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山西特色美食文化? 特色美食传统文化下联?英文双语对照


山西特色美食文化? 特色美食传统文化下联?英文双语对照










































One, culture of Shanxi characteristic cate?

The cate with the famousest Shanxi is cooked wheaten food. And people more knows, it is the knife cuts an area. The knife cuts the Chongzhongzhi of the face again in the knife, pay attention to with the knife, cut a way very exquisite also, thick both sides is thin among cut area, have edge angular, appearance if Liu Xie is general. The entrance feels those who slip slippery, chew rise special muscle path, the scale is flexible soft, but do not stick a tooth, get the jubilation of lover of cooked wheaten food.

2, the second line of a couplet of culture of characteristic cate tradition?

Culture of characteristic cate tradition, classical opera for generations circulates.

3, the characteristic cate culture of Shanxi?

Shanxi cooked wheaten food is famouser and famous, love takes a side, also like the cooked wheaten food of all sorts of evaporate, love jealous.

4, what is the second line of a couplet of culture of characteristic cate inheritance?

The second line of a couplet: Great plan cate is drunk invigorative

Couplet is commonly according to fluctuation couplet level and oblique tones contrary, do not ask word word is contrary commonly, but should notice word of fluctuation couplet end (couplet foot) level and oblique tones should contrary, and the first line of a couplet on a scroll is narrow, the second line of a couplet is smooth; Fluctuation couplet is respective sentence inside level and oblique tones is alternant. Characteristic cate is so right great plan cate, inheritance is a verb drunk to the verb have, culture is substantival correspondence spirit.

5, cate of characteristic of Xi'an of Shanghai characteristic cate?

The crude fry in shallow oil of Shanghai is wrapped, the bag giving birth to decoct that once appeared countless times in drama of movie and TV has had history of hundreds of years, basically be fresh pork and leather aspic do stuffing at first, develop as the times, chicken and shelled fresh shrimps also abounded the content of crude fry in shallow oil. It is the white behead chicken that must raise next, in the idea of Shanghai native, what white behead chicken or small carry on promote is best, it is with 3 yellow chicken feed capable person, after been do cortical and golden, the flesh is qualitative white tender, tasting is unusual fat more, it is deadbeat of a lot of other places what taste surely is delicate. Small basket bag also is one of cate that make a person unforgettable, thin juice of small dragon wrapping is much, should go down glibly stays sweet.

Bag giving birth to decoct, white injection and small basket bag is 3 Shanghai's most famous cate.

The cate of Xi'an cannot be short of formula of 3 the Qin Dynasty: Cool skin, the flesh adds steamed bun, put peak soda water on the ice, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, steamed bun of bubble of flesh of flocks and herds, fried dumpling,

6, the culture characteristic such as structure of diet of cate of introductory Hubei characteristic or dress?

The hot dry side of Hubei Wuhan is characteristic food of place.

7, is what characteristic cate and culture Yong Xingfang has to you can pull the first line of a couplet on a scroll?

1, face of Biangbiang of the central Shaanxi plain

2, steamed bun of in relief cobble of short for the Jinghe River

3, dish is stewed south short for Shaanxi Province

4, steamed bun of peaceful strong walnut

5, Chinese in Remipi

6, child long thin pancake made of millet flour

7, face of Bin county drive

8, town cling to kang yam

9, cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste of oak water yam

10, peaceful heart yellow steamed bun

8, the culture characteristic such as structure of diet of cate of introductory Henan characteristic or dress?

Henan province is having long culture history, kept substantial cultural relic place of historic interest for us not only, still kept bright culture money to us- - comfort dish. The cook method of comfort dish, share more than kinds 50. Gather up, burn, scamper, saute, explode, fry, boil in water for a while does not have distinguishing feature, boil in water for a while of green any of several hot spice plants and sunken, develop a school of one's own.

Gather up among them dish is more original, element has " to gather up dish does not tick off Gorgon euryale, shang Zhizi comes the good name of sticky " .

Additional, henan explodes fire of the many use force when dish, heat up boiler cool oil, the operation is rapid, quality of a material is fragile tender, juice lubricious milky white. Carp of Yellow River of " sweet-and-sour saute bakes face " , " is fried 3 do not stick " of sweet-and-sour carp of " of silk of skin of sweet-scented osmanthus of " , " , " to wait, the course of comfort dish name with these long histories, up to now still renown Yang Xia nears, it is place of personage of China and foreign countries to praise.

9, does Jiangsu of Shanghai characteristic cate save characteristic cate?

The Na Xiang of Shanghai is small basket, thin thin soft soft leather, there is soup juice inside; Hangzhou is small basket bag, should achieve 28.5 grams again completely with every, 18 plait above, go up not to receive a tip, below not show-through, chrysanthemum of be similar in shape, soup juice heavy full figure, mouthfeel is thick; Without stannum small basket it is salty in take sweet, skin thin juice is much. Dumpling of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab is tradition of the Han nationality of city of river of Jiangsu province pacify the name is fastfood, bright, quiet period has enjoyed high reputation. Its characteristic is a skin thin be like paper, blow play defeat namely, the " that make absolutely strange " of beautiful " of " , configuration " , " having a way

10, cate of Dan city characteristic?

1, egg fill cake: Add the egg condiment and meat stuffing of a few green Chinese onion, a kind of thin pancake is entered after mix is even inside, bake next ripe.

2, wool egg: The egg of the chickling did not brood when clutch, cent hairiness, without wool two kinds. Hairiness shows the chickling inside chorion has shaped, can see roughly appearance has a few so called chicken feather; Do not have wool to point to has brooded egg, but the liquid still is inside housing, did not turn a chickling into appearance, relatively the time that pilose wool egg broods is a bit a few shorter. Can add salt to add aniseed to be being boiled eat, also can thoroughly cook the deepfry that bind a side to wear eat.

3, fry potato silk: Myself takes the name, be not what say usually to fry potato silk. Extremely fine potato silk binds a side, next evaporate is ripe, when eating, be with egg green vegetables in boiler fry, can edible.

4, burn aubergine: Aubergine stripping and slicing, wrap egg starch, deepfry, add water to add condiment next stew is stewed a little while can edible, aubergine is very tender very soft very sweet, very delicious

5, evaporate dish: Feed material to be commonly: Potherb if money of leaf of leaf of shepherd's purse, caraway, yam, pagoda tree flower, elm, Yu wraps flour, in boiler evaporate is ripe, reoccupy condiment pure sesame-seed oil mixes divide evenly can edible. I am 100 eat not tire of, that flavour is quite delicious, oneself are preferred take steam leaf of all sorts of potherb and evaporate Yu money, elm. Elm is not much now, add elm to be compared commonly again tall, take leaf of evaporate Yu Qian Heyu not easily so. This kind of dish belongs to the cole that can do inside the home, but need not entertain a guest commonly.

6, waist of the sheep that bake: The condiment that the barbecue inside the home puts is not much, belong to relatively delicate tastily the sort of, the barbecue of unlike Wuhan, it is barbecue makings completely.

7, gram a round mass of food: Refer in particular to what just gave boiler. After gram is broken into pieces, mix with garlic of ginger of condiment, green, flour even hind, make outside deep yellow with deepfry can. The taste that just gave boiler is optimal!
