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1. **可爱的卡通插画**:如卡通动物、卡通人物,这些可爱的画作可以给顾客带来愉悦的心情,增添店内的活泼氛围。

2. **抽象艺术**:色彩丰富、线条简洁的抽象艺术作品可以给人以视觉冲击,增加店铺的现代感和艺术气息。

3. **风景画**:选择一些美丽的自然风景画,如清晨的田园风光、夜晚的城市景色,让顾客在品尝奶茶的同时也能感受到自然的宁静。

4. **手绘的点缀图案**:比如手绘的奶茶杯、水果、花朵等,可以让顾客感受到店家的用心和独特性。



What does inn of tea with milk hang to draw most flourishing, this question is a bit interesting! Normally for, the adornment style of inn of tea with milk meets the fixed position of the be fond of according to merchant, shop and cause client group will choose. But generally speaking, the picture of a few relaxed, lively, warmth makes the atmosphere that can suit inn of tea with milk more. For instance:

1.The cartoon with lovely ** inserts picture ** : Be like character of cartoon animal, cartoon, these lovely pictures are made can bring cheerful mood to the client, add the lively atmosphere inside inn.

2.** of ** abstract art: The abstract work of art with rich, concise line can give colour the person pound with the vision, add the contemporary feeling of shop and artistic flavor.

3.** landscape ** : Choose the natural landscape of a few beauty, be like the urban outlook of the rurality of early morning, night, invite a customer sampling tea with milk while what also can experience nature is halcyon.

4.The ornament design ** of ** hand draw: For instance the cup of tea with milk of hand draw, fruit, flower, can let a client experience the intention of inn-keeper and uniqueness.

The most important is to want the picture of choice and style of whole of inn of tea with milk and client taste conform to to make, such ability promote the atmosphere of shop and appeal to the greastest extent.
