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1. 花朵:花朵图案在女性纹身中很受欢迎,它们可以是简单的线条描绘或者是栩栩如生的写实风格。将花朵纹身设计在小腿上可以很好地展现出女性的柔美和优雅。

2. 蝴蝶:蝴蝶是象征着自由和变化的图案,适合表达女性的独立和个性。在小腿上纹上一只或一群蝴蝶,可以增添一种轻盈、灵动的感觉。

3. 文字或引语:有些女性选择在小腿上纹上特定的文字、引语或者名言,这可能是她们的座右铭、人生信条或者特别重要的话语,以此来表达自己的思想和信念。

4. 几何图案:几何图案通常具有简洁而现代的美感,可以展现女性的时尚品味和独特个性。在小腿上纹上几何图案,可以让整个人看起来更加时尚和个性化。

5. 动物图案:像狮子、狼、猫头鹰等动物图案也是很受女性欢迎的纹身题材,它们可以代表着力量、勇气或者智慧等特质。将这些动物图案纹在小腿上,可以展现女性的坚强和勇敢。



The design that the female chooses to tattoo the skin tastes flavour and preference because of the individual normally and differ somewhat, but a few familiar pattern are on crus may particularly conspicuous. For example:

1.Flower: Flower design tattooes the skin in the female in very popular, they can be simple line is depicted lifelike perhaps realistically style. Tattoo the skin flower the Rou Meihe that the design can show a woman well on crus is elegant.

2.Butterfly: Butterfly is the design of indicative freedom and change, suit to express the female's independence and individual character. One goes up in the grain on crus or a flock of butterfly, can add a kind of lightsome, clever sense.

3.Character or quotation: The written language with some females specific on the grain on crus choice, quotation or logion, the speech with particularly fundamental perhaps article of creed or faith of the maxim that this may be them, life, will express oneself thought and belief with this.

4.Geometrical design: Geometrical design has concise and contemporary aesthetic feeling normally, the fashion that can show a woman is savoured and distinct personality. In design of the geometry on the grain on crus, can let whole person look more fashionable with individuation.

5.Animal design: Resembling the animal design such as the lion, wolf, owl also is very suffer female gay to tattoo the skin subject matter, they can represent force, courage or wisdom idiosyncratic. Get on these animal design grain in crus, the adamancy that can show a woman and brave.

No matter choose which kinds of design, should mix according to the individual's be fond of aesthetic will decide, also want to consider tattooist everlasting quality at the same time, ensure he can like for a long time and accept this design. Additional, the tattooist that chooses major division undertakes tattooist also is very important, the quality that tattooes the skin in order to ensure and security.
