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变脸道具怎么变脸的? 变脸变脸的歌曲叫什么?英文双语对照


变脸道具怎么变脸的? 变脸变脸的歌曲叫什么?英文双语对照


1)用薄膜制作,在薄膜上撒上化学粉,根据化学反应图片的各种蒙版依次变化。 (2)所有川剧表演都要戴帽子,一定和帽子有关。

 川剧变脸原理 有“擦脸”、“吹脸”、“拉”三种手法 1.“擦脸”就是把化妆油涂在脸的特定部位。














急如风快如电 快如电


好潇洒 好浪漫





















急如风快如电 快如电


好潇洒 好浪漫












根深久远 老辈子代代相传








艳阳天 万紫千红百花园

变 变 变



























































































改头换面 [gǎi tóu huàn miàn] 成语解释 改头换面,①原为佛教语。

指众生在轮回中形变神不变。②改变面目、样子③比喻改正错误或改变现状。④谓只在表面上有所改动,其内容却依然如故,比喻只改外表和形式,内容实质不变。出处 唐 寒山 《诗》之二一三:“可畏轮回苦,往复似翻尘。蚁巡环未息,六道乱纷纷。改头换面孔,不离旧时人。”《朱子语类》卷一○九:“今人作经义,正是醉人说话。只是许多说话,改头换面,说了又说,不成文字。” 中文名 改头换面 拼音 gǎi tóu huàn miàn 释义 只改变外表,其内容、实质不变 出处 唐·寒山《诗》第213首 近义词 乔装打扮、面目一新





运气变脸 传说已故川剧名演员彭泗洪,在扮演《空城计》中的诸葛亮时,当琴童报告司马懿大兵退去以后,他能够运用气功而使脸由红变白,再由白转青,意在表现诸葛亮如释重负后的后怕。


Prop of suddenly turn hostile how of suddenly turn hostile?

1) is made with film, scatter on film on chemical pink, all sorts of masking according to chemical reaction picture are ordinal change. (Performance of 2) all Sichuan opera should wear a hat, concern with the cap certainly.

 Principle of Sichuan opera suddenly turn hostile has " brush a face " , " blow a face " , " pull " 3 kinds of gimmick 1. "Brush a face " namely make up oily besmear is in specific place of the face.

What does the song of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile call?

" suddenly turn hostile "

Does song sing: formerly? Luan √ ?

: of compose a poem to a given tune of ci? Broil?

Music music: ? √ of Luan of ⒊ of Pi of shovel stir-fry before stewing?

In the land of abundance oh

Our Sichuan Sai

One kind lives absolutely already magical good-looking

Take off a pair of face alive

Burning hot a quiver

That is the Sichuan opera on arena

The suddenly turn hostile in Sichuan opera

Change change change change change change change look

If wind is sharp,be like report quickly urgently like report

Look look look change change

Very cheesy fine romance

When saying not late not slow in those days

Difficult person the person that won't meet is not difficult

Allow to follow you far look nearly

After looking before, look

Look closely slow left look right look

Next seeing look on

The horizontal stroke sees vertical stroke

It is good play fresh

Head turns

Face says to change

The eye is blinked

Do not cross at the twinkling of an eye

Well-known in the world

Highly praise Sichuan opera suddenly turn hostile

Excellent and wonderful

It is in bedrock completely Sichuan

Suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile

Suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile

Suddenly turn hostile

Change change change change change change change look

If wind is sharp,be like report quickly urgently like report

Look look look change change

Very cheesy fine romance

When saying not late not slow in those days

Difficult person the person that won't meet is not difficult

Allow to follow you far look nearly

After looking before, look

Look closely slow left look right look

Next seeing look on

The horizontal stroke sees vertical stroke

It is good play fresh

Successional commutation cries then grand

Multiterminal of straight change of red yellow white La Jian

Hammer into shape skill develops ceaselessly repeatedly

The root is deep acting according to legend of filial generation of ages ago one's elders

Suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile

Suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile

Suddenly turn hostile

Change give a Chi Chen olivine is purple blue

Change give a heroic hero strange try to be the first

Change give a Ba Shu children is homocentric dry

Change give a spectacular of the Chinese nation

A variety of colour of bright spring day 100 gardens

Change change

Education of Sichuan opera suddenly turn hostile how suddenly turn hostile?

In Sichuan opera performance, the education of main suddenly turn hostile uncovers secret: Wipe a face, blow a face, have a face.

