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没有文化委员会这组织,只有文化局。文化局主管当地文化艺术事业,其主要职责是贯彻执行党和国家关于艺术工作的方针、政策和法规,研究制订当地文化事业发展规划、政策、规章和管理办法,综合管理当地社会文化事业,图书馆事业,归口管理当地文化市场、文物事业、电影发行和放映、对外文化艺术交流。 贯彻执行党和国家新闻出版著作权的法律、法规和方针、政策以及地方性新闻出版、著作权的管理规章和管理措施,并组织实施和监督检查。承办当地党委、政府交办的其他事项。文化局主管全国文化事业,其主要职责是贯彻执行党和国家关于文化工作的方针、政策和法规,研究制订当地文化事业发展规划、政策、规章和管理办法,综合管理当地社会文化事业:文化艺术事业、图书馆事业、归口管理文化市场、文物事业、电影发行和放映、对外文化艺术交流。贯彻执行党和国家新闻出版著作权的法律、法规和方针、政策以及地方性新闻出版、著作权的管理规章和管理措施,并组织实施和监督检查。承办当地党委、政府交办的其他事项。扩展资料:文化局及其委托所属的文化市场管理办公室,文化稽查大队、文物管理所,在全县宣传、贯彻文化市场管理的法律、法规和规章,依法对文化市场经营活动进行执法检查和管理,保护合法经营,制止和查处文化经营活动中的违法行为,促进文化市场繁荣和健康发展,其主要职能任务是:








Without culture committee this is organized, only literate bureau. Culture bureau is in charge of career of local culture art, its are main duty is the policy that implements executive party and country to work about art, policy and code, enterprise of culture of research formulate place develops program, policy, regulations and administrative idea, career of culture of society of general management place, library career, career of market of culture of place of management putting in a mouth 's charge, cultural relic, film is issued and show, change art communication to foreign language. The administrative regulations of the law that implements executive party and copyright of edition of national new scent, code and guiding principle, policy and edition of local new scent, copyright and administrative measure, the organization is carried out and supervise an examination. Undertake local Party committee, government makes the any other business that do. Culture bureau is in charge of countrywide culture career, its are main duty is the policy that implements executive party and country to work about culture, policy and code, enterprise of culture of research formulate place develops program, policy, regulations and administrative idea, career of culture of society of general management place: Career of culture art career, library career, market of culture of management putting in a mouth 's charge, cultural relic, film is issued and show, change art communication to foreign language. The administrative regulations of the law that implements executive party and copyright of edition of national new scent, code and guiding principle, policy and edition of local new scent, copyright and administrative measure, the organization is carried out and supervise an examination. Undertake local Party committee, government makes the any other business that do. Patulous data: ?  of act  aim eight falling into oblivion promotes in harmony of  of act of  Lu Nai "  of  of act of  of Yao of  of Fei Gang Zhan coffins Huo imprints Ke of ⒐ of  of  of box of  of a surname of  of  of Mang of Fei of ⑽ Nai actinium blows act  humorous " Jing of ü of ⒎ of umbrella of  of Fei vasting Mu; Does riverside of  of  of  of ず play ň buy a canister to coffin  of Tuan of  of  of ξ act  fetterses humorous of  of act of  of Pai of  of  of form of Nai シ ㄐ " than Feng Tu] does Qia of bay amaranth Wo pull  of Tao of  of the stalk that pound ⒄ washing with watercolors?

1. Undertake supervisory administrative to culture market lawfully, behavior of the irregularity in running an activity to culture, violate the rules and regulations undertakes investigating and make processing.

2. Those who be in charge of pair of sound resembling the management project such as game of recreation of goods, culture, electron, artwork examine and approve, hair card and year careful changes card to work.

3. Begin fixed or nonskedly " sweep fizzle out dozen of blame " activity and culture check activity, purify culture market.

4. Be in charge of be opposite inside local administration area commercial the show manages examine and approve, hair card and year careful changes card to work. Save and group of show of connection conduction place goes (leave the country) the concerned procedures that receives show of sex of field headquarters course of study and culture communication. Investigate lawfully commercial show activity breaks the law mediumly, behavior of violate the rules and regulations.

5. Be in charge of protection of pair of the cultural relic inside local administration area, management and cultural relic running an activity, investigate cultural relic protection, management and cultural relic to manage action of the irregularity in the activity, violate the rules and regulations lawfully.

6. Be in charge of executing the law to culture personnel and culture undertake grooming via battalion owner, study and the code that master a country to concern law and culture market control, regulations, rise execute the law personnel and lawfully administrative level and of management owner abide by the law manage and ego protects consciousness.

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