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4、盐酒鸡, 做盐酒鸡所使用的米酒最好是客家的米酒,客家米酒味道香醇甜美,是淡淡的米黄色。鸡一定要用阉鸡,因为阉鸡的皮厚肉多,口感更好,还有较高的营养价值。




8、广西贺州小吃田螺黄花菜汤,田螺黄花菜汤是广西特色汤饮,华南特产美食,具有良好的食用价值。田螺味道鲜嫩,有利尿功效,可在享受美食中增进健康。 这8道特色美食,你吃过吗?




山狗肉,是广西贺州的主要特产之一。狗肉不仅蛋白质含量高,对增强机体抗病力和细胞活力及器官功能有明显作用。食用狗肉可增强人的体魄,在中医上讲,狗肉有温补肾阳的作用,对于肾阳虚,患0和***的病人有疗效。 营养价值 狗肉含有丰富的蛋白质和脂肪,还含有维生素A、维生素B2、 维生素E、氨基酸和铁、锌、钙等矿物元素。


开山红薯粉丝,是贺州的一道特产,是经科学提炼把红薯中大量糖分,脂肪提取走的方法制成,人们长期食用不会发胖,是一种现代不可多得的纯天然食品。 制作方法 (1)选薯。选表面光滑、无病虫为害、无青头、大小适中的红薯,去小留大。 (2)清选。将选好的红薯装入箩筐,放入水中。 (3)粉碎。清选好的红薯应及时用磨碎机切碎,再磨成浆液。 (4)过滤。目的是实现皮渣和淀粉分离。一般采用2-5尺吊浆布作滤袋进行过滤,共滤两次。


瑶族烟熏腊肉是广西贺州当地的特色风味美食,主产于贺州市富川瑶族自治县。 产品特性 瑶族烟熏腊肉采用原汁原味的农家土猪肉为原料,配上瑶家特有的米酒腌制,打造出的健康腊肉具有肉香味浓,口感好,肥而不腻的特点,使人流连忘返。每年到了三荒四月青黄不接的时候,或家中有客人来了,热情的瑶族同胞就会在自家厨房的灶口或火塘上取下火烟腊肉,洗净灰尘,或整块,或切片,或蒸,或煮,或炒……待火烟腊肉熟透,猪皮变得如寿山石般黄亮。


1, fastfood dish makes Guangxi congratulate state, dish wine of He Zhou still has terrain distinguishing feature, if the bean curd of big Ning Zhen is brewed, must be the bean curd that makes with peaceful Jiang Shui just do not have local color.

2, Guangxi congratulate city is fastfood Huang Tian buckles the flesh, of He Zhou buckle the flesh to belong to Huang Tian the famousest, main material is taro and steaky pork. All the time since Huang Tian buckles the flesh is Huang Tian " in Feburary 2 " a indispensable dish on banquet.

3, Guangxi congratulate city is fastfood Huang Yaomi pink, yellow Yao ground rice is restricted to fizzle out only Yao " inside for " . This should be done on the spot eat on the spot, guangxi person loves to have white, guangxi churchyard has ground rice everywhere almost, the ground rice of yellow Yao have a distinctive flavour. Because ground rice is fresh give heat, having Xian Mixiang, chew rise very bouncy also. Regular meeting puts Huang Yaodou Chi in ground rice, quite tasty.

4, saline wine chicken, the rice wine that place of chicken of the wine that make salt uses had better be the rice wine of the Hakkas, sweet alcohol of flavour of the Hakkas rice wine is melting, it is light rice yellow. Chicken must use capon, because the skin of capon is thick the flesh is much, mouthfeel is better, still have higher nutrient value.

5, decoct of fastfood the Hakkas makes Guangxi congratulate state 3 treasure, the Hakkas dish has type of a lot of dish, provide relatively among them representative is the dish that make type, be about to the meat stuffing wine with good chop receives all sorts of data in, next decoct (or stew) ripe. Have quite among them representative is decoct brews 3 treasure, also brew chili of balsam pear, wine and wine aubergine.

6, fastfood triangle includes Guangxi congratulate administrative division, alleged " trigonometry is wrapped " namely the powdery dumpling of form of Bao Chengsan horn, guangxi person is used to the dumpling is pink that say, but Guangdong Zhongshan has a kind to make a way particularly -- trigonometry bag, actually according to dumpling of this kind of pink distinctive species names.