The first kind cries " wipe a face " . This kind of gimmick is to will make up greasepaint daub is on some place of the face, when the performer when need needs to one is in with the hand on the face only, can finish suddenly turn hostile. If performer wants metabolic whole face, be in greasepaint daub with respect to need brow or on forehead; If need the face of below change half part only, need to be in greasepaint daub only nose or on the face; If need change only a part, be in greasepaint daub the part of need can.

The 2nd kind cries " blow a face " . The stage property that this kind of gimmick needs must be farinose, resembling is the cosmetic such as golden pink, black white, silver-colored pink. Normally stagewise puts performer a very small box, there is this kind of powder inside, the actor when needing suddenly turn hostile makes a prostrate dance movement, take the chance whiff of box of facial press close to, the powder in the box attacks to go up to the face, became the face of another kind of color.

The 3rd kind is " have a face " . This is pattern of a kind of relatively mixed suddenly turn hostile, performer needs to picture of will all types of facial makeup in operas is on silk fabric and had been cut beforehand, fasten a silk thread on every pieces of types of facial makeup in operas next, stick types of facial makeup in operas on the face again, fasten silk thread in the conveniently on the dress noteless place (for instance chatelaine) , next the rhythm as dance movement, types of facial makeup in operas of one Zhang Zhang general gets off, finish suddenly turn hostile thereby.

Last kinds are name of deceased Sichuan opera of actor Peng Sihong alone door craft. He is being acted " presenting a bold front to conceal a weak defence " when medium Zhu Geliang, to behave the heart of fear after the event after Zhu Geliang as if relieved of a heavy load, become after retire of soldier of Si Mayi of report of musical instrument child, he uses gas and make face by red whiten, again by Bai Zhuaiqing, very fierce.

Is king of suddenly turn hostile how suddenly turn hostile?

1) is by a kind thin moulding is become, react according to chemistry above all sorts of types of facial makeup in operas of drawing, will chemical powder is scattered on light standard when the performance, ordinal commutation.

(Performance of 2) Sichuan opera wears a hat, affirmation and cap are concerned.

According to data of record of auspicious Nisi world, when 2008 Fan Lei achieves Sichuan opera suddenly turn hostile 62 pieces record, was not surmounted up to now. Still have China " king of suddenly turn hostile " kingcraft ever was creating 20 seconds to change the Jinisi of 15 pieces of faces world record.

Suddenly turn hostile of what suddenly turn hostile is the song that moment of Beijing opera suddenly turn hostile puts?

Sichuan dialect song " suddenly turn hostile "

Music is used " a work song sung to synchronize movements of the Chanjiang River " (boater a work song sung to synchronize movements)

Singer: Chen Xiaotao is in CCTV spring late show when gave him to still have Geng Weihua and Liu Hegang.

Libretto is as follows:

In the land of abundance oh

Our Sichuan Sai

One kind lives absolutely already magical good-looking

Take off a pair of face alive

Burning hot a quiver

That is the Sichuan opera on arena

The suddenly turn hostile in Sichuan opera

Change change change change change change change look

If wind is sharp,be like report quickly urgently like report

Look look look change change

Very cheesy fine romance

When saying not late not slow in those days

Difficult person the person that won't meet is not difficult

Allow to follow you far look nearly

After looking before, look

Look closely slow left look right look

Next seeing look on

The horizontal stroke sees vertical stroke

It is good play fresh

Head turns

Face says to change

The eye is blinked

Do not cross at the twinkling of an eye

Well-known in the world

Highly praise Sichuan opera suddenly turn hostile

Excellent and wonderful

It is in bedrock completely Sichuan

Suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile

Suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile

Suddenly turn hostile

Change change change change change change change look

If wind is sharp,be like report quickly urgently like report

Look look look change change

Very cheesy fine romance

When saying not late not slow in those days

Difficult person the person that won't meet is not difficult

Allow to follow you far look nearly

After looking before, look

Look closely slow left look right look

Next seeing look on

The horizontal stroke sees vertical stroke

It is good play fresh

Successional commutation cries then grand

Multiterminal of straight change of red yellow white La Jian

Hammer into shape skill develops ceaselessly repeatedly

The root is deep acting according to legend of filial generation of ages ago one's elders

Suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile

Suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile of suddenly turn hostile

Suddenly turn hostile

Change give a Chi Chen olivine is purple blue

Change give a heroic hero strange try to be the first

Change give a Ba Shu children is homocentric dry

Change give a spectacular of the Chinese nation

A variety of colour of bright spring day 100 gardens

Change change

Is suddenly turn hostile genetic?

