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1. **水晶摆件**:水晶被认为具有吸引财富和正能量的能力。可以选择水晶摆件,如水晶球、水晶笼、水晶摆放品等。

2. **绿色植物**:绿色植物有助于改善室内空气质量,同时也象征着生机和繁荣。选择一些常见的室内绿植,如吊兰、绿萝、金钱树等。

3. **镜子**:镜子在风水学中被视为能够反射财富的符号。放置一个美观的镜子,可以使财气更加流畅地进入卧室。

4. **金色或红色装饰品**:金色和红色是象征财富和幸运的颜色。可以选择金色或红色的装饰品,如装饰画、靠垫、地毯等。

5. **收纳整洁**:保持卧室整洁和有序也是吸引财富的重要因素。通过整理衣物、清理杂物等方式,让正能量更容易流动。



Woman bedroom puts the article of a few indicative fortune and prosperity to be able to increase money use. It is a few common choices below:

1.** crystal places a ** : Crystal is thought to have attract fortune and the ability of energy. Can choose crystal to place, if crystal ball, crystal basket, crystal is put,taste etc.

2.** greenery ** : Greenery conduces to improvement indoor air quality, at the same time indicative also opportunity of survival is mixed prosperity. Choose a few common indoor green plant, if bracketplant, green trailing plants, money is cultivated,wait.

3.** mirror ** : The mirror is in geomantic the symbol that can reflex fortune is regarded as in learning. Lay a beautiful mirror, can make money is enraged more glibly enters a bedroom.

4.Aureate or ** is gules adornment ** : Aureate with red it is indicative fortune and lucky color. Can choose aureate or gules adornment, if decorate picture, cushion for leaning on, carpet,wait.

5.** receives neat ** : Maintain a bedroom neat mixing also is the main factor that draws money in order. Through arranging clothings, clear sundry wait for means, let energy flows more easily.

Remember, no matter put what goods, want to undertake choosing according to the individual's be fond of and geomantic knowledge, what maintain a bedroom at the same time is comfortable and beautiful.
