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健身增加肌肉,还是吃馒头比较好。馒头和米饭相比,含有的纤维素比较少,营养也少,可以提升胰岛素水平。不过由于健身后需要比较容易消化的碳水化合物来恢复机体的肌 以糖水平,提升胰岛素分泌来帮助肌肉生长,所以白面馒头反而成为比较好的选择。吃一个二两的馒头,就能提供大约50克易消化的碳水化合物。




炒米饭馒头用料 剩余的米饭 一碗 剩余的馒头 一个 鸡蛋 两个(根据米饭馒头的量取) 韭菜 少许 火腿 两个 炒米饭馒头的做法 将鸡蛋打进米饭和馒头里,搅拌均匀,放入一些麻辣鲜调料,或者盐锅里添油,放入拌好的米饭馒头里面翻炒五分钟,放入韭菜,火腿继续翻炒,五分钟后,放入一些香菇酱或者其他酱(随自己的喜好)翻炒三分钟起锅




以上将馒头同稀饭做比较,得出的结论是“面食比米饭更顶饱”,这根本就不是在同一个量上进行比较的。这涉及到营养学的一个概念“能量密度”,即某种食物所含能量的高低。 100克稀饭(粳米)中水分含量为88.6%,能提供46千卡的






馒头和米饭含糖量是一样的(70-80%)。 平时,很多人认为面食比米饭含糖量高。糖尿病患者,在这两者之间,往往选择吃米饭,是因为:米饭可以煮到8成熟后,捞出来蒸熟(不是电饭煲焖米饭),这样,糖分包括营养成分,就会随着米汤流失一部分。

日常食物含糖量表:(含糖量:食物) 1% : 南瓜、紫菜、生菜

2% 菠菜、芹菜、小白菜、小青菜、西 红柿、冬瓜、黄瓜 3% : 大白菜、青菜心、韭黄、豌豆苗、茄子、酸菜、豆腐 4%: 绿豆芽、油菜、韭菜、春笋、茭白、 花菜、空心菜、西瓜、扁豆 5%: 小葱、青蒜、辣椒、丝瓜、韭菜花、酱豆腐 6%: 白罗卜、冬笋、黄豆芽、豆腐干、 桃、枇杷、豆牙 7-8% : 香菜、毛豆、黄胡罗卜、红胡罗卜、葱头、樱桃、柠檬 9-10% : 榨菜、蒜苗、杏子、葡萄、柚子、 豆腐皮  11-12%: 柿子、沙果、桔子、梨、橄榄、豌豆  14-17%: 荔枝、山药、苹果、土豆、石榴、 西瓜子  18-20%: 香蕉、红果、甘蔗、哈密瓜 50-60%: 切面、烙饼、油饼、巧克力、柿饼 70-80%: 米、面、玉米面、蜜枣 85%: 粉条、粉丝





















时间长了会营养不良 我推荐你去鱼店买包宝增红,那个营养均衡,斗鱼又超爱吃,还耐用,2块5一包,可以喂很久也是干粮



Does fitness add flesh rice and steamed bread which good?

Fitness adds muscle, still eat a steamed bread to had been compared. Steamed bread and rice photograph are compared, contained cellulose is less, nutrition is little also, can promote insulin the standard. The flesh that compares easy digestive carbohydrate to restore airframe as a result of the need after fitness nevertheless is made the same score with syrup, promotion insulin secretes help muscle to grow, so flour steamed bread makes better choice instead. Take a steamed bread of 19, can offer about 50 grams digestible carbohydrate.

Practice of steamed bread of rice of food grains other than wheat and rice?

Walk along rice of food grains other than wheat and rice of rice of much cereal of one north city to draw out wash clean, after immersing two hours with water, hit into the rice thick liquid that has grain with juicer, measure 2, in filling a basin, join yeast and white sugar agitate even, measure 3, rejoin flour, agitate becomes garrulous account measure is floor not the dough of hand of weigh in hand, the bee is flabby 20 minutes, measure is flabby good dough again Lou Jinyin rub is become, the area that cuts size not ordinal Saturday steamed bread of floor of every face doughboy in not periodic hair of the bee in 50 degrees Wen Shui is qualitative greaten apparently steam of conflagration of octavo of a hour of measure comes swallow after risking energy of life, time 12 minutes, close igneous hind to cover tightly again 3 minutes, boil measure 9 boiler

How is rice steamed bread fried?

Steamed bread of parched rice meal uses rice of makings the rest steamed bread of a bowl of the rest an egg two (take according to the quantity of rice steamed bread) the practice that ham of leek a few fries rice steamed bread twice lays the egg into rice and steamed bread, mix is even, put condiment of hot delicacy of a few hemp, oil perhaps is bought in saline boiler, put the rice that has mixed break up inside the steamed bread fry 5 minutes, put leek, ham continues to break up fry, after 5 minutes, put sauce of a few Xianggu mushroom other perhaps sauce (the be fond of that follows oneself) break up fry the pan since 3 minutes

Reduce weight can you take rice steamed bread?

