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据悉,从2013年5月1号起,将会调整。 小型私家车会无使用年限限制规定,但是行驶60万公里后会引导报废。新的私家车强制报废规定出台之后,二手车的价格也可能会有小幅度上涨。



非营运的小型汽车在使用的前六年需要两年检测一次,第七年到第十五年要求一年一次。与私家车6年检车一次,是否冲突。十五年之后需要半年检测一次。也就是说 一辆全新的小车在连续三次(六年时间)未进行或者未通过年检。而购买了超过十五年的旧车, 连续三个检测周期(一年半时间)未获得合格标志就将强制报废。 如果车主驾驶者未年检的车辆上路 。将会得到罚款200元,驾驶证扣三分的处罚。













Which years does sea horse car of 5 years discard as useless?

It is reported, since May 1, 2013, will adjust. Car of small-sized illicit home can restrict a regulation without use fixed number of year, but travel can guide a newspaper to abandon after 600 thousand kilometer. New illicit home car discards as useless compulsively after the regulation comes on stage, the price of two handcart also may have little scope to rise.

Illicit home car discards as useless fixed number of year

According to new regulation, already registered motor vehicle successive after examining to expire effectively 3 motor vehicle examine what motor vehicle certificate of proof indicates is not obtain to will be enforced to discard as useless inside cycle. After new rule is carried out, a few cars age longer, but the two handcart value with good performance will promote somewhat. This also meets what cause value of two handcart market directly rise.

The minicar of the carry that be not battalion needs before 6 years two years to detect in what use, ask the 7th year to the 15th year annual. With illicit home car car of 6 yearly checks, whether to conflict. Need half an year detects after 15 years. That is to say a brand-new car is in successive 3 (6 years of time) did not undertake or did not pass a yearly check. And the old car that bought more than 15 years, successive 3 detect periodic (between a year of half) did not obtain mark of conformity to will discard as useless compulsively. If car advocate the person that drive not the car start off of the yearly check. Will get fining 200 yuan, the driver's license buckles punishment of 3 minutes.

How many years does car of 11 years of sea horse discard as useless?

The use of the life of sea horse car and car and maintain the circumstance is concerned, generally speaking, if maintain and sea carriage of 11 years is safeguarded the course is goodly, can prolong service life, but law sets related the basis, generally speaking, illicit home car is using 15-20 normally the need after year undertakes enforcing discarding as useless. And if sea carriage of 11 years appeared serious safe hidden danger or mechanical failure, also may be discarded as useless ahead of schedule. Accordingly, sea horse car is using 15-20 normally the need after year discards as useless compulsively, but specific time limit still needs to decide according to legal laws and regulations of place and car condition.

Did Shanghai marathon sign up 2022 the entrance?

Net of official signing up: Sea horse helps loose official network on

Means signing up: Sea horse helps loose official network on or Shanghai App signs up

Time signing up: On September 22, 2022 15:00-202 year on September 26 17:00

Ballot announces time: On September 28, 2022 afternoon

Pay time: After ballot outcome is announced, can pay. Pay end time is on September 30 17:00

Is Inc. of group of sea horse automobile a state-owend enterprise?

Inc. of group of sea horse automobile is not a state-owend enterprise, sea horse group is blame is state-owned accuse appear on the market company. Full name of sea horse group invests group limited company for sea horse, car, gold is had to accuse below the banner, buy course of study 3 big industries board piece. Inc. of sea horse car is sea horse group appears on the market subordinately company.

Inc. of sea horse car advocate business Wu: The research and development of car and car engine, make, sale, content shedding deserves to send reach relevant business, finance to serve industry. Inc. of sea horse car held water on January 27, 1993, appear on the market date was on August 8, 1994.

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