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截至2015年4月,学校与近30个国家和地区的近百所知名大学、金融机构及知名企业建立了广泛的合作关系。建立与美国甲骨文公司(Oracle)合作的“金融服务中心”、与英国英杰华保险公司(AVIVA)合作的“中国保险会计师培训中心”、与日本冈三证券(Okasan Securities)共建“金融实验室”等多个专门教育机构。

并与花旗银行(Citibank)、汇丰银行(HSBC)、渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)、澳新银行(ANZ Bank)、高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)、三井住友海上保险(Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance)、住友商事(Sumitomo)等进行合作。








One, how does the collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of Zhejiang finance and economics run a school?

Yes. It is a bit taller that the college tuition with joint China and foreign countries compares other school.

2, in south does collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of finance and economics run a school?

If collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school, fractional line is smaller, but tuition is very tall, do not pass academic word good, quite good also. Still can have the opportunity of foreign study later

3, does collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of Shandong finance and economics run a school collect fees?

Collaboration of China and foreign countries runs a school, student of managerial major of collaboration of school look forward to is made by school year collect fees. Major of collaboration of China and foreign countries is tuitional 26000 yuan / year,

Other collect fees include era to receive cost of cost of things of medical treatment insurance premium, apartment, military training things to wait, insurance premium of cure of its doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is to press school year collection; Apartment things, military training things is belonged to buy of one's own accord, when enter a school reports for duty, affirm whether to buy, need buys by the school era closes.

4, managerial project of collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of Shanghai finance and economics?

University of Shanghai finance and economics and American Wei Bai Si are special the industrial and commercial government that university collaboration runs is professional (project of MBA) master's degree go up namely money IMBA project, it is home the degree of collaboration of China and foreign countries of the earliest start teachs one of projects, also be the project of education of collaboration of China and foreign countries that has won award of achievement of national level education exclusively up to now at the same time.

5, how does collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of Guizhou finance and economics run a school?

Pretty good still.

University of Guizhou finance and economics only then built 1958, institute of finance and economics of former rare administrative division, 2012 more show a name. Be one so course of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of economics, canal gives priority to body, law, literature, pedagogic, art learns, the finance and economics that a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, labour learns to wait for much discipline to coordinate development kind university. The Guizhou Province economy that is construction of focal point of government of Guizhou provincial Party committee, province manages a talent to develop base.

Secretary of former Party committee of university of gainer, Nanjing Professor Hong Yinxing assumes president of reputation of university of Guizhou finance and economics.

The school is located at Guizhou Province to spend brook college town, existing Hua Xi, river bank, Lu Chong shuts 3 campuses, cover an area of gross area 5106.8 mus, school building builds gross area 784497 square metre, total value of education instrument equipment 360 million yuan, books data (paper books more than 170, 120T of digital books resource) . The school advocate the campus is Hua Xi campus, it is an environment beautiful, function the contemporary university campus with all ready, advanced establishment.

6, does collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of Guizhou finance and economics run a school a few years to make?

Basically make 3 years, be by university of Guizhou finance and economics and British conspicuous luck - the China and foreign countries of university of watt university, Canadian cloth Lu Ke cooperates managerial project is approval of office of education of classics Guizhou Province (Guizhou teachs 〔 of hair of run by the local people 2010 〕 40, 41, 42, 43. Major of collaboration of China and foreign countries basically has finance to be sure, content sheds management, accountant, market sale. The education pattern that this project uses is the education plan that use both sides makes jointly and training program, curricular education is assumed jointly by bilateral teacher, aggrandizement English education.

7, does university of southwest finance and economics have collaboration of China and foreign countries to run a school?

University of southwest finance and economics has collaboration of China and foreign countries to run a school.

Up to in April 2015, the school and orgnaization of nearly 30 nearly 100 of country and area famous universities, finance and well-known company established extensive cooperative relationship. Build with company of American inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty (Oracle) of collaboration " financial service center " , with insurance company of British Ying Jiehua (AVIVA) of collaboration " Chinese insurance accountant grooms center " , with Japanese ridge 3 negotiable securities (Okasan Securities) build in all " financial lab " etc many.

with beautiful banner bank (Citibank) , the bank that collect abundant (HSBC) , broken bits makes a bank (Standard Chartered Bank) , bay new bank (ANZ Bank) , Gao Cheng group (Goldman Sachs) , Mitsui lives friendly marine insurance (Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance) , live friendly trade issue.

8, does the collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of Shanghai finance and economics run a school property?

The undergraduate course of collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of Shanghai finance and economics teachs project major to include development of economy of business affairs of economy of international accountant, international and commerce, international, bank and international finance, amount, estate and management

9, does collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of northeast finance and economics run a school collect fees?

University of northeast finance and economics has two inside set academic open to have managerial project of collaboration of China and foreign countries, rate differs somewhat. Among them, industrial and commercial management, financial management, travel runs business school of the work in Sa tuition of managerial major of collaboration of China and foreign countries is annual 60000 yuan of RMBs, and the collaboration of China and foreign countries of international business school runs a school professional tuitional standard, annual during home is read 48000 yuan of RMBs, the tuition during abroad studies abroad criterion beyond the of international student rate that square university announces in those days is taken.

10, does collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of Shandong finance and economics do tuition how many?

Managerial tuition of collaboration of China and foreign countries of university of Shandong finance and economics: 26000 yuan / year

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