The word says Qing Qianlong, Jiaqingnian, every come on holidays during, bristly temple hall is in to be able to put up stage in dock of dorp of Sichuan villages and towns in order to make celebration, as time passes, sichuan opera is in streets and lanes gradually make good. Clear generation " two lakes fill Sichuan " , the culture of the ground that it is Sichuan brought a lot of new element, elder brother, tall, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad, play, the lamp, assembles of all antrum theatrical troupe enter Ba Shu in each wine shop neighbor in big city, unripe, dawn, clean, end, Chou Tongliang photograph over the small stage at cafes, with the passing of time forms collective style gradually, " of plain play of " of a general designation when clear minor details, just change after say " Sichuan opera " .

The countryside of suddenly turn hostile?

Traceable Sichuan

The Yu Chuan drama of suddenly turn hostile, be like eruptive Yu Qin antrum, all belong to fascia a movement in martial arts, special stunt!

Speak of suddenly turn hostile, be necessary to go there Sichuan opera first go against the river traces to the source first.

Sichuan opera suddenly turn hostile

The word says Qing Qianlong, Jiaqingnian, every come on holidays during, bristly temple hall is in to be able to put up stage in dock of dorp of Sichuan villages and towns in order to make celebration, as time passes, sichuan opera is in streets and lanes gradually make good. Clear generation " two lakes fill Sichuan " , the culture of the ground that it is Sichuan brought a lot of new element, elder brother, tall, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad, play, the lamp, assembles of all antrum theatrical troupe enter Ba Shu in each wine shop neighbor in big city, unripe, dawn, clean, end, Chou Tongliang photograph over the small stage at cafes, with the passing of time forms collective style gradually, " of plain play of " of a general designation when clear minor details, just change after say " Sichuan opera " .

relatively the origin at itself of Sichuan opera art and gain are big, the craft figuration of suddenly turn hostile criterion even vest in 20 centuries. During this, suddenly turn hostile fumbles ceaselessly in the rival show of theatrical troupe, evolve, essence of life is changed, become the one big distinguishing feature of Sichuan opera gradually. The tragedy of Sichuan opera has distinguishing feature extremely, comedic develop a school of one's own, always the place of violent change of affection twists and turns, heart, suddenly turn hostile all has the land of use force, it with its the face posture change of barpque ferocious shows the rhythm with person indescribable heart, regard a kind of very distinctive to person heart expression as gimmick, increased the expressional power of Sichuan opera itself greatly undoubtedly, every and renown horn watch evolve into a face, often lead to explode of canopy suffer from. Visible, common people is nice to this kind of extreme making fun of work is to hit heart ground to approbate.

Is suddenly turn hostile decoded?

Suddenly turn hostile, it is to use a kind of when portray a character in Sichuan opera art special mastery of a skill or technique, it is to be used announce heart of content of characters in a play and the gimmick of a kind of romanticism that thought feeling changes. Nowadays Sichuan opera general " suddenly turn hostile " move stage, make with excellent skill it becomes a distinctive art.

In Sichuan opera performance, have 4 kinds of technique roughly about the skill of suddenly turn hostile.

The first kind cries " wipe a face " . This kind of gimmick is to will make up greasepaint daub is on some place of the face, when the performer when need needs to one is in with the hand on the face only, can finish suddenly turn hostile. If performer wants metabolic whole face, be in greasepaint daub with respect to need brow or on forehead; If need the face of below change half part only, need to be in greasepaint daub only nose or on the face; If need change only a part, be in greasepaint daub the part of need can.

Resembling in Sichuan opera is " white snake is passed " medium Xu Xian, " put a surname " medium Pei Yu, " scud sword " what color of old ghost isogon uses medium Chen Lun is this kind " wipe a face " gimmick.

The 2nd kind cries " blow a face " . The stage property that this kind of gimmick needs must be farinose, resembling is the cosmetic such as golden pink, black white, silver-colored pink. Normally stagewise puts performer a very small box, there is this kind of powder inside, the actor when needing suddenly turn hostile makes a prostrate dance movement, take the chance whiff of box of facial press close to, the powder in the box attacks to go up to the face, became the face of another kind of color.

" hold captive child " medium child, " treat Zhongshan " the figure such as medium happy Yang Zi, those who use is " blow a face " means, to protect the security of performer, normally when suddenly turn hostile requirement performer closes a key point, close a mouth, shut gas.

The 3rd kind is " have a face " . This is pattern of a kind of relatively mixed suddenly turn hostile, performer needs to picture of will all types of facial makeup in operas is on silk fabric and had been cut beforehand, fasten a silk thread on every pieces of types of facial makeup in operas next, stick types of facial makeup in operas on the face again, fasten silk thread in the conveniently on the dress noteless place (for instance chatelaine) , next the rhythm as dance movement, types of facial makeup in operas of one Zhang Zhang general gets off, finish suddenly turn hostile thereby.

