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1. **眉毛**:拥有浓密、修长的眉毛被认为是面相中的吉祥之兆,代表着财富与福气。

2. **眼睛**:清澈明亮的眼睛通常被认为是吉祥的,意味着智慧和好运。

3. **鼻子**:高挺而直的鼻子被认为是权力、地位和财富的象征。

4. **嘴唇**:厚实而红润的嘴唇被认为是吉祥的,代表着口才、财富和幸福。

5. **脸型**:圆润而丰满的脸型被认为是富贵的象征,代表着好运与福气。



The observation that face posture learns is a kind of tradition and unscramble a person facial feature will figure power of disposition, movement the culture that wait. However, those who need an attention is, face posture learns to be not the field that confirms scientificly, its unscramble a result because the likelihood is culture, devotional wait for an element with individual experience and differ somewhat.

According to a few theory that learn, a few people believe the following feature may represent " most flourishing " face posture:

1.** brow ** : In having shock, slender brow to be considered as face posture lucky, representing fortune and happy lot.

2.** eye ** : Clear and bright eye is considered as normally lucky, mean wisdom become reconciled to carry.

3.** nose ** : Be held out high and what straight nose is considered as influence, position and fortune is indicative.

4.** lip ** : Thick and ruddy lip is considered as lucky, representing eloquence, fortune and happiness.

5.** face ** : Of fruity and round face riches and honour be consideringed as indicative, representing lucky with good luck.

Those who need ambitious shift is, these ideas differ possibly in different culture and tradition somewhat, also do not have scientific basis. So, important is to want to treat these belief and tradition in order to respect with the manner of understanding.
