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如果你想免费领养1只可爱的小狗,只需要带上身份证(或复印件),到位于扬子洲的3联村南昌市流浪动物求助中心报名便可 公交车 在青山南路坐518,到3联村那1站下车,然后1起步行1小段路就到啦.










新阳路与安升街交口 往地德里方向有小动物保护协会 那里可以免费领养,而且都是打过预防针的







1. 衢州有宠物领养中心。2. 因为宠物领养中心是专门为流浪动物提供救助和寻找新家的机构,他们会提供临时收容、医疗护理和寻找领养家庭等服务,所以衢州肯定会有这样的中心。3. 除了宠物领养中心,衢州还有一些宠物店或者宠物救助组织也可能提供类似的服务,你可以通过互联网、社交媒体或者咨询当地动物保护协会等渠道获取更多信息。


One, net of official of center of Shanghai pet adopt?

Association of Chinese puppy protection is a country one class is professional social organization, it is a normal organization. Official website (Http://www.csapa.org)

"Roam about animal base " have below module " adopt window " , there is a lot of to wait for the puppy of adopt below, every puppy has number of its exclusive adopt, age, sexual distinction, breed and disposition description. You can choose oneself to like in these puppy, fill in next adopt application, download in government-owned net (roam about animal base - > have below adopt window module fill in the address of application form case) perhaps arrive roam about spot of animal protection base.

2, center of adopt of expensive harbor pet?

Very glad to answer your question. According to my inquiry, expensive harbor city does not have pet adopt center of the government, but place still has a few to be in the pet deliverance site of operation and volunteer organization, they are met to roam about the animal provides deliverance and adopt service. You can pass the following means to get more information:

Animal of city of 1. expensive harbor protects association: This association is a volunteer organization that is not profitability, devote oneself to to popularize the activity such as animal protection and pet adopt. The staff member of association and volunteer can offer a few advisory kimono Wu that wait for a respect about pet adopt, deliverance, fosterage.

Site of deliverance of 2. place pet: Place of expensive harbor city has site of deliverance of a few pet, they can provide a few adopt, deliverance, service such as feed normally, the channel such as the pet forum that you can pass place, gregarious media knows more news.

Hope above information is helped somewhat to you.

3, does Changshu roam about pet adopt center?

Seeming is to have so place. It is the place that the dog that is grabbed to come by city canal is shut together.

You think the dog inside adopt should spend money to make vaccine to the dog first, again beautiful money does a dog card to be able to be gotten.

4, center of adopt of Nanjing pet deliverance?

Nanjing city has center of adopt of many pet deliverance, it is below among them two famouser orgnaizations:

Total hospital of Nanjing city pet: The road in coil of Nanjing city dragon 448. Connect a telephone call: 84682120.

Deliverance of billow animal of restful A Fuliu meets Nanjing: Xi Lujia of model of division of Nanjing city drum-tower fills a garden 1 103.

These minister centers devote oneself to protection to roam about the life of the animal and rights and interests, provide adopt and deliverance service. If you need more detailed information or have other issue, suggest you contact these orgnaizations to perhaps inquire relevant official website directly in order to get accurate information.

5, where is center of Nanchang pet adopt?

If you think free adopt a lovely doggie, need the id card on the belt only (or Xerox) , roam about to the city of Nanchang of 3 couplet village that is located in Yang Zizhou the animal appeals the center signs up but the bus sits in the road austral green hill 518, to 3 couplet village that 1 station gets off, next 1 walk 1 paragraph of small road arrives.

Patulous data:

Pet is sheet points to people only previously to eliminate lonely or stem from recreational purpose and the animal of feed. Nowadays pet definition is, stem from blame economy purpose and of feed use a plant. Pet is for mental purpose and of feed use a plant. General to eliminate lonely, or recreation and feed, the pet previously is the animal of lactation key link or bird key link commonly, because these animal brain develop quite, communicate easily with the person. Nowadays, besides the live body pet of well known, still have a lot of fictitious pet.

In all animals kind in pet, of universal popularity basically be dog and cat, additionally bird, fish, bug, hamster, bunny waits relatively extensive.

6, does Beijing have pet adopt center?

Have, beijing has center of Pang content adopt, of fosterage is the Pang content of be lost, abandon, the kitten also has a puppy. Adopt person wants to be contacted with adopt center, keep individual is relevant information, perform adopt procedure.

7, does Shenyang have pet adopt center?

Yes, shenyang has center of many pet adopt. Among them, the center of Shenyang animal minister that is located in peaceful area is one accept technically by abandon, stray, wandering pet, search the orgnaization of new family for them. In addition, still shop of a few pet and pet hospital also provide pet adopt service. For example, be located in south area of Shenyang city peace 4 classics street 143 " the domestic pet hospital of love " , provide the service such as pet sale, adopt, fosterage.

You can pass these orgnaizations or the official website of the hospital, gregarious media or phone inquire detailed information, understand newest adopt policy and technological process.

8, does Harbin where have pet adopt center?

New Yang Lu and An Sheng street hand in a direction in the heart that go the land to puppy is protected cost adopt can be avoided over there association, and be to had hit precautionary needle

9, net of official of center of Beijing pet adopt?

There is a state in Chang Ping fair national Beijing puppy accepts a center, can go adopt puppy.

Chinese puppy protects the government-owned net of association:


Adopt dog dog needs to know: Generally speaking the condition with adopt dog without what slashing dog, and conduction flow procedure is very simple also. But the person that serve as adopt must have a few demand. Above all, adopt person must be to like dog dog sincerely, it is immoral that the dog of renown adopt dog of dogginess of those make use of sells the dog, person that kills a dog finally and cannot of adopt dog dog. Next, adopt person should have particular economic actual strength, the mainest demand is the living place that dog dog wants to have a warmth, the dress warmly and ear one's fill of a day of 3 eat wants to assure. If adopt person oneself not good of dress warmly and ear one's fill (need parents or friend give financial help to) , so do not suggest adopt dog. Needing adopt dog dog had better be to go to animal adopt center to refer understanding case, be dealt with next according to flow standard. Generally speaking, need the id card on the belt, need fills a few form (leave the connection means, address, relevant message that still has adopt dog dog) . Adopt dog dog still must take dog dog to become quarantine proof, obtain a dog first immune proof, carry again raise a dog to register application form with what raise canine person this city often lives registered permanent residence perhaps shacks proof, appoint a place to deal with to branch of seat public security raise a dog to register, need handles dog card to dog dog (particular program and the formalities need regulation according to place will finish) , civilization raises a dog scientificly.

10, thoroughfare does city where have pet adopt center?

1.Thoroughfare the city has pet adopt center. 2. Because pet adopt center is special,to roam about the animal offers deliverance and the orgnaization that search new home, they can be offerred accept temporarily, medical treatment nurses and seek the service such as adopt family, thoroughfare so the city can have such center for certain. 3. Besides pet adopt center, thoroughfare the city still has store of a few pet or pet deliverance organization provides similar service possibly also, you can pass Internet, gregarious media to perhaps seek advice from local animal to protect the channel such as association to get more information.

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