Resembling is " white snake is passed " medium earthen bowl child, " old building " medium thief, " beach visitting a mother " what Nie Long uses is this kind " have a face " gimmick, some in succession can change 78 pieces of different faces such as green red Bai Hei. However this kind of gimmick has certain difficulty, the adhesive that sticks types of facial makeup in operas occasionally is used overmuch, meeting occurrence types of facial makeup in operas is not pulled fall or at a draught tear down a lot of pieces accident.

Last kinds are name of deceased Sichuan opera of actor Peng Sihong alone door craft. He is being acted " presenting a bold front to conceal a weak defence " when medium Zhu Geliang, to behave the heart of fear after the event after Zhu Geliang as if relieved of a heavy load, become after retire of soldier of Si Mayi of report of musical instrument child, he uses gas and make face by red whiten, again by Bai Zhuaiqing, very fierce.

Is suddenly turn hostile phrasal?

Change the appearance [idiom of N] of à of N Mi of à of U Hu of ó of G ǎ I T explains change the appearance, ① is Buddhist language formerly.

Show all living creatures is in metempsychosis deformation god is changeless. ② changes ③ of appearance, appearance to the analogy corrects an error or change the current situation. ④ calls to be in only apparently alter somewhat, its content however remain as before, the analogy changes appearance and form only, content essence is changeless. Cold hill of provenance the Tang Dynasty " poem " : "But Wei metempsychosis is bitter, move back and forth is like search this world. Annulus of formic make one's rounds did not cease, 6 confused. Aperture of change the appearance, do not leave old times person. " " Zhu Zi language kind " roll one: "Today the person makes classics justice, be intoxicate conversation. It is a lot of conversation only, change one's appearance, said again, do not become a written language. " paraphrase of N of à of N Mi of à of U Hu of ó of I T of ǎ of G of phoneticize of change the appearance changes Chinese name only outside, its content, essence is changeless cold hill of · of provenance the Tang Dynasty " poem " the 213rd close justice word disguise dresses up, present a entirely new appearance

Skill of suddenly turn hostile?

Wipe a face " it is besmear of will masked greasepaint the some in the face is specific on place, one goes up toward the face with the hand when arriving, become additionally one kind of look changeably. If want to change entirely, criterion greasepaint besmears go up at the forehead or on brow, if change only,issue half face, criterion greasepaint can besmear go up in face or nose. If need to change only certain is local, criterion greasepaint besmears only the position that should change can. Be like " white snake is passed " medium Xu Xian, " put a surname " medium Pei Yu, " scud sword " medium Chen Lun old ghost use " wipe a face " .

Blow a face, agree with only farinose cosmetic, if golden pink, black white, silver-colored pink is waited a moment. Have a plenty of a very small box is placed on scenic ground, powder is installed inside, a prostrate dance movement is made when the actor arrives, take the chance whiff of box of facial press close to, powder attacks to go up in the face, become the face of another kind of color instantly. What must notice is: The key point is closed when blowing, close a mouth, shut gas. " hold captive child " medium child, " treat Zhongshan " the suddenly turn hostile of the character such as medium happy Yang Zi, use " blow a face " . " hold captive child " blow a face mediumly, powder is put inside goblet.

"Have a face " it is method of more complex a kind of suddenly turn hostile. It is picture of beforehand general types of facial makeup in operas go up in a piece of a piece silk fabric, had cut, a silk thread is fastened on every pieces of types of facial makeup in operas, zhang Yi Zhang De sticks another on the face. The certain conveniently that silk thread fastens in the dress and noteless place (be like) of the and so on on chatelaine, as the need of the performance, in dance movement covering below, zhang De pulls another Zhang Yi. It is to stick the adhesive of types of facial makeup in operas to should not be too much, lest arrive when pull no less than coming, perhaps pull all types of facial makeup in operas. 2 it is the movement wants efficient, false start wants clever, can eye of eye of audience of attack by surprise. Be like " white snake is passed " medium earthen bowl child () of earthen bowl of violet gold big cymbals, can become green, red, white, black etc 7, 8 pieces of different faces. Be like again " old building " medium thief, " beach visitting a mother " also use Nie Long have a face.

Fokelore of luck suddenly turn hostile is deceased Sichuan opera name actor Peng Sihong, acting " presenting a bold front to conceal a weak defence " when medium Zhu Geliang, become after retire of soldier of Si Mayi of report of musical instrument child, he can apply qigong and make face by red whiten, again by Bai Zhuaiqing, meaning the fear after the event after behaving Zhu Geliang as if relieved of a heavy load.

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