Rice steamed bread can take during reducing weight, and if reducing weight, do not want to reduce weight through be on a diet, return should great movement besides, can let oneself burn through physical method adipose combustion is caloric. Still can let oneself can a good environment grows besides, can complement more nurture is qualitative, vegetable fruit, eat a few milk that contain a lot ofhigh protein.

Steamed bread rice which top is full?

Do with congee with admiral steamed bread quite, the conclusion that reach is " cooked wheaten food compares rice more very full " , this is not to be in at all same a quantity is aspirant travel is relative. A concept that this involves dietetics " energy density " , namely the on any account that place of some kind of food contains energy. 100 grams congee (rice) in moisture content is 88.6% , can offer 46 kilocalorie

Rice of remnant steamed bread how make compost?

rice of remnant steamed bread, put after fermenting together, go?

Rice and steamed bread which good?

See the individual's be fond of, have nutrition, I more preference rice, the amylaceous content photograph of cooked wheaten food gains flesh than rice Gao Yi [riant] .

Does steamed bread rice contain candy amount?

It is same that steamed bread and rice contain candy to measure (70 - 80 % ) . At ordinary times, a lot of people think cooked wheaten food contains sugar than rice the volume is high. Diabetic, in this both between, often choose to have rice, because,be: After rice can boil 8 maturity, fish out comes evaporate is ripe (not be rice of stew of electric meal Bao) , such, candy cent includes nutrient part, meet as rice water prediction of a person's luck in a given year one part.

Daily food contains candy to measure a watch: (the quantity that contain sugar: Food) 1 % : Pumpkin, laver, lettuce

3% of 2% spinach, celery, a variety of Chinese cabbage, small greens, tomato, wax gourd, cucumber: Seedling of heart of Chinese cabbage, green vegetables, hotbed chives, pea, aubergine, pickled Chinese cabbage, bean curd 4 % : Gram bud, cole, leek, bamboo shoots in spring, wild rice stem, beautiful dish, hollow dish, watermelon, hyacinth bean 5 % : Cauliflower of shallot, garlic sprouts, chili, towel gourd, leek, fermented bean curd 6% : Tooth of bud of Bai Luobo, winter bamboo shoots, soya bean, bean curd doing, peach, loquat, beans 7 - 8% : Caraway, young soya bean, yellow Huluobo, red Huluobo, onion, cherry, lemon 9 - 10 % : Hot pickled mustard tuber, garlic bolt, apricot, grape, grapefruit, skin of soya-bean milk 11 - 12 % : Persimmon, crab apple, orange, pear, olive, pea 14 - 17 % : Litchi, yam, apple, potato, pomegranate, watermelon child 18 - 20 % : Banana, the fruit of large Chinese hawthorn, sugar cane, Hami melon 50 - 60 % : Tangent plane, flapjack, deep-fried dough cake, chocolate, dried persimmon 70 - 80 % : Rice, face, corn face, candied date or jujube 85 % : Noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch, vermicelli made from bean starch

The practice of steamed bread of meal of polished glutinous rice?

Advocate makings: Flour (750 grams) , yeasty (8 grams) , white sugar (30 grams) , milk (250 milliliter) , polished glutinous rice (260 grams) , pork (300 grams) , xianggu mushroom (right amount)

Complementary makings: Oily (25 milliliter) , green (right amount) , ginger (right amount) , cooking wine (right amount) , salt (right amount) , white sugar (20 grams) , soy (20 milliliter)


1, ordinal green, ginger, pork, Xianggu mushroom mincing.

2, oil is put in boiler, put pork stir-fry before stewing to fry.

3, put green, ginger to break up fry.

4, put Xianggu mushroom, cooking wine, salt, white sugar 20 milliliter add 20 grams, soy a few water is boiled.

5, polished glutinous rice immerses 8 hours the least, put steam box evaporate ripe.

6, in frying good chopped meat to pour polished glutinous rice, such polished glutinous rice are divided with respect to the water in can adsorptive meat stuffing.

7, air is cool can.

8, join in flour yeasty, white sugar, milk, water and into dough, tang 10 minutes.

9, rub becomes strip, hold tight becomes agent of every 70 grams child.

10, turn with at hand the edge is pressed, press intermediate a bit thick face skin.

11, put stuffing of polished glutinous rice, the bag rises to become a steamed bread namely.

12, put steam box, cold water leaves boiler, big baked wheaten cake opens evaporate 20 minutes. Stew gives boiler 3 minutes.

13, the steamed bread of polished glutinous rice with good evaporate.

14, the desk on end, can enjoy.

Fight a fish to you can have steamed bread rice?

Eat, fight a fish to take bread, steamed bread, feed, duckweed of the centre of a circle, screw, rice shrimp is waited a moment, nevertheless you want to feed steamed bread crumb

Time grew the meeting is hidebound I recommend you to go piscine store buys packet of Bao Zenggong, that nutrition is balanced, fight Yu Youchao to love to eat, durable still, 2 a packet 5, can feed very long also be solid food

Fight a fish actually eatable thing is more still, even if mosquito, also be very good food to them. Summer mosquito is much also, you see mosquito, patted lose into aquarium, float in surface, it knows to eat, and mosquito sends color to have very good help to fighting a fish.

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