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1. **吉祥树(铁树)**:在中国传统文化中,吉祥树被认为能够带来好运和财富。

2. **幸运竹**:竹子象征着坚韧和吉祥,被认为能够吸引好运和幸福。

3. **金钱树**:这种植物象征着财富和繁荣,因此被认为能够带来好运。

4. **绿萝**:绿萝在风水学上被认为能够吸收负面能量,带来好运和积极的氛围。

5. **发财树(吊兰)**:被认为有助于吸引财富和好运。



The home raises a vegetable to geomantic the belief that with the influence of luck a lot of differ and tradition. A few people believe certain plant can be brought lucky, and someone else may have different view. Generally speaking, the following kinds of plants are thought in the home conserve can bring lucky:

1.** lucky tree (sago cycas) ** : In Chinese traditional culture, lucky tree is thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

2.** of ** lucky bamboo: Bamboo is indicative tough He Jixiang, be thought to be able to be attracted lucky with happiness.

3.** money cultivates ** : This cultivates content is indicative fortune and prosperity, because this is thought,can bring lucky.

4.** of ** green trailing plants: Green trailing plants is in geomantic learn to go up to be thought to be able to draw negative energy, bring lucky with active atmosphere.

5.** gets rich tree (bracketplant) ** : Be thought to conduce to attract fortune become reconciled to carry.

No matter which choose to cultivate substance, the growth that maintains them is healthy it is crucial. Place them the proper place in the home, give right amount water and sunshine regularly. The most important is, regard interior decoration as these plants, maintain state of mind to open at the same time, cheerful, such ability feel the good lot that brings to them better.