7, corrupt of fastfood yellow Yao Dou makes Guangxi congratulate state, yellow Yao bean curd makes far spread of good name of yellow Yao bean curd, su Dongpo of big literary giant ever admired: This content is in desk, why gallinaceous pig? Draw out bean curd of water of yellow Yao place sodden knead broken, put stuffing makings to hold packet, add slow fry in shallow oil of slow fire of Huang Yaodou Chi, can go up desk. Recipe presses down chiliad Gu Jingzhong to hold good water in both hands then in Huang Yaogu only, just make reach this is good mouthfeel.

8, Guangxi congratulate city is fastfood river snail day lily soup, river snail day lily soup is drink of Guangxi characteristic soup, huanate produces cate, have good edible value. River snail flavour is fresh and tender, have diuresis effect, in can enjoying cate promotional health. Cate of these 8 characteristic, had you eaten?

9, bell hill tea-oil tree

Bell hill tea-oil tree, it is one of main special local product of Guangxi congratulate city. "Bell hill tea-oil tree " a kind of when just as its name implies uses oil and green tea to be done namely special beverage. It is original and popular the safflower of Yu Zhongshan county, two install two minority villages and towns. It is that allegedly it is to be located in high mountain area, more shady and cool, and drinkable is spring water, slant cool sex. People for drive cold, use the tea that produces oneself on hill and ginger, tea-oil tree of make it of garlic first class, drive of in order to is cold. Person whole body can let warm still make person mind centuple after thinking of this kind of tea-oil tree let you drink not only, circulate gradually so. Already became a of Zhong Shan special beverage now, it is the easygoing life style of people more.

10, bell coyote flesh

Coyote flesh, it is one of main special local product of Guangxi congratulate city. Dog meat not only protein content is high, have apparent effect to enhancing airframe disease-resistant force and cellular vigor and organic function. Edible dog meat can enhance the person's physique, tell on the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, dog meat has the effect of this world of lukewarm filling kidney, to kidney deficiency of yang, suffer from the 0 patients with *** to have curative effect. Meat of nutrient value dog is contained rich protein and adipose, still contain the mineral element such as E of vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin, amino acid and iron, zinc, calcium.

11, vermicelli made from bean starch of yam of cut into a mountain

Vermicelli made from bean starch of yam of cut into a mountain, it is a special local product of He Zhou, it is a large number of candy cent in abstracting a yam via science, the method that adipose extraction walks along is made, people is long-term edible won't get fat, it is the pure natural food of a kind of contemporary rare. The method that make (1) chooses potato. Choose the surface the smooth, bug that do not have disease is kill, the yam of moderate of the head that do not have blueness, size, go small stay big. (2) Qing Dynasty is chosen. Load the yam that has chosen a large bamboo or wicker basket, put into water. (3) smashs. The yam that Qing Dynasty has chosen should use molar machine in time mincing, again wear is serous. (4) filters. The purpose is implementation skin broken bits and amylaceous depart. Use 2-5 feet to a string of 1 oar cloth makes filter bag undertake filtering commonly, in all filter two.

12, bacon of sootiness of the Yao nationality

Bacon of sootiness of the Yao nationality is the characteristic gust cate of locality of Guangxi congratulate state, advocate originate in Fu Chuanyao of congratulate state city a group of things with common features autonomous county. Bacon of sootiness of item characteristics the Yao nationality uses the farmhouse aardvark flesh of former juice raw ingredient to be raw material, deserve to go up precious jade a peculiar rice wine souse, make the healthy cured meat that give have fleshy sweet smell thick, mouthfeel is good, fat and not the characteristic of be bored with, make stream of people forgets to return repeatedly. Arrived every year 3 barren in April temporary shortage when, or there is a guest to come in the home, brethren of enthusiastic the Yao nationality can be in igneous smoke bacon gets off on the kitchen mouth of oneself kitchen or igneous pond, abluent dirt, or whole, or section, or evaporate, or boil, or fry... bacon of the smoke that need ammunition is squashy, if fizzle out like Shou Shanshi,pigskin becomes bright.
