country " innovation enterprise " and " national car is truckload exit base industry " .

Zhejiang is auspicious accuse a group headquarters to be set in Hangzhou, and other places of bridge of the sea, Ning Bo, road and Shanghai, Lanzhou, Xiangtan, Jinan is faced to build in Zhejiang have a car truckload create base with dynamical assembly, center of research and development of DSI automatic transmission and manufacturer are had in Australia, already formed the productivity that produces per year 600 thousand 600 thousand truckload, 600 thousand stage engine, transmission. Zhejiang is auspicious accuse a group to have the 3 old brands such as eagle of a person of extraordinary powers of the Supreme Being, whole world, Ying Lun many 30 truckload product, the hand that has engine of 1.0L-1.8L whole set and photograph to match is moved / automatic transmission

Benz company?

Benz full name is to wear Mu to force joint-stock company (Daimler AG) , headquarters is located in Germany Situjiate, it is the commercial vehicle manufacturer with the biggest whole world, business of production of the biggest luxurious car, the 2nd truck produces the whole world business. Meisaidesi includes below company division - Benz, Meisaidesi - run quickly light-duty commercial vehicle, Daimule carries loaded vehicle and Daimulejin be in harmony serves wait 4.

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