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1. 春季:在中医五行理论中,春季与肝脏相关,这个季节肝火容易旺盛,特别是对于易感肝火的人而言。

2. 情绪波动:情绪不稳定、易怒、焦虑等情况可能导致肝火升高。

3. 饮食不节:摄入过多刺激性食物、油腻食物、烟酒等,都可能导致肝火旺盛。

4. 熬夜:长时间的熬夜、睡眠不足也会导致肝火上升。



Irascibility most what flourishing points to normally is a kind of condition in the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, mean gas of hepatic this world to be filled too, appeared a series of the body is unwell symptom. According to theory of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, irascibility is exuberant and likely appear below the following circumstance:

1.Spring: In theory of the five elements of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, spring and liver are relevant, this seasonal irascibility is easy and exuberant, especially the person to easy feeling irascibility.

2.The mood is fluctuant: The circumstance such as not stable, irritable, angst may bring about the mood irascibility is elevatory.

3.Food not section: Absorb wine of overmuch excitant food, fat food, smoke to wait, bring about irascibility possibly exuberant.

4.Stay up late: Stay up late for long, Morpheus inadequacy also can bring about irascibility to rise.

When irascibility is exuberant, human body may appear have a headache, the symptom such as buccal suffering, mouth doing, halitosis, irritable, insomnia. Adjust the respect such as food, mood, work and rest to be able to conduce to alleviate the circumstance with exuberant irascibility. If the symptom is serious, the proposal is seasonable go to a doctor.
