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  • 临终遗言,又称遗言或遗嘱,是一个人在生命的最后时刻,对其财产、遗产分配、对家人和朋友的最后寄语等事宜所作出的指示或表达。这些遗言可能以口头或书面形式存在,通常在法律上具有一定的效力,尤其是在涉及遗产分配时。临终遗言不仅是对物质财产的安排,更是对个人情感、愿望和价值观的传达。  


    - Last Will and Testament: 最后遗嘱 - Final Words: 临终遗言 - Testament: 遗嘱 - Estate: 遗产 - Executor: 遗嘱执行人 - Beneficiary: 受益人 - Bequeath: 遗赠 - Inheritance: 继承 - Codicil: 遗嘱附录 - Probate: 遗嘱认证 - End-of-Life Wishes: 生命终结愿望  


    1. In his final moments, he expressed his last wishes to his family.    (在他生命的最后时刻,他向家人表达了他的临终遗言。) 2. She decided to write her last will and testament to ensure her assets are distributed according to her wishes.    (她决定写下她的最后遗嘱,以确保她的财产按照她的意愿分配。) 3. The lawyer advised him on how to draft a codicil to his existing will.    (律师建议他如何起草现有遗嘱的附录。) 4. The beneficiary was grateful for the bequeathed property left by the deceased.    (受益人对已故者遗赠的财产表示感激。)  


    Last words often hold a profound significance, as they represent the final communication from someone who is about to leave this world. These words can be a source of comfort, guidance, or closure for the loved ones left behind. In many cultures, it is customary to honor the last wishes of the deceased, especially when it comes to the distribution of their estate. A last will and testament is a legal document that outlines how a person's assets should be allocated after their passing. It is a responsible act that ensures one's end-of-life wishes are respected and carried out. The process of probating a will can be complex, but it is essential to ensure that the deceased's intentions are fulfilled. In essence, last words and testaments are not just about material possessions; they are a testament to the legacy one leaves behind.   临终遗言往往具有深远的意义,因为它们代表了即将离开这个世界的人的最后沟通。这些话语对于留下的亲人来说,可能是安慰、指导或闭合的源泉。在许多文化中,尊重逝者的最后愿望是一种习俗,尤其是在涉及遗产分配时。最后遗嘱是一份法律文件,概述了一个人去世后其资产应如何分配。这是一个负责任的行为,确保逝者的临终愿望得到尊重和执行。遗嘱认证的过程可能很复杂,但确保逝者的意图得以实现是至关重要的。本质上,临终遗言和遗嘱不仅仅是关于物质财产;它们是一个人留下的遗产的证明。
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