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组词汤汤? 浩浩汤汤的汤汤的意思?英文双语对照


组词汤汤? 浩浩汤汤的汤汤的意思?英文双语对照











shāng shāng yùn hé









汤:tāng ㄊㄤˉ,tàng ㄊㄤˋ,shāng ㄕㄤˉ。偏旁"汤"简化为"汤",依据古人书法省笔简化 。《说文解字》:"汤,热水也。从水、昜声。 "。旭日升起阳光普照的样子是昜之范式。水、昜两范式叠加。充满阳气的水(热水)是汤之范式。


“汤汤流水”的读音是:shāng shāng líu shuǐ 流水汤汤一般是用来形容流水声的。 做形容词时多指流水。 出处:淇水汤汤出自《诗经。卫风。氓》 原文:自我徂尔,三岁食贫。淇水汤汤,渐车帷裳。女也不爽,土贰其行。

士也罔极,二三其德 翻译:自从我嫁到你家,多年来忍受贫苦的生活。淇水(地名)波涛滚滚,水花打湿了车上的布幔。女子没有什么差错,男子行为却前后不一致了。男人的爱情没有定准,他的感情一变再变。


bì shuǐ shāng shāng







裙带菜1小把土豆 1个黄瓜 1根泰椒 1-2个葱姜蒜 若干盐 耗油 1小勺海鲜酱油 1小勺花椒粉 一点辣椒面 1把鸡粉 一小勺














shang shang不读tang汤汤(shang shang) 水大的样子。河水汤汤,就是河水很大的样子




Group statement soup?

Soup soup water, spoon, stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup, the egg spends soup, laver soup

The meaning of the Shang Shang of soup of grand grand soup?

Soup: Flow is large and urgent. Grand grand soup: The appearance that Shui Bohao swings.

Of Fan Zhongyan of writer of out Northen Song Dynasty " Yue Yang building is written down " .

Textual cento:

Grant to watch husband Baling to surpass record, in hole front courtyard one lake. Hold far hill, swallow the Yangtse River, grand grand soup, the horizontal stroke does not have time limit; Shade of morning sunlight evening, spectacular. The grand sight of building of this Yue Yang also, of forefathers narrate equipment. North ining that case connects Wu Xia, antarctic Xiao Xiang, person of change guest coquettish, much meeting hereat, see the situation of content, get as good as?


I see the beautiful scenery of that Ba Lingjun, go up in lake of hole front courtyard completely. Lake of hole front courtyard includes the mountain chain of distance, taking in and send out in large quantities the running water of the Yangtse River, vast and mighty, broad immensity, full sunshine, dusk is being aspersed on face of early morning lake is dark, the change of scenery is endless. This is the sight with Yue Yang grand and magnificent building. Forefathers is right the record and narrate of these picture already very detailed, although such, so here in lead to Wu Xia, south until deep and clear river of water, Hunan, by the personnel of demote far attune and the poet that recite poems an ode, meet here mostly, the natural scenery that views and admire here and the feeling that spark, can you differ somewhat probably?

Pronunciation of soup soup canal?

é of N H of ù of Ng Y of ā of Sh ā Ng Sh

Carry, standard of contemporary Chinese language one class word (commonly used word) , mandarin pronunciation is Y ù N. "Carry " the basic meaning of the word is move, movement, rotational, be like: Carry judge; Meaning of extend the meaning is carry, carry, be like: Carry.

In be used daily, "Carry " also can make a name, show lot, destiny, be like: Lucky.

"River " what basic meaning is aqueduct is appellative, be like wadi, brook; Meaning of extend the meaning is refer in particular to Chinese Yellow River, be like the bend of a river, flood-prevention work done on rivers.

In be used daily, "River " often also make a name, those who express a river is appellative, be like riverside.

Pronunciation of pluvial soup soup?


Soup [Sh ā Ng]

Flow of 〕 of 〔 Shang Shang is large and urgent.

Soup: Tˉ of ㄤ of ㄊ of ā Ng, ˋ of ㄤ of ㄊ of T à Ng, ˉ of ㄤ of ㄕ of Sh ā Ng. " of soup of " of brief melt into of " of soup of character components " , according to the ancients calligraphy province pen simplifies. " say civil solution word " : " soup, hot water also. From sound of water, . " . The rising sun rises the Fan Shi that the appearance of sunshine illuminate all things is . Water, overlay of two model type. The water that fills in relief air (hot water) the Fan Shi that is soup.

Water boiling water. Pronunciation?

"Soup soup running water " pronunciation is: Boiling water of boiling water of water of ǐ of U Shu of í of Ng L of ā of Sh ā Ng Sh uses voice of appearance running water commonly. Running water points to more when doing an adjective. Provenance: Out of soup of Qi water boiling water " The Book of Songs. Wei Feng. The common people " textual: Ego Cu Er, 3 years old feed deficient. Qi water boiling water, gradually car curtain skirt. Female also accurate, earthy two its go.

Person also not extremely, 23 its heart translate: Since me marry you, will endure poor life for years. Qi water (place name) great waves billow, spray is hit wet the cloth curtain on the car. The woman does not have what accident, man behavior is incongruous however sent. The man's love did not allow surely, his emotion goes again.

Pronunciation of soup of boiling water of green jade water?

