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1. **中性色**:如白色、米色、灰色等,这些颜色通常能够与各种不同的装饰风格相配,而且给人以清爽、明亮的感觉。

2. **浅色木色**:像是淡色的橡木、枫木等,这些颜色给人一种温暖、舒适的感觉,适合于温馨的卧室氛围。

3. **暗色**:如深色的棕色、深灰色、深蓝色等,这些颜色通常会给卧室增添一种沉稳、典雅的氛围,适合于经典或者豪华风格的装饰。

4. **亮色**:比如明亮的红色、蓝色、绿色等,这些颜色可以给卧室带来活力和个性,但需要搭配合适的装饰,避免过于刺眼或者繁杂。



The choice of color of the head of a bed can depend on normally the adornment style of whole bedroom and individual be fond of. Generally speaking, color of a few common the head of a bed choose to include:

1.** neutral lubricious ** : Wait like white, cream-colored, gray, these color can decorate a style with what all sorts of differring normally suitable, and give a person with relaxed, bright feeling.

2.Lubricious ** of wood of ** light color: Resembling is light oak, maple, these color give a person a kind of warmth, comfortable sense, agree with sweet bedroom atmosphere.

3.** of ** dark look: Be like brunet brown, deep gray, blue-black etc, these color can add a kind of composed, elegant atmosphere to the bedroom normally, agree with the adornment of classical luxurious perhaps style.

4.** of ** bright color: For instance bright red, blue, green, these color can bring vigor and personality to the bedroom, but the adornment with tie-in and appropriate need, avoid too dazzling is multifarious perhaps.

No matter choose which kinds of color, the adornment style that should consider whole bedroom and colour are tie-in, and the individual's be fond of and demand.
