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1. **镜子**:在门口放置镜子,据说可以反射财运,吸引更多的财富进入家庭。

2. **植物**:如绿色植物或者盆栽,象征生机和繁荣,被认为能够带来好运和财富。

3. **水晶**:特别是水晶球或水晶装饰品,被认为能够吸引正能量和财富。

4. **吉祥物**:像是招财猫、金蟾、金蝙蝠等传统的吉祥物,被认为能够带来好运和财富。

5. **红色物品**:在一些文化中,红色被视为幸运的颜色,因此在门口放置红色的装饰品或红色物品,被认为能够带来好运和财富。

6. **风铃**:风铃被认为能够驱散负能量,保护家庭免受坏运气,同时吸引好运和财富。



In different culture and belief, people believes all sorts of article can attract fortune become reconciled to carry. It is a few common placement below in the doorway in order to enrol the article of money:

1.** mirror ** : The mirror is laid in the doorway, can reflex money carry allegedly, attract more fortune to enter a family.

2.** plant ** : If greenery is potted perhaps, indicative opportunity of survival and prosperity, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

3.** crystal ** : Especially crystal ball or crystal adornment, be thought to be able to be attracted energy and fortune.

4.** mascot ** : Resembling is the traditional mascot such as bat of the cat that enrol money, Jin Chan, gold, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

5.** of ** gules article: In a few culture, red is regarded as lucky color, because this places gules adornment or gules article in the doorway, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

6.** wind-bell ** : Wind-bell is thought to be able to break up negative energy, protective family is avoided suffer luckless, attract at the same time lucky with fortune.

No matter choose what goods, important is the action that should believe them, and hold active state of mind and action, such ability attract fortune become reconciled carry better.