Ng of ā of Ng Sh of ā of Sh of ǐ of B ì Shu

"Water " basic meaning is a kind colorless, without smelly, transparent liquid, be like paddy, constant effort brings success; Meaning of extend the meaning is a river, be like Chinese water, Hunan water; The appellative, reservoir of sea of river river lake.

In contemporary Chinese language, "Water " the meaning that still has juice juice, be like a stiff-haired writing brush, ink.

"Soup " basic meaning is hot water, be like Shang Yang, Shang Huo; Meaning of extend the meaning is food boiling water. Be like soup foot, Shang Yu.

In be used daily, "Soup " often also make a name, express to put medicinal herbs in the liquid state drug that boils in water, be like soup congee, Shang San.

Practice of yam soup soup?

With makings

Dish of connected through one's relatives 1 small potato a cucumber 1-2 of any of several hot spice plants of a peaceful green ginger garlic a certain number of salt bad news are oily soy of seafood of 1 small spoon pink of Chinese prickly ash of 1 small spoon face of a bit chili pink of a chicken one small spoon


Dish of connected through one's relatives a small, (mix according to individual taste the mood is extenuatory add) use bleb ahead of schedule, this one pace can omit, use bleb nevertheless taste is less, conversely Shang Hui has bit of fishy smell. Green cuts chopped green onion, ginger cuts into shreds, garlic is patted medicinal powder mincing, peaceful any of several hot spice plants cuts small fine group.

Heat up boiler, enter right amount oil, oil shoulds not be much, oily hot preparation wants silk of ginger of fumy nowadays chopped green onion to fry a fragrance to become golden look, explode into seafood soy boiler, add right amount water (fry pan commonly half boiler is so much water, this cookbook fits 2-3 person, appreciably of finished product soup is thick stiff gift is nice drink, do not add water overmuch) after entering water, ordinal the oil that increase cost, salt, pink of Chinese prickly ash, chili face, gallinaceous pink

The tool planing machine that dig silk uses after abluent flay tomato patch enters Shang Zhong directly into filament, noticed Oh! ! ! Dig of silk of potato of this one pace comes out to enter boiler directly, stay time long potato oxidation is nigrescent, if crossing water, potato becomes fragile, the mouthfeel of this soup can sell at a discount greatly, this also is the reason that why does not have a thing to had had potato silk first.

Bubble crosses the fish out of dish of connected through one's relatives of water to squeeze dry water to be put into boiler, in turning, small fire bubbles rise, remember churning more with ladle, prevent sticky boiler.

Boil a little while more, boil soup to become thick apparently stiff, cucumber cuts into shreds, put, taste salty delicacy to spend, be short of what to add what, again before the circle of peaceful any of several hot spice plants that has had, garlic breaks, build a lid to cover tightly 1 minute or so.

Give boiler! Fill a Shang Ke to be aspersed in order to cut a caraway on finished product, first-rate a drunk boiling water, the area in delicacy is hot, what have cucumber again is pure and fresh, with the flavour of peaceful any of several hot spice plants collision is together, say how, must try personally, and do not regret absolutely!

Shang Shang what meaning is the Shang Shang that is like running water?

It is the appearance that points to flood race, out " uncle tooth absolutely bowstring " , textual section chooses as follows:

Uncle tooth be apt to rouses musical instrument, be apt to of Zhong Zi period listens. Uncle tooth rouses musical instrument, annals is in high mountain, zhong Zi period says: "Be apt to, high mountain highs be like a father-in-law! " annals is in running water, zhong Zi period says: "Be apt to, complacently be like Jiang He! " uncle tooth place reads aloud, zhong Zi period musts. Child period dead, uncle tooth calls the world does not have bosom friend again, defeat musical instrument therefore absolutely bowstring, lifelong not answer beat.


Uncle tooth is good at playing musical instrument, zhong Zi period is good at listening attentively to tweedle. When uncle tooth plays musical instrument, the Mount Taishan of lofty thinks of in the heart, zhong Zi period listened to gasp in admiration: "Too good! The father-in-law stand erect that resembles lofty is in my before! " when uncle tooth plays musical instrument, broad Jiang He thinks of in the heart, zhong Zi period gasps in admiration: "Good, the Jiang He of just like stretch to the horizon flows before me! The Jiang He of just like stretch to the horizon flows before me!!

Of soup of river water boiling water " Shang Shang " how to read? What meaning be?

Shang Shang does not read Tang Shang Shang (Shang Shang) the sample with large water. River water boiling water, it is the sample with river very large water

Shang Shang the soup soup pronunciation that is like running water what meaning?

This is Shanghai teachs edition elementary school 5 grade prose written in classic literary style " high mountain running water " a medium sentence. Soup, translating contemporary language is the appearance with vast and mighty current. Soup, according to the usage of the word that connect a holiday of ancient prose, connect ″ to swing ″ ; But do not read falling tone of D α Ng again! According to Song Daifan Zhong Yan is written " Yue Yang building is written down " in ″ of Shang Shang of " grand grand, ″ of this " Shang Shang reads high and level tone of Sh α Ng (word sound is the same as) of ″ business ″ . Accordingly, ″ Shang Shang if running water ″ is medium,″ of ″ Shang Shang also reads high and level tone of Sh α Ng.

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